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Citation Management : EndNote

  • Format a Citation
  • EndNote Online
  • How to Switch Citation Managers

Access EndNote

endnote bibliographic software

EndNote 21 is available from the Yale IT Software Library, and is free to members of the Yale community. EndNote is a commercial citation management software package produced by Clarivate Analytics, the owners of the database Web of Science. It is a commercial program that Yale licenses for the members of its community.

To get the most out of EndNote: 

  • Create an account to later access your library from other devices and collaborate with other users.
  • Set up Find Full Text  to easily access full-text resources.
  • Set up Cite While You Write  to integrate seamlessly with Microsoft Word or Apple Pages.
  • Download EndNote Search for "EndNote" and select the option for either Windows or Mac.

Add References

  • Conduct a search in a database
  • Select which resources you want to export. After you’ve checked your boxes, locate and click Export, Send To, or Download
  • Select Citation Manager, or sometimes there will even be a specific option for EndNote. To be compatible with EndNote, you’ll need to download file formats such as .nbib, .ciw or .txt with a filter installed
  • Open the downloaded file and enjoy your new citations!
  • From the References drop-down, select New Reference. You can also use the icon with a document and plus sign
  • Select your material type, with options ranging from Aggregated Database to Web Page
  • Enter the information you have, save your reference and close out of the window

Write a Paper

Open your document:

  • Locate the EndNote toolbar, generally located on the right side of the ribbon
  • When it's time to insert a references, select Go to EndNote
  • Select the citation that supports your claims by clicking on it once to highlight
  • The in-text citation and reference will appear in your document
  • Is your citation in the wrong style? Selet the Style drop-down menu and pick another style

Create a Bibliography

  • Pick your preferred output style.
  • Select the Output Style drop-down menu
  • To select all: Edit > Select All.
  • From the Edit drop-down, select Copy Formatted.
  • Open a blank document and paste the text.

EndNote Overview

  • Storing an unlimited amount of references and attached documents
  • Team access to a single library
  • Find Full Text functionality, which digs through Yale’s databases for you to find articles
  • A wide variety of citation styles
  • Compatibility with Microsoft Word and Apple Pages to insert citations and bibliographies
  • Deduplication of libraries, merging identical references into one record
  • Free vendor support and troubleshooting
  • Direct export of references from resources such as PubMed and Web of Science
  • Library lives on local device, meaning you can access your materials without internet connection
  • Be sure to back up your library manually or create a Sync account in order to not lose your library if your computer fails
  • The full functionality of EndNote is not offered in its online iteration, so if you do work from a variety of machines, a different tool may better suit your needs
  • As EndNote is a paid, licensed tool, you may not have access to newer versions of EndNote if you leave Yale

EndNote Support

For technical troubleshooting, contact EndNote directly .

  • Yale Tutorials
  • Vendor Tutorials

EndNote After Graduation

After graduation, desktop EndNote will remain available on your personal computer. After your Net ID expires, you will no longer be able to use Find Full Text to access Yale resources. You will also not be able to update versions of the software without paying.

Contact Yale Library

For general questions, tips, and assistance, contact your personal librarian!

To find your personal librarian:  Yale College ,  Medicine , or  Divinity .

Don't have a Personal Librarian? Reach out to a Subject Specialist Librarian , or contact Ask Yale Library .

Page Information

This page was updated by Caitlin Meyer on November 19, 2018. Please reach out for corrections or additional information.

  • << Previous: Zotero
  • Next: EndNote Online >>
  • Last Updated: May 29, 2024 8:25 AM
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Citation Management Tools

Getting started.

  • Microsoft Office 365 Word Add-in
  • Write-N-Cite
  • RefWorks Citation Manager: Word 365 Add-in
  • Caution: Automatic Full-Text Download
  • Cite While You Write

Citation Management with EndNote 20

Installation, compatibility, configuring endnote preferences and downloading pdfs, endnote click.

  • Library Sharing

Backup & Library Safety

  • Caution: Automatic Full-Text Download Feature
  • EndNote 20: Windows and macOS: Release Notes

EndNote 20 features include the ability to:

  • Insert in-text citations and create bibliographies with Cite While You Write (CWYW).
  • Rapidly import database files.
  • Sync to EndNote Online  (note: EndNote 21 syncs to a separate online tool, located at
  • Share libraries.
  • Customize citation styles.

EndNote is available to Thomas Jefferson University faculty, students and staff; Jefferson Hospitals: TJUH, JHN and Methodist clinicians and staff;  and Jefferson residents, postdocs and fellows.

  • EndNote: Do's and Don'ts Tips include: backup, syncing, sharing libraries, automatic formatting of large documents, author input, Google Doc incompatibility, editing citations, concurrent viewing in read-only mode, and more.
  • EndNote 20 Installer, License Key and Instructions This desktop tool may be downloaded for use by Jefferson students, faculty, and staff for use on their own computers. Contact Jefferson IS&T (215-955-7975) for help installing on Jefferson computers. Contact [email protected] for additional assistance.
  • Save a Compressed Library: EndNote .enlx backup before updating from a previous EndNote version.
  • EndNote: How to Uninstall Note: uninstalling an older version before installing EndNote 20 is not required. Both X9 and EndNote 20 may be installed on the same computer, but once EndNote 20 is the default application it is recommended that X9 be uninstalled.
  • Download EndNote Mobile Application on iPhone and iPad
  • EndNote: Generate Full or Abbreviated Journal Names
  • Working with EndNote Terms Lists
  • Compatibility with Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista
  • Compatibility with Windows 11: EndNote 20 Tested with EndNote 20; no major compatibility issues were found.
  • Apple M1/M2/M3 Chip Compatibility The EndNote 21 & 20.1.0 update provides compatibility with Apple Silicon-based macOS. Please update to EndNote 20.1.0 EndNote 20: Updates Workaround provided for error messages.
  • macOS Catalina EndNote 20 is compatible.
  • macOS Big Sur Compatible with EndNote 20.1.0
  • macOS Monterey Tested with EndNote 20; no major compatibility issues were found.
  • macOS Ventura Tested with EndNot 20; no major compatibility issues were found.
  • macOS Sonoma EndNote 20 and earlier were not designed for Sonoma. We suggest upgrading to EndNote 21.
  • EndNote 20 User Help Guide (Windows) Comprehensive 586 page manual.
  • EndNote 20 User Help Guide (macOS) Comprehensive 553 page manual.
  • How to Use EndNote 20 in Seven Minutes: Windows
  • How to Use EndNote 20 in Seven Minutes: macOS
  • User Resources: EndNote 20 Quick Reference Guides for both Mac and Windows: adding a new reference, edit and manage citations, insert citation, library overview, library sharing, library syncing.
  • EndNote 20 Essentials (macOS): A Class Recording
  • EndNote 20 Essentials (Windows): A Class Recording
  • Featured and Trending Articles Install additional output styles, compatibility with Dropbox and other cloud services.
  • Generate Full or Abbreviated Journal Names EndNote provides a number of Terms Lists to make sure that the journal names in your bibliography are either the full name or abbreviation as your style requires.
  • Retraction Alerts in EndNote 20 Receive instantaneous retraction alerts for journal articles identified by Retraction Watch ( in EndNote 20.2 and higher.

Jefferson Libraries has transitioned from EZproxy to OpenAthens authentication for access to journal articles. EndNote Desktop is not supported by OpenAthens and only the OpenURL   Path may be added via Preferences ( Authenticate with: URL: input field is now left empty).

To attach a PDF to a citation manager (during or after the import process), you’ll need to configure the citation manager tool with the library’s   OpenURL   ( ):

  • Open EndNote
  • On the Edit menu (EndNote 20 on Mac), select Preferences
  • Select Find Full Text
  • Paste the OpenURL (above) into the box labeled OpenURL Path
  • Select Apply and then OK to save changes

EndNote Find Full Text Preferences

Please note:  without the Authenticate with: URL: EndNote's Find Full Text is not totally functional at this time (we hope for an eventual fix) as it is only relying upon the OpenURL to import PDFs. 

EndNote Click is an alternative option  for capturing full text (PDFs must have embedded digital object identifiers to be successfully imported).

  • A Class Recording: Introducing EndNote Click
  • EndNote 20 (Windows): Importing PDF Files macOS: selecting Import opens a window displaying the Options button on the lower left for PDF File or Folder.
  • EndNote 20 (Windows) PDF Auto Import folder macOS: Preferences is located via the EndNote 20 menu, compared to the Windows Edit menu. Otherwise, the process is the same.
  • EndNote: Optimizing Find Full Text results Includes discussion of OpenURL linking to PDFs at 3m:40s.
  • Capturing from Google Scholar: EndNote Click
  • Capturing from PubMed: EndNote Click
  • Connection Finder Connection files contain all the information necessary for EndNote to search and import references from an online database. Use the Connection Finder to search for a specific Information Provider.
  • Filter Finder Use import filters to transfer information previously downloaded from an online database. Search for filters to locate a specific Information Provider.
  • Style Finder Search for a style name and/or citation style and/or publisher.
  • Library Sharing and Editing EndNote 20.2 will allow you to share with up to 400 other colleagues. EndNote 20.1 will allow you to share with up to 200 other colleagues.
  • Sharing Groups Using EndNote 21, 20 and X9 Desktop Version Group sharing provides entire teams with immediate and real-time access to an EndNote group. A group is a selected set of references from an EndNote library. Group sharing is recommended as an alternative to saving a library or group on a shared drive or emailing a compressed copy around to collaborators.
  • Expert Features in EndNote 20 (macOS) Includes library syncing, sharing, customizing reference formatting and more.

Due to conflicts with citation IDs, it is recommended that one author be responsible for writing (inserting in-text citations and creating bibliographies) the manuscript.

  • Backing Up the EndNote Library: Create An .enlx File Refer to the sections for Compress Library for EndNote X and later users: "You can save your complete library (the filename.enl file as well as its associated .Data folder and all of its contents) to a single compressed filename.enlx file in order to easily back up your library or send a copy to a colleague. Later, you can easily restore (unzip) the compressed library with EndNote." Includes video: In action: EndNote 20 Compress Library.
  • Library Safety Dropbox is a cloud based file sharing service. Our database products (EndNote™, Reference Manager and ProCite) were not designed for compatibility with this service or other cloud storage. While you can use the service to keep a backup copy or share a compressed copy of your database file(s), we do not recommend opening and/or using the database from that location. If you have your database files saved to Dropbox or any cloud storage, we recommend you copy the files to another location on your computer or remote drive before you open them.
  • Paul J. Gutman Library Help Options: Chat with Library Staff, Request Consultation
  • Scott Memorial Library Help Options: Chat with library staff, Ask-A-Librarian, Request Consultation
  • EndNote: featured and trending articles, submit an inquiry and Clarivate contact information
  • << Previous: Cite While You Write
  • Next: Caution: Automatic Full-Text Download Feature >>
  • Last Updated: May 28, 2024 4:20 PM
  • URL:
  • Research Guides

Citation Management: EndNote

  • Using Find Fulltext in EndNote

About Endnote 

The EndNote citation management software allows you to create your own personal library of references to books, articles and documents. References can include citation information (author, title, publisher, etc.) as well as annotations, graphics, and even copies of the documents themselves. EndNote then works with Microsoft Word and other word processors to automatically add references to your paper and format your bibliography in the proper style (MLA, APA, Chicago Style, etc.). 

There are 2 Versions of Endnote

EndNote Online (sign up for a free account using your VU email)

EndNote 20 Desktop Version (can purchase through VU Software Store)

There are various ways to build an EndNote Library (basically, a database to store references for deployment in documents), including

adding the references by manual entry

connecting to, searching, and downloading references directly from a remote database using the connection file/online search feature

saving the results of a database search and using a specific import filter to add them to your library

Account Creation 

  • Endnote Online Register for account within Web of Science, using your Vanderbilt email. Endnote is located top right under Products.
  • Endnote for Students (VU Software Store)
  • Endnote for Faculty and Departments (VU Software Store) more... less... License use is restricted to Vanderbilt owned computers and computers owned by Vanderbilt employees. You must buy one license for each computer you wish to install the software on.

Setting up your Account & Using Endnote 

  • Endnote Online - Set Up for setting up online account, adding citations, sharing citations, & cite while you write
  • Endnote Desktop - Start Up Guide for setting up sync between desktop version and online account, sharing citations, & cite while you write
  • EndNote Training Videos and downloadable guides from, available for Windows & macOS

Who to Contact

For citation management software training and support, contact one of the following library staff members:

Chris Benda (Divinity Library) Ramona Romero (Central Library) Rachel Lane Walden (Eskind Biomedical Library)

Mendeley Camille Ivey (Eskind Biomedical Library) David Golann (Peabody Library)

Chris Benda (Divinity Library) David Golann (Peabody Library) Kashif Graham (Divinity Library) Heather LaFerriere (Eskind Biomedical Library) Pam Morgan (Central Library) Keegan Osinski (Divinity Library) Ramona Romero (Central Library) Bobby Smiley (Divinity Library)

  • << Previous: Welcome
  • Next: Using Find Fulltext in EndNote >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024 2:25 PM
  • URL:

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Organizing and Creating Information

  • Citation and Attribution

Setting Up EndNote

Adding and collecting references, organizing references, writing with endnote, learning objectives.

  • Literature Reviews

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  • Submit a question via email Submit a question, and a librarian will respond via email.
  • Request a Consultation with your Librarian
  • Explore other library research guides See the full list of Library research guides, organized by subject.
  • Suggest a purchase Submit this form to ask the Library to purchase new materials to support your research.

This page was created to help you:

  • Import, edit, and organize references using EndNote
  • Select and change citation style in a document
  • Manage references throughout the research process
  • Describe why you would choose EndNote over other software

What can it do?

EndNote is a powerful tool for collecting and citing bibliographic references. You can create groups to organize and share your references, and use any of the 5000+ output filters or customize your output to get exactly what you want. EndNote is very good at handling large libraries and imported files, and the output styles are customizable. The PDFs and associated files are located locally on your machine, so you are only limited to the amount of storage on your computer (vs. cloud storage limits).

Citation or reference managers can do the following:

  • Manage citations/references
  • Organize PDFs and notes
  • Generate and format references, footnotes, and bibliographies
  • Share your library and collaborate with others
  • Save you time and frustration when wrangling research sources

EndNote is licensed for Brown faculty, staff, and students on Brown owned or personally owned computers, and is available for download in Brown's Software Catalog .

Jump to the section you need:

  • Adding and Collecting References


Register online, create your library, configure online syncing.

Download the latest version of EndNote from  Brown's software catalog . You'll be prompted to enter your Brown username and password. Open the downloaded package and follow the installation prompts.

Register for an online EndNote account . This is not required but will allow you to sync your library to the cloud and share your library with others.

Open EndNote. If you are on a PC, you will see a gray blank screen. If you are on a Mac, you will only see a toolbar on the top of your screen. You will need to create your first library by clicking "File," then "New." 

Note: You can create multiple EndNote libraries, but can only configure one to sync with your online account.

For PC users, click "Edit" in the top toolbar, then "Preferences." For Mac users, click "EndNote 20" in the top toolbar, then "Preferences." Select "Sync" from the left-side menu, then click "Enable Sync":


From there, you will be prompted to enter your account details. Online syncing is not necessary to use EndNote. However, it is necessary if you'd like to share references with others, access your library from a different computer, or recover a lost library. 


If you are successfully synced to your online account, you will see a green check mark next to "Sync Status."

There are three main ways to populate your EndNote library with references:

  • Add references manually (this may be necessary for material like datasets or archival objects)
  • Export references from bibliographic databases (use this for journal articles)
  • Import PDFs (for downloaded PDFs that you already have saved to your computer)

Add references manually

To enter references by hand: From the top menu bar, select the new reference icon, or click "References" from the top toolbar, then "New Reference."


Select the appropriate reference type, such as Journal Article, from the drop-down menu.  (This is important because it determines the fields that will show in the citation.)

  • Remember to enter multiple author names on separate lines (with a hard return after each name).  
  • You can enter author names either last name first with a comma ("Smith, Jane") or first name first ("Jane Smith").
  • When entering a corporate or institutional author name like "Brown University" or "Centers for Disease Control," enter a comma after the name. This will prevent EndNote from inverting or abbreviating the name as it would for an individual author's.
  • When typing in the title of an item, do not use the hard return. Instead, let EndNote wrap the text for you.


Export References from a Database

Search the database via the web interface as you normally would. Select the references you want, then save or export them. Every database works a little differently. Some offer an obvious EndNote export, like Web of Science:


And some offer a more generic RIS export (like Ebsco databases):


Most databases can export to EndNote with these general steps:

  • Select the citations you want to save with an "Add" button or check box.
  • Look for a "Save" or "Export" button.
  • Choose "Save to EndNote" or "Export to your bibliographic software" or a similar option. In many cases you want the RIS format. Some databases may also allow you to batch multiple citations for export. 
  • Open the resulting downloaded file. Your computer will most likely associate the file type with EndNote and prompt you to select a library to house the references. 

Import PDFs

In many cases, EndNote can generate bibliographic information from PDFs that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. Most journal articles have this number embedded in the file. If the PDF does not have a DOI number or if the PDF does not have OCR encoded text (for example, if it was scanned from paper and not OCR'ed), this will not work.

To import a PDF, go to File → Import.


Then navigate to the PDF you'd like to upload. You can select one or several. To select several, CTRL-click on the file in Windows or Command-click for Mac.  Make sure  to click "Options" in the bottom left corner of the prompt window:


This opens a list of import option filters. Choosing the correct import option will tell EndNote which file type to expect. If you forget to configure this, nothing will happen after you try to import your file. Choose "PDF File or Folder," then click "Import":


View and Sort

Create groups, find full text, remove duplicates, share your library.

By default, all of your references are listed together in a central collection called "My Library." You can use this area to organize and browse through your references. 

Sort references by clicking on the column names (e.g., Author, Year, Added to Library).

endnote bibliographic software

You can toggle the sort order by clicking the same heading again to make it sort in reverse. You can also select additional fields to display by right clicking on any column heading. This can be useful if you are using a particular field for notes or to mark references read/unread.

endnote bibliographic software

Edit references  by double clicking on the reference, then make changes in the resulting window tab. 

endnote bibliographic software

Organize your citations into categories by creating custom groups (folders). EndNote comes with three permanent groups that cannot be renamed or deleted. These are: All References, Unfiled, and Trash.

endnote bibliographic software

There are also temporary groups that are created by EndNote as needed such as Recently Added, Copied References, Duplicate References, etc.


You can also right click (Windows) or CTRL-click (Mac) in the groups area on the left side panel, then click "Create Group."

endnote bibliographic software

A Smart Group allows you to set criteria (such as author) to automatically pull matching references into a dynamic group:


A group set allows you to create a group of groups. This could be useful, for instance, to organize projects and papers under particular classes. 

endnote bibliographic software

You will see all of your groups listed to the left. You can add references to each group by dragging and dropping. A reference can belong to several group; this will not create a duplicate.

EndNote can be used to find full text, whether it's held by Brown subscription or is freely available. For best results off-campus, connect to Brown's VPN (instructions for this are here ). You can also make some custom configurations in your EndNote preferences to increase the likelihood of successfully connecting to full text. Click EndNote - Settings (for Mac), or Edit - Settings (for PC) to open your preferences. Click the Find Full Text section. Make sure all of the boxes in this section are checked. 

Under the OpenURL path, paste in this URL:

Under the Authenticate with: field, paste in this URL:

endnote bibliographic software

Select one or several references to search for full text. Then click on the Find Full Text icon in the top toolbar. This will look like a page icon with a magnifying glass on top:

endnote bibliographic software

You may be prompted to log in with your Brown ID and password. The results of Find Full Text will be displayed in the left panel. Any resulting PDFs that were retrieved will be automatically attached to their corresponding reference.


It's possible to deduplicate your EndNote library on a reference by reference basis, or all at once.

To deduplicate individual references :

  • Select all of the references in your library by clicking CTRL-A.
  • From the top toolbar under Library, click "Find Duplicates"

endnote bibliographic software

  • From the resulting pop-up, review each record to decide which to keep and which to discard. Any differences will be highlighted.

endnote bibliographic software

To deduplicate all records at once:

  • Follow the steps as described above, but instead of reviewing each record, click "Cancel."

endnote bibliographic software

  • This brings you to a temporary holding area where all one reference for each pair is highlighted:

endnote bibliographic software

  • To remove all copies, simply drag and drop them into the trash.

endnote bibliographic software

You can share either your entire library or a specific group with other people.

To share your entire library, click File - Share. From the resulting pop up, enter the email address of the person you'd like to add.

endnote bibliographic software

In the resulting prompt, enter the email addresses of people you would like to add to your library, then click "Invite." This will automatically send them an email with instructions for setting up an EndNote online account, if they don't already have one, and instructions for accessing your library via the EndNote desktop.

To see libraries others have shared with you, click File → Open Shared Library, then select the email address of the library owner. 

To share a specific group, open the group in your library, then click the person icon:

endnote bibliographic software

Add In-Text References

Additional output styles.

Use the EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW) Plug-in in MS Word to insert references and to format citations and bibliographies automatically.

The EndNote plug-in should be added when you install EndNote on your computer.

endnote bibliographic software

Note: If after installation you do not see an EndNote tab in Microsoft Word Ribbon or Tools Menu, check "Word Options" tab in Windows or "Chooser" on a Mac. 

Inserting References in Your MS Word Document

  • With your MS Word document open, place the cursor in the location where the citation should appear.
  • Select the EndNote tab, then "Insert Citation." This tool searches your entire library (i.e., all reference fields for all references in all folders).
  • Enter a term like the author or part of the reference title in the search box to find the reference or references to insert.
  • Select the desired reference(s). To insert multiple references in one citation, click each reference while holding the Ctrl key.
  • Click "Insert." Note the small arrow next to Insert, which will allow you to select custom options such as adding the reference to the bibliography only, or exclude the author or year if needed.


Once you insert a reference from your Library in MS Word, you'll notice that a new group is automatically created in your EndNote library specifically for the references embedded in your document:

endnote bibliographic software

Alternate Methods for Inserting References

  • Highlight the desired reference in EndNote.
  • In your MS Word document, place the cursor in the location where the citation should appear.
  • Select the EndNote tab, then "Insert Citation," then "Insert Selected Citation(s)" from the drop-down.

endnote bibliographic software

  • Open your word document and EndNote library side-by-side.
  • Highlight the reference in EndNote.
  • Drag and drop the reference to the correct location within Word.

Copy and Paste Formatted References

If you don't have a need for in-text citations followed by a bibliography and just want a quickly formatted citation to paste into Word (or an email, or anywhere else), go to your EndNote library. From the top menu, click "Tools," then "Output Styles," then select the bibliographic style you'd like.

endnote bibliographic software

 Next, right-click on the desired reference or references. Select "Copy Formatted," then paste it into your document.


Note: This creates plain text. It is not linked back to the EndNote reference, and you can't change the style once you copy/paste. For full functionality, you need to insert references using the "Cite While You Write" add-in.  

To Change Your Reference Style in Your Document:

Go to "Style" then choose the desired style from the drop down menu. If your journal style does not appear, select "Select another style" from the dropdown and select your style from that list. 


If your preferred output style is not available, it is most likely available to download from EndNote Styles . For instance, you may be looking for a particular journal style. Simply search for the name of the style, then click "Download. Open the resulting file, then click "File," then "Save As," then close the style window. 

This page was designed to help you:

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  • Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024 3:55 PM
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What is EndNote?

EndNote ® is commercial bibliographic management software that enables authors to manage, organize, and annotate references and bibliographies. It is widely used for managing citations when preparing manuscripts to publish articles, books, dissertation, etc. It is available as a free download to all NJIT students and faculty.

With EndNote, you can:

  • Create and search your own library of references
  • Download references from the web and databases
  • Attach PDFs of articles to citations and make notes
  • CITE While You Write:   Automatically insert citations while you write
  • Sync and share references using EndNote Web
  • Automatically change citation style (APA, IEEE, etc.)

Download EndNote

  • Last Updated: Mar 8, 2024 11:35 AM
  • URL:

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EndNote Research Guide: Bibliographic Citations Tools

  • Bibliographic Citations Tools
  • EndNote Online

EndNote helps you collect and organize data for citations in 'libraries' for the books, articles, and other resources that you use in your research.  EndNote libraries can be stored on your computer's hard drive or other media so that they are always with you (no need to log-in to an internet server).  You can import/export to EndNote the citation data found in many library databases and online catalogs, using direct import thus saving time and effort. 

EndNote's 'Cite While You Write'  (CWYW) feature allows you to easily format your references in a variety of manuscript styles (e.g. APA, MLA, and more) and insert them in your paper as you write.

Learn more about EndNote from the official website:

Which version of EndNote is right for me?

Bentley Library offers the following most recent versions EndNote products for current students, faculty, and staff:

  • Basic Version of EndNote.
  • Recommended for anyone  who wants to try out a citation manager.
  • Students who are working on a semester-long project for a class. 
  • Recommended for  all users  who want to share their libraries and collaborate with other EndNote users (whether other Bentley users or colleagues at other institutions).
  • Full Version of EndNote.
  • Recommended for  faculty, staff,  and students working on long-term research projects.
  • Can be used in conjunction with EndNote Online to take advantage of sharing capabilities. 

Bentley Resources for Citing and Writing

Recommended research guides.

  • Citing Sources by Joseph Middleton Last Updated Jan 12, 2024 322 views this year
  • Citing Online Business Resources using APA Style (7th Edition) by Lisa Curtin Last Updated Mar 20, 2024 5666 views this year
  • Zotero by Katie Leahy Last Updated Feb 3, 2023 12 views this year

Popular Style & Citation Guides

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  • Harvard Business School Citation Guide

Centers & Tutorial Assistance

  • Writing Center The Writing Center, located on the Lower Level of the library, provides assistance with writing skills and is staffed by peer tutors. Hours, contact information, and information on scheduling an appointment is located on this site.
  • ESOL Center Tutorial assistance for students whose home language is not English located on the lower level of the library.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo

  • Next: EndNote Online >>
  • Last Updated: Jan 12, 2024 4:37 PM
  • URL:

University Library

EndNote: Introduction

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Building a Library
  • Searching Databases
  • Citing While Writing
  • EndNote Web

Library Help

Kelli Trei

Biosciences Librarian

Erin Kerby

Veterinary Medicine Life Sciences Librarian

Helpful Links

  • EndNote website
  • EndNote Support
  • EndNote 30-Day Trial
  • Buy EndNote
  • EndNote Training on YouTube
  • EndNote Knowledgebase
  • EndNote for iPad
  • Ask a Librarian

EndNote Help Manuals

  • Endnote 20 (Windows)
  • Endnote 20 (Mac)

What is EndNote?

EndNote is software that allows you to keep track of your citations, organize them into folders, and create references and bibliographies in your papers.

  • Create your own searchable library of citations, often with links to full text or pdfs of articles
  • Search library databases (including the library catalog) from within EndNote, and import citations
  • Or search directly within the databases and export the citations you want
  • Use EndNote to easily format references and bibliographies in your papers to conform to styles used by hundreds of different journals

EndNote is similar to Mendeley and Zotero, but has some unique functionality such as pulling in PDFs en masse, and searching databases from within the EndNote platform.

Unlike these web-based applications, EndNote is not free, though it is available through the University at a subsidized rate and requires download and installation. You can download a 30-day trial version from the Endnote website, or purchase it in the following ways:

  • One year access for $55 from the  University of Illinois WebStore .  
  • One time purchase for a  student license from EndNote for 149.95.
  • Upgrade purchase for non-student license from EndNote  for 124.95.
  • One time purchase for non-student license from EndNote for 274.95.

Click here for a graphic that provides a quick comparison of these citation management systems.

How to Use EndNote 20 in 7 Minutes-Windows

How to Use EndNote 20 in 7 Minutes-Mac

Kelli Trei, Biosciences Librarian

Profile Photo

  • Next: Getting Started >>
  • Last Updated: Nov 17, 2023 2:42 PM
  • URL:

Bowdoin College

Citation Management Tools: EndNote

  • Citation Manager Comparison
  • EndNote Import Filters
  • EndNote FAQ
  • Zotero Preferences
  • Citation and Style Guides

EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online Classic

Endnote bibliographic management software.

EndNote is bibliographic citation management software that allows you to maintain a "personal library" of references and citations. It can also import citation information from the Library's Catalog, online indexes, and databases. If you use Microsoft Word, you can insert citations from your personal libraries directly into your documents and create bibliographies from those citations.

The Bowdoin community has access to two editions of EndNote, EndNote Basic and and EndNote desktop .   These editions can be setup to automatically transfer references between editions.

  • Download the full, desktop, version of EndNote for Bowdoin-issued and personal computers (if you encounter any difficulties with downloading EndNote, contact the IT helpdesk)  
  • EndNote Online Classic EndNote Online Classis is a down-sized, easy-to-use, web-based version of EndNote.  You can sign-up for an EndNote basic web account:

EndNote Help

How to Use EndNote 21 in 7 Minutes (Mac)

How to Use EndNote 21 in 7 Minutes (Windows)

EndNote Reference Guides (Mac and Windows)

EndNote Import Filters Import Filters for Bowdoin College Library resources that are compatible with EndNote citation management software.

Connection Files to search and import reference from Library Catalogs :

Click on the connection file that you wish to download. When prompted to save, save the file in the approriate EndNote directory as listed below:

MAC : Applications/Endnote X.#/Connections PC : C:Program FilesEndnote XConnections

You may need to close the EndNote program and re-open before seeing the changes.

Library Catalogs Connection File

EndNote Technical Support pages

EndNote Support

If you would like to set-up an individual introductory session, please contact: Sue O'Dell  or Karen Jung

  • << Previous: Citation Manager Comparison
  • Next: EndNote Import Filters >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 20, 2023 12:07 PM
  • URL:

Bowdoin College Library 3000 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011 207-725-3280 Ask Us! Report a Problem

Service update: Some parts of the Library’s website will be down for maintenance on July 7.

Secondary menu

  • Log in to your Library account
  • Hours and Maps
  • Connect from Off Campus
  • UC Berkeley Home

Search form

Endnote: citation management: start.

  • Open EndNote, Set Preferences
  • Add Citations from Databases
  • Using Microsoft Word
  • Format Bibliographies
  • Syncing Groups
  • Need More Help?

What is a Citation Management Program?

More comprehensive and up to date EndNote information may be found on these guides from EndNote:

EndNote X9 / EndNote 20 / EndNote 21

EndNote Desktop : free 30 day trial to get started.

EndNote Basic for online access

EndNote iPad and iPhone Apps

  • Next: Open EndNote, Set Preferences >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024 8:44 AM
  • URL:
  • University of Michigan Library
  • Research Guides

Manage Citations with Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote

  • Undergraduates
  • Mendeley Desktop
  • Mendeley Web
  • Mendeley Mobile
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Switching Citation Managers

Contact Information

Profile Photo

What is citation management software?

Citation management software helps you:

  • organize references, PDFs, and images
  • take notes on references and PDFs
  • format bibliographies and in-text citations in hundreds of citations styles
  • share references and collaborate on projects with colleagues

This guide only covers citation software supported by the library: Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote. When deciding which one to use consider your research habits, word processing, and collaboration/sharing needs. These programs can work with each other and some people may need to use more than one throughout their academic career.

  • Comparison of Citation Management Applications (Word)
  • Comparison of Citation Management Applications (PDF)

Which citation management software should I use?

  • Free to download from
  • Install standalone program locally; install web connector and MS Word plugin; create free online account
  • Provides syncing of local database with online account
  • Easy to use
  • Web browser plugin provides one-click capture of citations to articles, books, web pages, etc
  • Best choice for capturing web-based and other non-standard sources (i.e., non-journal or book)
  • Well supported
  • Excellent integration with MS Word and LibreOffice
  • Also features integration with Google Docs 
  • Also has a related tool, ZoteroBib, available, a simple easy to use web site for generating properly styled citations with no additional software, similar to web sites like EasyBib or Citation Machine.   Available at
  • Provides support for over 9000 bibliographic styles
  • Provides free online storage and syncing up to 300Mb; more available for a fee
  • Collaboration:  create an unlimited number of both private and public online groups to share citations and PDFs; you can access and manage those groups both online and in the standalone desktop version
  • Available in versions for Mac, Windows, and Linux


  • Not free, unless your unit or school provides you with a license (for example, LS&A does)
  • EndNote X9 for both Mac and Windows available for purchase at the Computer Showcase (;  $249 for faculty and staff, $125 for students
  • Standalone program installed locally;  can also create and sync with free online account (EndNote Basic) 
  • The most powerful and full-featured citation manager;  also the most complex to learn and use
  • The most powerful and flexible integration with MS Word
  • Has the most features for working with very long documents (e.g., books, dissertations, etc)
  • Ability to directly import PDF files and annotate them
  • Provides support for over 7000 bibliographic styles
  • Provides unlimited online storage for users of the desktop software
  • Collaboration:  Share your library with up to 100 other EndNote Desktop users;  can also share private groups on EndNote Basic
  • Available in versions for Mac and Windows
  • Free to download from
  • Provides support for over 1000 bibliographic styles
  • Support from the publisher has been inconsistent
  • Excellent integration with MS Word
  • Has the best tools for direct import of PDF files and has the ability to annotate PDF files directly
  • Includes access to a large network or “social media” of other Mendeley users, including the ability to search for and share citations collectively
  • The free, non-premium Mendeley account provides up to 2Gb of online storage and up to 5 private groups of up to 25 members

Here are some other sites that compare citation manager features:

Citation Management Options (University of Michigan)

PIM Citation Tool Comparison Chart (University of Minnesota)

Comparison of reference management software (Wikipedia, very detailed and many programs)

You may also get personal assistance in choosing a new citation manager from  ScholarSpace  staff, either via  email  or by an  in-person consultation .

Where to acquire software:

If you want information about where to find and how to install these  programs:   For Zotero, go to the Zotero guide  linked to on the sidebar under the Zotero link For Mendeley, you can download and install it by following the link  here   To create a free EndNote Basic account, go  here   The full version of EndNote that you would install on your computer is not free software.  You can purchase it from the Computer Showcase in either Shapiro or the Duderstadt Center;  more info  here , or see these pages for purchase info:

EndNote Mac Student

EndNote Mac Faculty/Staff

EndNote Windows Student

EndNote Windows Faculty/Staff  

You may also wish to check to see if your school or department will provide you with an EndNote license.  Some units on campus provide software for their affiliates.  For example, LS&A provides EndNote licenses for LS&A faculty and students;  move information on that is  here .

UCI Libraries Mobile Site

  • Langson Library
  • Science Library
  • Grunigen Medical Library
  • Law Library
  • Connect From Off-Campus
  • Accessibility
  • Gateway Study Center

Libaries home page

Email this link

Citation styles & tools.

  • Chicago/Turabian
  • Other citation styles
  • What is plagiarism?
  • Citation Management Software Comparison

I Need Help Formatting My Citations!

UCI Center for Excellence in Writing & Communication

For assistance with any of your writing, please visit Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication at the Science Library.

Why Are Citations Important?

Citations are for transparency and access. Academic papers are conversations between multiple authors and responsible scholarship dictates that we properly credit scholars with their work when it is mentioned.

In addition to proving that you've done your due diligence as an academic, citations let readers know what you've read and where they can access a source you've used.

APA Style (American Psychological Association)

Used primarily in Education, Behavioral Sciences, and Social Sciences.

  • This style supports disciplines that emphasizes the date in publication. In APA Style, the date directly follows the author's name.
  • Uses parenthetical in-text citations. Sources are compiled on a "References" page.

Chicago (also known as Turabian) Citation Style

Notes and bibliography systems.

  • Used in some Humanities disciplines (including History, Literature, and the Arts).
  • This system can accommodate a variety of source types that are more difficult to format in the author-date system.
  • Uses footnotes for in-text citations. Sources are compiled on a "Bibliography" page.

Author-date systems

  • Used in the Sciences and some Social Sciences disciplines.
  • This systems looks and functions very similarly to APA Style.
  • Utilizes parenthetical in-text citations. Sources are compiled on a "References" or "Literature Cited" page.

MLA Style (Modern Language Association)

  • Humanities research emphasizes authorship. In MLA style citations, the author is most important data point.
  • Uses parenthetical in-text citations. Sources are compiled on a "Works Cited" page.
  • Next: APA >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024 1:47 PM
  • URL:

Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here

Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.


EndNote: EndNote Online

  • Create Library/Set Preferences
  • EndNote Click
  • Add reference manually
  • From Google Scholar
  • Cite While You Write
  • EndNote Online
  • Share a Library/Group
  • Install Plug-ins
  • Add References
  • Organize and Share References
  • Formatting Citations
  • PDF annotation tool

About EndNote Web

EndNote Web is the online component to EndNote, the desktop product you have installed on your own computers.  Go to to create your login and start using EndNote Web. With EndNote Web, you can perform many of the same functions that the desktop product offers, such as

  • accessing your library of references
  • exporting references from databases
  • sharing references with colleagues, and

You will find instructions on using these features on the other tabs of this guide.

Sync Your Libraries

EndNote can synchronize an unlimited number of references and 5,000 groups between an EndNote online and desktop library. It is advisable to create a compressed library for backup before you begin the sync process. Go to the  File  menu and select  Compress Library.

To synchronize your library:

  • In EndNote Desktop, click on  Library  along the top menu bar and then  Sync  from the dropdown menu options.

Changes will be made to EndNote Web the next time you login or refresh the page. 

Additional Info:

  • For the first synchronization, ALL references and custom groups will be copied in both directions. This will result in duplicates if the same references reside on the device and EndNote Web.
  • Only one EndNote Web on a device and one EndNote Web account can be synchronized, so it is best to keep all your references in one library and use groups to categorize them.
  • If you delete references or attachments from one library, they will be deleted from the other synchronized libraries with the next synchronization. Technical support will not be able to restore references you have deleted and then synced.
  • Synchronization will always be of the complete library. There is no selective synchronization.

Sync EndNote Desktop and Online

Best Practices

EndNote is best used as a software with the Microsoft Word App/Desktop Version. To use EndNote most effectively, we recommend: 

Begin a document in Word online in OneDrive ​

Close the online document and open it in the Word App/Desktop version on your desktop​

Use the Word App/Desktop version to utilize EndNote's Cite While You Write feature

  • << Previous: Cite While You Write
  • Next: Share a Library/Group >>
  • Last Updated: Dec 13, 2023 10:30 AM
  • URL:

Indiana State University website

EndNote and Bibliographic Management Software: EndNote X9

  • Bibliographic Management Software
  • EndNote X3 Tutorials

EndNote Download

  • Importing from Databases This link opens in a new window
  • EndNote 20 - Mac
  • EndNote - Mac X9
  • EndNote - Mac X8 & older
  • EndNote - iPad
  • EndNote Online
  • Writing Center This link opens in a new window
  • APA Academic Writer
  • EndNote Click/Kopernio
  • ISU Library Video Tutorials: EndNote This link opens in a new window

OneDrive and EndNote

Endnote advises users NOT to save EndNote libraries to the following cloud based services:

  • Amazon Cloud,
  • Google Drive,
  • Office 365 (this includes OneDrive ),
  • Sharepoint,
  • SkyDrive and
  • EndNote libraries and cloud based storage services
  • EndNote Library Safety Keep and protect your EndNote LIbrary.

Bibliographic Management Software Workshops @ ISU

Please contact the ISU Library to request a workshop.

  • EndNote and Bibliographic Management Software LibGuide
  • EndNote Download Off campus users will be asked to login through the ISU Portal

Software: EndNote - Newest version available

  • EndNote Download Download Endnote here if you are installing it while on campus
  • EndNote Installation for PCs Tutorial video tutorial

Download Instructions


  • Choose the appropriate download link from the box above.
  • Click on the link file and
  • Save  the file  to a temporary area on your c: drive. ( VERY IMPORTANT TO SAVE IT FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING )
  • Locate the zipped file on your c: drive.
  • Right click the file and choose Extract All . (VERY IMPORTANT)
  • Within the newly created folder, double click on the file ENX7Inst.msi to install the software. Accept all default options.
  • EndNote can now be accessed through your computer's Start Menu: "Start> Programs> EndNote> EndNote Program.

If you need assistance please contact the the reference area or call 812.237.2580.

System Requirement: Windows 2000 or XP, Pentium 450 MHz or faster processor, at least 256 MB of available RAM and at least 180 MB of free space.

  • EndNote Download at Indiana State University

Modify MLA Style

EndNote installs MLA Style with a flaw. Follow the instructions to fix it yourself in EndNote.

  • In EndNote, click Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager .
  • Scroll down to MLA . Doubleclick to edit.
  • On the left side menu, click Anonymous Works .
  • Select " Use short title in place of author ."
  • Close the window.
  • If asked " Save changes before closing? " save as MLA  to replace the flawed style.

Instead of fixing the flaw yourself, if you prefer, you may download the following file to replace that flawed file. Install to your hard drive at C:\Program Files\EndNote X7\Styles and the EndNote software will automatically detect it.

ISU EndNote Files

Save the following citation styles to the folder (usually) located at C:\Program Files\EndNote X?\Styles to be able to use them in EndNote

  • Cell - All authors - NSF Based upon the citation style for the journal Cell . Appropriate for NSF grants proposals.
  • Vancouver - NIH Based upon the Vancouver citation style. Appropriate for NIH grants.
  • APA 6th Style - Annotated Variation of the EndNote Style for APA 6th ed. that displays the Research Notes field in an annotated bibliography. Modified by an ISU professor.
  • J Mammalogy Abstract Variation of the Journal of Mammalogy citation style that includes the abstract after the citation
  • Journal of Mammalogy Style

About EndNote

EndNote is a bibliographic management software. This software will store, create, and manage your citation information and format and insert the citations for you into a Microsoft Word document. The many existing citation styles follow very strict rules. Computers are excellent at following rules so a software program that formats citations for you can work very well. But computers are not good at exceptions to rules. For this reason, you still must learn the rules of your citation style(s) so that you can tell EndNote when to make an exception.

EndNote is very useful if you will be writing many papers or if you are working on a long-term research project where you expect to collect many, many citations. However, it does take time to learn so do not try to learn EndNote in order to complete a paper due only a few days later.

The Indiana State University Library has a site license to EndNote to make it freely available to ISU faculty, staff, and students. Those not affiliated with ISU must purchase the software.

  • Extravaganza 2018: EndNote Overview (video)
  • ISU Library Video Tutorials: EndNote

Latest Version: EndNote

endnote bibliographic software

EndNote X9  is here. Click the image for more information. ​

  • Whats New in EndNote X9 (video)
  • What's New in EndNote X9
  • Compare EndNote versions
  • Clarivate Analytics; EndNote LibGuide
  • EndNote for iPad App

EndNote Help

EnNote installs a Sample Library for training purposes. It is (usually) installed at the following location on your computer.

C:\Program Files\EndNote\Examples

  • EndNote Support from Clarivate Analytics
  • EndNote X9 Quick Reference Guide for Windows (6 pp) Nine page guide with screenshots and very brief instructions
  • EndNote Menus Reference Guide (X9) 16 pages Functions of the menu items in EndNote X9
  • EndNote X9 Guided Tour: Windows (41 pp) 41 pages
  • Little EndNote How-To Book (115 pp) Not a manual and not a guided tour, this is a little book of instructions for specific tasks that EndNote thought may be useful. It includes new chapters on collaboration and EndNote online, as well as new screenshots and instructions for working with the new Web of Science interface. more... less... Please note that this version, like the version before it, was designed as an ebook, to be read on a computer, tablet, or ereader. It contains internal cross-reference hyperlinks and a hyperlinked table of contents. It is not designed to be printed.
  • EndNote X9 Windows Documentation (505 pp)
  • EndNote X9 Materials for Trainers If YOU are teaching EndNote to others...
  • EndNote Web Site ISI company Web site for EndNote
  • EndNote Technical Support & Services Includes searchable Knowledge Base, downloadable PDFs, Online Forum, downloadable Style updates, etc.
  • EndNote Training on YouTube Video tutorials
  • EndNote Training ISI company-created video tutorials, Getting Started Guide, and Webinar classes
  • EndNote: Direct Export Notes List of data providers that support EndNote Export
  • Download Styles To download updated or additional citation styles
  • Download Filters For exporting individual database results as a text file for later import into EndNote
  • EndNote Templates Download additional Word templates for specific citation styles
  • EndNote Forum Online question and answer forum. Anyone may read the forum. Requires a free registration to post a question. Useful for difficult EndNote questions.
  • Thomson Intellectual Property & Science Knowledge Base Search for help on EndNote PC, EndNote Mac, and other Thomson products
  • EndNote Conversion Utilities Find out how to convert your files from another program, e.g., Citation, ProCite, etc. into EndNote
  • Importing Google Scholar Results into EndNote Clarivate
  • Free technical support from the EndNote company 800-336-4474
  • To Set Up "Find Full Text" in EndNote at Indiana State University Please contact the ISU Library for assistance.

Importing from Fusion Catalog

EndNote can import records from the Fusion Catalog.

  • Enter the Fusion Catalog by doing a search.
  • In the upper right hand corner of the window, click Login .
  • From your ISU ID card, enter your Library Barcode number (2922...) or your University ID Number.
  • Enter your PIN. (If you do not have one, proceed to the next step.)
  • Click Login. (If you did not have a PIN, you will be asked to create one now.)
  • Do your search in the Fusion Catalog.
  • For each record you wish to save, click Add to list .
  • After you have saved your records, in the upper right hand corner of the window, click My Lists .
  • A popup window confirms that your records have been saved. Click Close .
  • Click My Account .
  • Click on the name of the List you wish to import.
  • Mark the records you wish to import.
  • Select EndNote/RefWorks .
  • Select Send List to Local Disk .
  • Select the records you wish to save.
  • Click Submit .
  • Select the location on your hard drive where you wish to save the file and name it.
  • Go to EndNote and open the library to which you wish to add records.
  • Click Choose and browse to the file you wish to import.
  • As an Import Option, select Refer/BibIX
  • Select the Duplicates option you wish.
  • Select a Text Translation of  No Translation .
  • Select Import .
  • Your records will import into EndNote.

EndNote and Music

  • EndNote - Set your reference type default Macquarie University Library tells how to create a new Reference Type for Music Scores.

Zotero-EndNote Tips

  • Zotero: Excellent Zotero Tricks Import/export between EndNote and Zotero

Chat with a Librarian

Endnote training video tutorials.

  • EndNote Overview (video 12:44) - presented at Extravaganza 2018
  • EndNote and MS Word CWYW: inserting citations into your paper (video 12:08)
  • Using the APA 7th Annotated Style in EndNote to create an annotated bibliography (video 3:11)

ISU Workshop EndNote Handouts

Use these EndNote Handouts to walk yourself through a Training Workshop and teach yourself the basics of EndNote. These handouts are based upon documents produced by trainers from EndNote. They are modified with some ISU specific information and made available by permission from EndNote.

  • ISU Introduction to EndNote Workshop Worksheet for PC Training worksheet for PC computers oriented to ISU employees and students
  • Introduction to EndNote Workshop Worksheet for Mac Training worksheet for Mac oriented to ISU employees and students
  • ISU EndNote Online Workshop Worksheet Training worksheet for EndNote Online oriented to ISU employees and students

Sample Paper

You can use this Word document to practice Cite While You Write (CWYW) in EndNote. The text was taken from our Web site for instructional purposes.

  • Sample Paper Use to practice CWYW

Importing from Databases to EndNote

  • Exporting from Online Databases Explains how to import from a variety of databases
  • Automatic Export of PubMed Citations to EndNote Sue London, Osman Gurdal & Carole Gall (2010): Automatic Export of PubMed Citations to EndNote, Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 29:2, 146-153
  • Import from Google Scholar
  • Direct Export from the Web of Science YouTube video

Importing from CQ Researcher

To import records from CQ Researcher into EndNote,

  • Open the EndNote library to which you wish to import records.
  • In CQ Researcher, click on the record you wish to import.
  • In the blue header at the top of the window, click Cite Now!
  • The citation is displayed. In the dropdown menu, select Export citation to EndNote .
  • The record appears in the EndNote library.

CQ Researcher records may not import the date correctly. You will need to manually correct the Year and Date fields in the EndNote records. In addition, the volume number will not import and you will have to manually enter it.

Modify APA 6th Style

EndNote downloads APA Style with a flaw. Follow the instructions to fix it yourself in EndNote.

  • Scroll down to APA 7th . Doubleclick to edit.
  • On the left side menu, click Bibliography > Title Capitalization .
  • Select " Sentence style capitalization ."
  • If asked " Save changes before closing? ", save as APA 6th to replace the flawed style.
  • APA 7th EndNote Style The software applet that enables EndNote to format APA 7th ed. citation style. Save this to your EndNote Program folder.
  • APA 6th Style EndNote X7 downloads APA 6th Style with a flaw. This file replaces that flaw. Install to your hard drive at C:\Program Files\EndNote X7\Styles
  • << Previous: EndNote 20
  • Next: EndNote X8 >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024 9:29 AM
  • URL:

Welcome to EndNote™

  • Product Details
  • Contact Sales

We help you   your research

EndNote is the reference manager that helps you save time formatting citations, so you can focus on your research.

endnote bibliographic software

The best reference management tool is getting even better. The all new EndNote 21 and EndNote Web help you manage and format citations like never before with bold new features.

With EndNote 21 you stay organized using features like tags that enhance productivity. You can enjoy peace of mind with data restoration functions that protect your work and improve your writing workflow with integrated document creation tools for Google Docs.

EndNote 21 is here!

EndNote 21 key features

Protect your work with data restoration function.

Take a deep breath. If the unthinkable happens, EndNote 21 can recover your library from the cloud and get you back where you belong.

In EndNote 21, you can restore your library and library structure with our new data restoration function, ensuring your research is not lost. With single reference restoration you can also compare and restore previous versions of individual references.

endnote bibliographic software

Stay organized with tags

Tags are customizable labels that let you organize your references however you’d like. You can add tags to references and customize the color and name of the tags.

You can add multiple tags to a reference and anyone who you share your library with can view a tag, making tags a great way to quickly and intuitively organize your references.

endnote bibliographic software

Cite While You Write in Google Docs™

Our best-in-class Cite While You Write (CWYW) tool makes it easy to insert your EndNote references into Microsoft Word™ or Google Docs™. CWYW automatically creates in-text citations and reference lists and makes it easy to change the format of your in-text citations and reference lists.

CWYW is now available to EndNote 21 customers in Google Docs™ via Google Workspace Marketplace, making it easier to write your next paper and to collaborate on documents with colleagues.

endnote bibliographic software

Experience a new exclusive EndNote Web interface

With EndNote you can access your research anytime, anywhere from the cloud. Move seamlessly between online and the desktop and iPad applications.

Say hello to the brand new EndNote Web, available only to EndNote 21 customers for three years from activation date. Securely sync your entire library including PDF’s, notes, and annotations across all your devices.

endnote bibliographic software

Make the most of your EndNote experience with these templates and plug-ins

EndNote Training YouTube Channel

View all of the EndNote training videos on our YouTube channel

One click PDF access

Automatically export your references and full-text PDFs into EndNote

Contact EndNote customer and technical support

Hear what makes EndNote the best reference management tool

Need an endnote site license for your institution.

Help your students and faculty accelerate their research by providing an institutional site license for EndNote 21.

  • Call us +1-888-418-1937


  1. EndNote Home

    endnote bibliographic software

  2. Download Endnote

    endnote bibliographic software

  3. 6 Advantages of Using the Citation-Simplifying Software EndNote to Create Your Bibliography

    endnote bibliographic software

  4. Basic Use

    endnote bibliographic software

  5. EndNote 20 is here!

    endnote bibliographic software


    endnote bibliographic software


  1. Tuesday Lab: Lab report writing tips and tricks

  2. Zotero Introduction-Higher Quality

  3. EndNote Chapter 1 Download Install

  4. Finding Full Text with EndNote X7 for Windows

  5. How to use EndNote X2-X5

  6. Zotero Library Export-How To


  1. Download EndNote

    5 Must Read Articles to get the most out of EndNote and some of its key functionality: EndNote 21 New Features EndNote: CWYW Common Questions EndNote: Library Management EndNote: Register for an EndNote online account included in desktop program EndNote, Reference Manager, & ProCite: Compatibility with Dropbox and other Cloud storage

  2. EndNote

    EndNote is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays, reports and articles. EndNote was written by Richard Niles, and ownership changed hands several times since it was launched in 1989 by Niles & Associates: in 2000 it was acquired by Institute for Scientific Information's ResearchSoft Division, part of Thomson ...

  3. EndNote Basic (Free!)

    EndNote Basic is the free web version of EndNote. It lacks the sophisticated features of the desktop version of EndNote, but it is easy to use and available on any computer with internet access. EndNote Basic is most useful for: Collecting and organizing references. Users can add up to 50,000 references with an EndNote basic account.

  4. Citation Management : EndNote

    EndNote 21 is available from the Yale IT Software Library, and is free to members of the Yale community. EndNote is a commercial citation management software package produced by Clarivate Analytics, the owners of the database Web of Science. It is a commercial program that Yale licenses for the members of its community.

  5. LibGuides: Citation Management Tools: EndNote 20

    EndNote 20 Installer, License Key and Instructions. This desktop tool may be downloaded for use by Jefferson students, faculty, and staff for use on their own computers. Contact Jefferson IS&T (215-955-7975) for help installing on Jefferson computers. Contact [email protected] for additional assistance.

  6. Citation Management: EndNote

    The EndNote citation management software allows you to create your own personal library of references to books, articles and documents. References can include citation information (author, title, publisher, etc.) as well as annotations, graphics, and even copies of the documents themselves. EndNote then works with Microsoft Word and other word ...

  7. EndNote

    EndNote is a powerful tool for collecting and citing bibliographic references. You can create groups to organize and share your references, and use any of the 5000+ output filters or customize your output to get exactly what you want. EndNote is very good at handling large libraries and imported files, and the output styles are customizable.

  8. EndNote: Citation Management

    Method 1: Copy Formatted. EndNote > select your Output Style (this is the style of your bibliography). Select references in your library - use command or control A to select all references. References> copy formatted references. Open a word document, place the cursor where you want the references to appear. Edt > paste.

  9. Getting Started

    EndNote ® is commercial bibliographic management software that enables authors to manage, organize, and annotate references and bibliographies. It is widely used for managing citations when preparing manuscripts to publish articles, books, dissertation, etc. It is available as a free download to all NJIT students and faculty.

  10. EndNote Research Guide: Bibliographic Citations Tools

    You can import/export to EndNote the citation data found in many library databases and online catalogs, using direct import thus saving time and effort. EndNote's 'Cite While You Write' (CWYW) feature allows you to easily format your references in a variety of manuscript styles (e.g. APA, MLA, and more) and insert them in your paper as you write.

  11. Introduction

    What is EndNote? EndNote is software that allows you to keep track of your citations, organize them into folders, and create references and bibliographies in your papers. You can: EndNote is similar to Mendeley and Zotero, but has some unique functionality such as pulling in PDFs en masse, and searching databases from within the EndNote platform.

  12. Research Guides: Citation Management Tools: EndNote

    EndNote is bibliographic citation management software that allows you to maintain a "personal library" of references and citations. It can also import citation information from the Library's Catalog, online indexes, and databases. If you use Microsoft Word, you can insert citations from your personal libraries directly into your documents and ...

  13. Start

    EndNote: Citation Management: Start. Use this guide to select software, download pdfs, format bibliographies and manage citations and research, Start. Open EndNote, Set Preferences. Add Citations from Databases. Using Microsoft Word.

  14. EndNote: Creating Stand-Alone Bibliographies

    Select File/Export and select a file type - text, RTF (Word compatible) or HTML (web page) Click okay and your bibliography is created as a new file. Note the XML format will not print in your selected style, but XML.Copy Formatted/Paste Method. Select the Output Style you wish to use for your bibliography (APA, Chicago, etc.).

  15. EndNote, Zotero, and Other Reference Managers : EndNote

    Software which stores and organizes information for your education, research and clinical care. Home; EndNote. EndNote at a Glance; Zotero; Sciwheel (formerly F1000Workspace) Collaboration; Help; Search this Guide Search. EndNote at a Glance. EndNote: The most well-known reference manager, $$ Compatibility: Mac and Windows. Current version: 21.

  16. Comparison of reference management software

    Some reference management software include support for automatic embedding and (re)formatting of references in Word processor programs. This table lists this type of support for Microsoft Word, Pages, Apache OpenOffice / LibreOffice Writer, the LaTeX editors Kile and LyX, and Google Docs. Other programs are able to scan RTF or other textual ...

  17. Library Guides: Citation Management: Which Tool is Best For Me?

    Use: Why: Work from multiple computers or locations. Zotero. Mendeley. EndNote Web. Zotero saves your citation library to your local computer, but syncs with multiple computers so you can work from home, work, or school. Mendeley is a program that lives on your local computer, but syncs with a web account. EndNote Web is web based.

  18. Manage Citations with Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote

    To create a free EndNote Basic account, go here The full version of EndNote that you would install on your computer is not free software. You can purchase it from the Computer Showcase in either Shapiro or the Duderstadt Center; more info here, or see these pages for purchase info: EndNote Mac Student. EndNote Mac Faculty/Staff. EndNote Windows ...

  19. Citation Styles & Tools

    Notes and bibliography systems. Used in some Humanities disciplines (including History, Literature, and the Arts). This system can accommodate a variety of source types that are more difficult to format in the author-date system. Uses footnotes for in-text citations. Sources are compiled on a "Bibliography" page.

  20. EndNote Online

    EndNote is best used as a software with the Microsoft Word App/Desktop Version. To use EndNote most effectively, we recommend: Begin a document in Word online in OneDrive Close the online document and open it in the Word App/Desktop version on your desktop Use the Word App/Desktop version to utilize EndNote's Cite While You Write feature

  21. EndNote and Bibliographic Management Software: EndNote X9

    EndNote is a bibliographic management software. This software will store, create, and manage your citation information and format and insert the citations for you into a Microsoft Word document. The many existing citation styles follow very strict rules.

  22. EndNote Bibliographic Software

    EndNote Bibliographic Software. EndNote is a citation management program that allows you to export references from library catalogs and databases, store them in lists that you create, and cite them in papers and bibliographies using any citation style you choose. EndNote is available, free of charge, to all current Barnard and Columbia students ...

  23. EndNote

    クラス最高の「Cite While You Write」(CWYW)ツールでは、EndNoteの文献をMicrosoft Word™やApple Pages™に簡単に挿入できます。. 論文内の引用と参考文献欄を自動的に作成し、論文内の引用と参考文献欄の形式を簡単に変更できます。. CWYWは、Google Workspace Marketplace ...