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Non-Chronological Reports

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

Comic Life and Non Chronological Reports

This lesson is designed to inspire your children to write non-chronological reports and organise it using a comic theme.

To view the full lesson plan click here .

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

Video Report

This video report is a great introduction to your non chronological reports. It explores three different aspects of Madrid and gives different facts about each just like a written report would.

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

Features in Detail

Explore many of the features of non chronological reports in more detail with many examples to help your children grasp the key points more effectively.

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This resources explores some of the main features of a non chronological report. If you give an example of a non chronological report to your children, they can look for some of these features.

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This animation video shows a struggling inventor called Sherman who is in need of inspiration for developing his flying machine.

Overlooking earth are a group of aliens who are monitoring Sherman’s progression. As the story develops, we learn that aliens were responsible for all major inventions throughout history. The aliens implant Sherman with the knowledge to create his flying machine with a twist.

Lesson Idea:

Create a Non-chronological report based on inventions throughout the years.

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

In the United Kingdom we are lucky enough to have 18 species of bat. Bats are a great topic to base a non-chronological report on as it gives the children the freedom to research a few different species of bat and find out facts.

You could also allow the children to choose one of the species and write a report on it for a more in-depth study. To have a look at an example of a vampire bat non-chronological report  Click Here . To download fact sheets for the 18 species of bat  Click Here .

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

Whales journey throughout all of the world’s oceans, communicating with complex and mysterious sounds. Their sheer size amazes us: the blue whale can reach lengths of more than 100 feet and weigh up to 200 tonnes—as much as 33 elephants.

Despite living in the water, whales breathe air. And like humans, they are warm-blooded mammals who nurse their young. A thick layer of fat called blubber insulates them from cold ocean waters.

Some whales are known as baleen whales. These include the blue, right, bowhead, sei and gray whales. This refers to the fact that they have special bristle-like structures in their mouths (called baleen) that strains food from the water. Other whales, such as beluga or sperm whales, have teeth.

This is a great opportunity for your KS1 children to learn about non-chronological reports and whales.

There are two types of whales (baleen and toothed), but many different species of whales for the children to learn about and research.

The children love learning about whales and it captivates both boys and girls. To download the Powerpoint  Click Here . To download the Whale fact sheets  Click Here . To listen to whale calls  Click Here . To learn more about whales from the WWF  Click Here .

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

Famous People

Check out our resources linked to a variety of famous people from the past to the present. You can use the information from a range of sources to help write a non-chronological report linked to the topic famous people.

It is estimated that there were once more than 350 species of elephants in the world. Today we only have two of them left – the Asian and the Africa species.

These video, image and text resources explore the difference between Asian and African elephants and are suitable for non-chronological reports for your Ks1 class.

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

If you are creating non chronological reports on animals, check out our resources by following the link.

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

It may be popular in your class or it may not. If it is, what better way to introduce your report writing with this example of a Pokemon Report.

Your class can choose a Pokemon or create their own and write a non-chronological report about it.

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Writing newspaper reports KS2 – read all about it!

As non-fiction text types go, news articles provide opportunities to develop a whole range of key writing skills....

By Sue Drury

Last updated 24 June 2020

At first, it may seem a bit odd that a news report is one of the KS2 text types that we have to teach. After all, we are constantly being told that newspapers are a dying industry – the ‘dead tree press’. People are increasingly turning to the internet and social media for their news.

Nevertheless, online news services still have their articles written in a style that closely follows the features of a newspaper report that have endured for decades, if not centuries.

Furthermore, it’s a style that helps to develop a very focused approach to writing. The question is, how can you improve your subject knowledge so that you can teach the genre with confidence? As they used to say, read all about it!

Newspaper article and journalistic writing examples

As with any text type, you need to give your pupils the chance to explore a range of quality examples. The problem these days is that fewer and fewer people regularly take a newspaper. Also, the money-making, attention-grabbing side of the industry is taking over. That means too many of the stories are so sensational or salacious that they are totally unsuitable for primary-age children. If you’re lucky, you might have a solid, upstanding local paper you could fall back on.

Alternatively, try The Week Junior – an excellent current affairs magazine, packed with fascinating, child-focused articles from around the world. Every Tuesday, we share an article from the paper, along with a selection of activities to help pupils explore and challenge the content, so if you’re looking for model texts, why not check out the archive ?

Newspaper template – know the structure

Most news reports follow a similar structure – and for a very good reason. Each story has to fight for attention within a crowded newspaper. Readers will be tempted to move on to the next one if they are not immediately hooked. That is why they tend to have a strong headline to let the reader have some idea of what the story is about. After a by-line to tell you who wrote it, the article goes straight in with the make-or-break section – the first paragraph. More of that in a moment. Thereafter, the facts and events should be told in a logical order. Quotes from witnesses or people who are at the centre of the story give more depth to the article. A summary or wrapping-up statement should bring the piece to a close.

Features of a newspaper report ks2 checklist

Fortunately, this consistent structure lends itself perfectly to primary writers because it provides a template that is simple to follow. This also means that they are easy to plan and the success criteria checklists practically write themselves. We offer a ready-made set of examples through our KS2 Text Types pack for newspaper reports.

Newspaper writing KS2 – keep it real

When planning your own class’s newspaper report activities, try to make it as relevant to them as possible. There is sometimes the temptation to synthesise some potential Pulitzer Prize-winning story. However, you are more likely to get good results if it is something the pupils can actually witness and report on, like sports day, a field trip or a special visitor to your school. You might even get some genuine quotes!

How to write a newspaper report KS2 – the importance of planning

There are potentially two levels of planning here. Of course, there is the usual sort of text planning you would expect for any text type and we can help you there with our effective writing pack for news reports. However, having chosen your event to report on, make sure you brief pupils to take detailed notes and make accurate records of any conversations. After all, a good reporter always takes a notebook and probably a voice recorder.

The 5 Ws of a newspaper report

As promised, here is a closer look at first paragraphs. This is probably the most important part of any news article because it has to address the 5 Ws: who, what, why, where and when. A good journalist will usually be able to answer all those questions in one sentence; let’s be kind and give your pupils two sentences. Either way, brevity is the key.

Try carrying in your mind a good example that you can pick apart with your class. A ten-year-old girl was commended at the town hall by the mayor of Bigtown for services to her community yesterday . Or, how about this: Residents of Marshbury faced road chaos yesterday when a fallen tree blocked the by-pass, causing traffic to be diverted through the town centre . See if pupils can identify the who, what, why where and when for both of those examples.

Newspaper article logic and structure

After the introduction, the story has to be told in a logical order – usually chronological order – and will expand upon the key elements of the introduction.

Quoting direct speech and reported speech

Quotes from witnesses can be interlaced throughout this part although they can also be used towards the end of the report to add more colour. This would be a good opportunity to revise the punctuation rules for direct speech. It could also be the chance to cover or recap reported speech as both forms are frequently used in news articles.

Language features – idioms

News reports often include idiomatic language. This would be a good opportunity to explore idioms further by showing how they are used and explaining what they mean – we have great resource packs for KS2 children covering Victorian , Wild West and Shakespearean idioms… but for current affairs, it’s probably best to stick to those still in common use today !

Language features and grammar – tone

Despite powerful people trying to pretend otherwise, most journalists try very hard to be factual and accurate in their reporting and pupils should bear this in mind when writing their own reports. You can explain that many newspapers have editorial pages where opinions are voiced, but these are separate from the news pages and require a different sort of writing, typically persuasive writing or, ideally, balanced arguments.

That’s the news at 10 tips. Now for a look at the weather…

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  • How To Write A Newspaper Report Ks2 English Resources

KS2 newspaper report – Best activities & resources

Young kid reading large newspaper

Extra! Extra! Boost students' non-fiction writing skills with these newspaper report templates, guidelines, formats, tips, worksheets and more…


Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a fresh face in the teaching world, these creative and educational KS2 newspaper report ideas and resources will not only inspire your students but also make learning about news reporting an exciting adventure.

So, let’s dive in and transform your classroom into a bustling newsroom…

Newspaper writing activity ideas for KS2

Ks2 newspaper report resources.

Investigate word choice and non-fiction writing with your very own school newspaper project, explains teacher Karen Hart…

In my school, this KS2 newspaper report activity formed part of a ‘looking at information texts’ literacy project. The activity delivered great results. Children contributed imaginative language to stories that were both inventive and genuinely funny.

Preparing for the activity

Although many newspaper reports are not suitable for general reading at KS2, most local papers or specialist children’s newspapers contain plenty of suitable content.

Prior to this activity, look at some newspapers in detail and talk about their constituent parts, such as:

  • advice columns
  • sports section
  • business news

Information texts

Start with a whole-class activity. Look at a few news stories covering a range of subjects. Our session included a story about the London Marathon; one about healthy eating and a report of a T-Rex skeleton that was going to auction.

Lead a discussion. Encourage children to talk about why these subjects are interesting to people. How does the language used make the written stories seem both interesting and exciting?  

Exciting writing

Next, look at these stories in more detail. Write lists of the words children think were chosen specifically to add interest.

For example, our T-Rex story included words such as  menacing pose , and  bloodthirsty stance . Get the pupils to work in groups to write their own short news story using the title, ‘Giant, hairy creature spotted in [your location]’. Aim to make it as exciting as possible.

Each group might have a different take on the topic. You can also do this as a whole-class activity.  

Write a KS2 newspaper report

Now, working in groups of two to three, give the children an envelope containing two short news story cuttings, plus two unrelated newspaper picture cuttings.

We used stories about ‘King Charles visits Dunfermline’ and ‘Twins grow record-breaking pumpkin’, plus pictures of a squirrel and a wedding cake. 

Support the pupils to write their own short news stories combining at least two of their given cuttings.

KS2 newspaper report example

Remind them to consider elements they’ve already covered, such as language choice, and to think about how they can combine seemingly unrelated things (such as a squirrel and King Charles’ Dunfermline visit) in a funny or unexpected way.  

Structuring writing

To help structure their stories, give children a simple framework to work with, and display it on the board.

  • headline  (title)
  • byline  (names of people writing the article)
  • location  (explains where the story takes place at the beginning of the story)
  • story  (the main part – who, what, when, why, and how
  • supporting information  (any extra facts that are relevant)

Make sure to talk about all these terms and what they mean. 

Newsreader activity

Pupils can create their own images to accompany their news stories, and then finish off the workshop with a fun newsreader activity.

Staying in their groups, ask children to pretend to be newsreaders, taking turns to read their stories to the rest of the class. Be mindful that not everyone likes to read in front of others.

For the finale, work to combine all the news stories into a class newspaper.  

Karen Hart is an independent drama teacher, author and freelance writer.

Newspaper front page template

KS2 newspaper report template

When it comes to writing a KS2 newspaper report, a great place to start is to have a free, printable template to work from. So we’ve created one for you to download and print.

BFG newspaper report

KS2 newspaper report BFG lesson plan

Roald Dahl’s beloved BFG story provides the perfect opportunity to tackle newspaper report writing. This engaging activity involves acting as journalists to investigate and write a newspaper report about Sophie’s disappearance based on evidence found at the scene.

Write a magical Harry Potter report

Newspaper reports for KS2

Enliven the process of teaching newspaper reports for KS2 by imagining you are journalists reporting on a magical story within the world of Harry Potter with this free lesson plan .

Topical Tuesdays with First News

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

If you want to expose children to the language and layouts of newspaper but you’re worried about them coming across unsuitable material, try a specialist children’s newspaper such as First News.

Literary resources website Plazoom has a large collection of news story clippings from the paper that you can download for free , alongside Topical Tuesdays activity sheets that help you explore the chosen news report as a class.

‘Hack’ and edit websites

KS2 newspaper report lesson plan

This free lesson plan uses a free tool called  Hackasaurus , which allows you to change the content of other people’s websites.

Using Hackasaurus, you can ‘hack’ any website and change it to display the content that you provide (this works particularly well with news providers). It is extremely easy to do and will look more authentic than creating a whole website from scratch.

But don’t worry, although it will look genuine, the website won’t really be hacked – it’s just a very real-looking copy. The internet police won’t be knocking on your door.

Newspaper report presentation with video

KS2 newspaper report video screenshot

In this lesson from Oak Teacher Hub’s Spiderman unit , pupils will revise all the features of a newspaper report and write their own. The resource contains a presentation and a video.

Layout devices teaching sequence

KS2 newspaper report layout lesson plan

This KS2 grammar teaching sequence for layout devices from Plazoom helps children familiarise themselves with different types of newspaper report layouts, before trying the techniques out themselves to present three key facts about a topic they know well.

Features of a newspaper report

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This BBC Bitesize guide goes over all the basics about newspaper articles in a short, snappy video, plus there’s a quick interactive activity where children label a front page with the correct terms such as ‘headline’, ‘caption’ and ‘title’.

News report writing tips

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This post from First News features ten top tips for writing a newspaper report to help pupils perfect their articles.

Fact or opinion worksheet

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This simple worksheet is divided into three sections. The first presents a number of statements for pupils to decide whether they’re fact or opinion.

The second asks them to write their own facts and opinions on various things. The third features three passages where they need to pick out the facts and opinions.

Plus, there’s an extension activity that asks them to write their own newspaper article and then underline the facts and opinions in different colours.

Analyse the presentation of newspaper articles

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This lesson plan was designed for a mixed-ability Year 7 class, so should be easily adaptable for upper-KS2. It involves looking closely at a newspaper article and identifying language and presentational features that support meaning in non-fiction text.

Opening lines

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This Word document features a number of headlines and opening sentences to newspaper articles and tasks students to match them together.

It then gives them a number of important questions to answer and tasks to do, from picking out keywords to considering what they think each article will be about or what the main photo might be.

Click here to download.

Use drama to explore the stories behind newspaper headlines

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

This free unit of work lets KS2 pupils use drama to explore the stories  behind  newspaper headlines. It focuses on creating story, looking at pivotal moments, exploring character and feelings, reporting, representing and recording news items.

The scheme is presented as one long unit but you can easily divide it into shorter lessons.

Newspaper reports example articles

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

For a wealth of free downloadable reports and recounts, head over to  Literacy Wagoll  where you’ll find reports of dragons on the loose and Jack climbing the beanstalk, as well as reports on topics such as WW2 and the Rugby World Cup final.

More activities

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

Over at Teachit Primary there’s a great selection of newspaper-related activities for KS2.

There’s this one that explains the concept of the  inverted news pyramid , where all essential information is stacked at the front of the article.

There’s this one on  avoiding ambiguity , and one on  refraining from repetition , plus this one on  the art of alliteration in headlines .

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Spanish Introduction Activity - Todo Sobre Mi - Primary MFL

Spanish Introduction Activity - Todo Sobre Mi - Primary MFL

Subject: Spanish

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Primary MFL

Last updated

13 July 2024

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how to write an introduction for a report ks2

A great first day activity for Spanish classes. Students fill in personal information on a fun cut out page that turns into an opening and closing pencil.

Activity can be differentiated / personalised by students drawing or writing their responses.

For more advanced learners, this activity can be used to reinforce writing and reading of basic information as well as using the imperative in instructions.

Recommended to be printed A3 size. Scissors and glue required. Tried and tested KS2 and KS3. Includes instruction page.

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To write an information text (Part 1)

Switch to our new english teaching resources.

Slide decks, worksheets, quizzes and lesson planning guidance designed for your classroom.

how to write an introduction for a report ks2

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • In this lesson, we will introduce our witch and explain what they look like.

This content is made available by Oak National Academy Limited and its partners and licensed under Oak’s terms & conditions (Collection 1), except where otherwise stated.

Lesson appears in

Unit english / non-chronological report: all about witches.


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    To write the opening paragraph of a non-chronological report. ... To write the opening paragraph of a non-chronological report. Download all resources. Share activities with pupils. Switch to our new English teaching resources. Slide decks, worksheets, quizzes and lesson planning guidance designed for your classroom.

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    In the United Kingdom we are lucky enough to have 18 species of bat. Bats are a great topic to base a non-chronological report on as it gives the children the freedom to research a few different species of bat and find out facts. You could also allow the children to choose one of the species and write a report on it for a more in-depth study.

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  13. Writing newspaper reports KS2

    Features of a newspaper report ks2 checklist. Fortunately, this consistent structure lends itself perfectly to primary writers because it provides a template that is simple to follow. This also means that they are easy to plan and the success criteria checklists practically write themselves. We offer a ready-made set of examples through our KS2 ...

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    To write the opening of a non-chronological report. To write the opening of a non-chronological report. Download all resources. Share activities with pupils. ... we will use the plan to write an opening paragraph. We will look closely at a modelled write to understand the expectations and write sentences that they plan to use in their opening.

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    Activity can be differentiated / personalised by students drawing or writing their responses. For more advanced learners, this activity can be used to reinforce writing and reading of basic information as well as using the imperative in instructions. Recommended to be printed A3 size. Scissors and glue required. Tried and tested KS2 and KS3.

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