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Case Study 1

This is the first of three case studies that are used to guide the reader through the six steps outlined in Six-Step Relational Database Design™ . The most important outputs of the six step database design process are depicted here, but the details of each of the steps and intermediary outputs are detailed in the book.

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Below is the scenario for Case Study 1 as described in the Six-Step Relational Database Design™ book:

A small accounting firm wants a simple HR application that will help it to keep track of its employees, their positions, allowances, salary scales, and which company vehicles their employees drive. The application must keep track of all the positions at the firm, the employees filling these positions, the allowances for these positions, the salary scales for these positions, and the company vehicles assigned to these positions.

List of entities and their corresponding attributes

Below is the list of entities and their corresponding attributes that is output from Step 1 of the six step database design process as described in the Six-Step Relational Database Design™ book:


Entity-Relationship diagrams

Below is the Simplified Entity-Relationship diagram that is output from Step 3 of the six step database design process as described in the Six-Step Relational Database Design™ book:

Case Study 1 simplified E-R diagram

Below is the Detailed Entity-Relationship diagram that is output from Step 5 of the six step database design process as described in the Six-Step Relational Database Design™ book:

Case Study 1 detailed E-R diagram

Relational-Model diagram

Below is the Relational-Model diagram that is output from Step 6 of the six step database design process as described in the Six-Step Relational Database Design™ book:

Case Study 1 Relational Model

SQL commands

The SQL commands below can be used to implement the design depicted above in a MySQL database. Some modifications will be necessary to execute these commands on MS SQL Server, Oracle, or any other RDBMS. Detailed implementation considerations can be found in the Six-Step Relational Database Design™ book.

Other Case Studies


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Database Design Case Study #2: East Coast Aquarium

This chapter presents the second of three major case studies in the book. It presents a database environment for which two distinct databases that do not share data are an appropriate solution. The larger of the two databases include several many-to-many relationships that must be handled by the design. The case study also includes the use of a CASE tool to provide a prototype user interface for database applications.

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Home » Data Modeling / Database » ERD and Database Implementation: Bridging the Gap Between Concept and Reality

ERD and Database Implementation: Bridging the Gap Between Concept and Reality

  • Posted on September 15, 2023
  • / Under Data Modeling / Database

In the world of database design, translating abstract concepts into tangible structures is a crucial step toward building functional and efficient database systems. This transformation from Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) to actual database schemas, including SQL table creation, is a fundamental process in the database development lifecycle. In this article, we will explore how ERDs serve as a bridge between the conceptualization of data and its practical implementation within a database.

Understanding the ERD

Before delving into the intricacies of database implementation, it is essential to comprehend the purpose and components of an ERD. An Entity-Relationship Diagram is a visual representation of the data model, capturing the entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them. The ERD serves as a blueprint for designing the database structure, helping database developers, administrators, and stakeholders to visualize and plan the data organization effectively.

Online ERD Tool

Components of an ERD

  • Entities : These are objects or concepts represented within the database, often corresponding to real-world entities like customers, products, or employees. Entities are depicted as rectangles in an ERD.
  • Attributes : Attributes define the characteristics or properties of entities. For instance, for a “Customer” entity, attributes might include “CustomerID,” “FirstName,” “LastName,” and “Email.” Attributes are typically shown as ovals in an ERD, connected to their respective entities.
  • Relationships : Relationships indicate how entities are connected or associated with one another. They clarify dependencies between entities and can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. Relationship lines between entities specify these associations, and they often come with cardinality indicators that show the allowed quantity of related entities.

Translating ERDs into Database Schemas

The process of moving from ERDs to actual database schemas involves several key steps:

1. Entity to Table Mapping

Entities in the ERD are transformed into database tables. Each attribute within an entity becomes a column in the corresponding table. For instance, if we have a “Customer” entity with attributes “CustomerID,” “FirstName,” “LastName,” and “Email,” we would create a “Customers” table with columns for each of these attributes.

2. Relationship Implementation

Relationships between entities in the ERD are realized through various mechanisms in SQL:

  • One-to-One Relationship : In this case, one entity’s primary key becomes a foreign key in the other entity’s table.
  • One-to-Many Relationship : The table on the “one” side of the relationship contains a foreign key that references the primary key of the table on the “many” side.
  • Many-to-Many Relationship : Typically, this is implemented using a junction table or associative entity that contains foreign keys referencing the tables involved in the relationship.

3. Key Constraints and Data Types

For each column in the database table, data types are specified to define what kind of data can be stored. Additionally, key constraints such as primary keys and foreign keys are defined to enforce data integrity and relationships between tables.

4. Indexing

To improve query performance, indexes are created on columns that are frequently used in search conditions. Indexes provide a quicker way to access data.

5. Data Integrity Rules

Database designers enforce data integrity through constraints. For example, “NOT NULL” constraints ensure that a column cannot contain NULL values, while “UNIQUE” constraints guarantee that values in a column are unique.

SQL Table Creation Example

Let’s illustrate this process with a simple example:

Suppose we have an ERD representing a library system with entities “Book” and “Author” connected by a many-to-many relationship “Author Wrote Book.” Here’s how we would translate this into SQL table creation:

  • Create a “Books” table with columns for book attributes (e.g., BookID, Title, PublicationYear).
  • Create an “Authors” table with author attributes (e.g., AuthorID, FirstName, LastName).
  • Create a “AuthorBook” table to represent the many-to-many relationship. This table would typically include two columns, “AuthorID” and “BookID,” both of which serve as foreign keys referencing the “Authors” and “Books” tables, respectively.

By following these steps, we have successfully translated the ERD into an actual database schema with the necessary tables, relationships, and constraints.

A Case Study on ERD: Online Bookstore

Imagine you are tasked with designing the database for an online bookstore. The system should allow customers to browse books, make purchases, and manage their accounts. Authors and publishers will also have accounts to add and manage books, while administrators will oversee the entire system.

Step 1: Identify Entities

The first step in ERD modeling is identifying the entities relevant to the system. In this case, we can identify the following entities:

  • Customer : Represents the individuals who use the online bookstore. Attributes might include CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Email, and Password.
  • Book : Represents the books available for purchase. Attributes might include BookID, Title, Author(s), ISBN, Price, and PublicationYear.
  • Author : Represents the authors of the books. Attributes might include AuthorID, FirstName, LastName, and Biography.
  • Publisher : Represents the publishers of the books. Attributes might include PublisherID, Name, and Address.
  • Order : Represents customer orders. Attributes might include OrderID, OrderDate, TotalAmount, and Status.
  • OrderItem : Represents individual items within an order. Attributes might include OrderItemID, BookID, Quantity, and Subtotal.
  • Administrator : Represents system administrators. Attributes might include AdminID, FirstName, LastName, Email, and Password.

Step 2: Define Relationships

Next, we determine how these entities are related to each other:

  • A Customer can place multiple Orders (one-to-many relationship).
  • An Order can contain multiple OrderItems (one-to-many relationship).
  • A Book can be written by multiple Authors , and an Author can write multiple Books (many-to-many relationship).
  • A Book can have only one Publisher , but a Publisher can publish multiple Books (many-to-one relationship).
  • An Administrator oversees the entire system but is not directly related to other entities in this simplified model.

Step 3: Create the ERD

Now, we create the ERD to visually represent these entities and their relationships. Here’s a simplified version of the ERD for our online bookstore:

Step 4: Define Attributes

For each entity in the ERD, we define its attributes. For example:

  • Customer : CustomerID (Primary Key), FirstName, LastName, Email, Password.
  • Book : BookID (Primary Key), Title, ISBN, Price, PublicationYear.
  • Author : AuthorID (Primary Key), FirstName, LastName, Biography.
  • Publisher : PublisherID (Primary Key), Name, Address.
  • Order : OrderID (Primary Key), OrderDate, TotalAmount, Status.
  • OrderItem : OrderItemID (Primary Key), BookID (Foreign Key), Quantity, Subtotal.

database design case study

Step 5: Normalize the Database (Optional)

Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. Depending on the complexity of your system, you may need to apply normalization rules to the tables.

Step 6: Implement the Database

Finally, the ERD serves as a guide for creating the actual database tables, defining relationships, constraints, and data types using SQL or a database management tool. This step involves translating the ERD into SQL statements for table creation.

In this case study, we’ve illustrated the process of ERD modeling for an online bookstore. ERDs play a crucial role in designing effective database systems, ensuring that data is organized logically, and relationships are well-defined to support the functionality of the application.

Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) are invaluable tools for designing and visualizing database structures. They serve as a blueprint for database implementation, guiding the transformation of abstract concepts into concrete database schemas. Through the mapping of entities to tables, the creation of relationships, and the definition of data types and constraints, ERDs bridge the gap between data modeling and real-world database systems. This process, though intricate, is essential for building robust and efficient databases that meet the needs of organizations and applications.

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A Suite of Case Studies in Relational Database Design

  • Weiguang Zhang
  • Published 1 April 2012
  • Computer Science

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figure 1

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Teaching database querying in the cloud, new rules for deriving formal models from text, teaching conceptual design capture, 7 references, a relational model of data large shared data banks, a relational model of data for large shared data banks.

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The Entity-Relationship model

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Module NameDownload
Sl.No Chapter Name English
1Introduction to Database Management SystemPDF unavailable
2Conceptual DesignsPDF unavailable
3Conceptual DesignsPDF unavailable
4Relational ModelPDF unavailable
5Relational ModelPDF unavailable
6Structured Query LanguagePDF unavailable
7Structured Query Language IIPDF unavailable
8ER Model to Relational MappingPDF unavailable
9Functional Dependencies and Normal FormPDF unavailable
10ER Model to Relational Model MappingPDF unavailable
11Storage StructuresPDF unavailable
12Indexing Techniques Single LevelPDF unavailable
13Indexing Techniques Multi-LevelPDF unavailable
14Constraints and TriggersPDF unavailable
15Query Processing and OptimizationPDF unavailable
16Query Processing and Optimization IIPDF unavailable
17Query Processing and Optimization - IIIPDF unavailable
18Transaction Processing ConceptsPDF unavailable
19Transaction Processing and Database ManagerPDF unavailable
20Foundation for Concurrency ControlPDF unavailable
21Concurrency Control Part - IPDF unavailable
22Concurrency Control Part - 2PDF unavailable
23Concurrency Control Part - 3PDF unavailable
24Concurrency Control Part - 4PDF unavailable
25Distributed Transaction ModelsPDF unavailable
26Basic 2-Phase and 3-phase commit protocolPDF unavailable
27Concurrency Control for Distributed TransactionPDF unavailable
28Introduction to Transaction RecoveryPDF unavailable
29Recovery Mechanisms IIPDF unavailable
30Recovery Mechanisms IIIPDF unavailable
31Introduction to Data Warehousing and OLAPPDF unavailable
32Introduction to Data Warehousing and OLAPPDF unavailable
33Case Study : MYSQLPDF unavailable
34Case Study ORACLE and Microsoft AccessPDF unavailable
35Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryPDF unavailable
36Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Part IIPDF unavailable
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39XML - Introductory ConceptsPDF unavailable
40XML Advanced ConceptsPDF unavailable
41XML DatabasesPDF unavailable
42Case Study - Part One Database DesignPDF unavailable
43Case Study - Part 2 Database DesignPDF unavailable
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Case Studies Examples Scenarios Database System DBMS

Most of the time you see the case studies and scenario-based questions in the Database System (DBMS) paper. Keeping in view, I am sharing with you some of the case study base questions of the database course.

Examples of Case Studies and Scenarios questions from DBMS

  • Examples of Case Studies and scenarios from the Database System.
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Integrated framework for geological modeling: integration of data, knowledge, and methods

  • Original Paper
  • Published: 08 July 2024
  • Volume 83 , article number  303 , ( 2024 )

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database design case study

  • Hong Li 1 ,
  • Deping Chu 1 ,
  • Run Wang 3 ,
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Three-dimensional (3D) geological modeling from limited and scattered information is essential for engineering geological investigation and design. Previous studies have encountered limitations when using a single modeling approach in complex tasks involving diverse geological structures, due to difficulties in accommodating the heterogeneity of geological structures and data imbalances. In response to this situation, this work presented an integrated geological modeling framework enabling the fusion of multi-source data, the integration of data and knowledge, and the combination of multiple modeling methods. Initially, multi-source data were merged into a unified format and integrated with knowledge extracted from geological texts to create a geological knowledge graph and a geospatial database for modeling. The complexity of the geological setting was then quantified by constructing a joint influence function, which informed the division of the modeling area into several subregions with geological significance. According to the geological characteristics and data conditions, the appropriate method for each subregion was automatically matched for independent modeling and finally integrated into a complete 3D geological model. The results indicated that the proposed integrated framework provided a flexible solution for complex modeling tasks, simplifying the process by addressing simpler subtasks while retaining the ability to capture structural information in geological domains with diverse characteristics. Moreover, the integration of geological data and knowledge promoted the structured representation and utilization of geological knowledge, promising to provide richer information for model construction and validation. This is crucial for the developed model to be able to effectively support engineering geological exploration.

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This research was supported by the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources (Project Number. 5101012018002703). The authors would like to thank all members of the Chengdu project for their great support. Lastly, special thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions, which helped improve our paper.

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School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430078, Hubei, China

Hong Li & Deping Chu

School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430078, Hubei, China

Geological Environmental Center of Hubei Province, Wuhan, 430034, Hubei, China

Wuhan Zondy Cyber Science & Technology Co., Ltd, Wuhan, 430073, Hubei, China

Guoxi Ma & Shengyong Pan

Sichuan Geological Big Data Center, Chengdu, 610072, Sichuan, China

Chuanyang Lei

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Hong Li : Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Writing. Bo Wan : Conceptualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Deping Chu : Formal analysis, Validation. Run Wang : Methodology, Supervision. Guoxi Ma : Software, Visualization. Chuanyang Lei : Data curation, Investigation. Shengyong Pan : Resources, Project administration.

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About this article

Li, H., Wan, B., Chu, D. et al. Integrated framework for geological modeling: integration of data, knowledge, and methods. Bull Eng Geol Environ 83 , 303 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-024-03794-8

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Received : 01 August 2023

Accepted : 19 June 2024

Published : 08 July 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-024-03794-8

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