How to Write a Letter to a Friend (Step-by-Step Examples)

How to Write a Letter to a Friend (Step-by-Step Examples)

Whether typed or handwritten, letters often feel more personal than emails or texts. So, if you want to make a friend feel special, why not write to them? In this article, you’ll pick up some tips for writing meaningful letters to a friend.

How to write a letter to a friend

Common questions.

When you’re writing to a friend, you want your letter to be heartfelt, clear, and interesting enough to hold their attention. Here are some tips for writing a proper letter that your friend will be glad to receive.

1. Write your address and the date on the first page

Write your current address and the date on the top-right corner of the first page of your letter. If your friend keeps your letter and rereads it later, they won’t have to remember when you sent it or where you were writing from.

If you aren’t sure how to format a letter, you could refer to an online template to help you get the layout right. For example, here is a list of informal letter templates .

2. Begin with a casual greeting

If you’re writing to a friend, you probably want to go for an informal tone in your letter. Pick a greeting that fits your personality and the relationship you have with your friend.

Here are some sample greetings you could use at the beginning of your letter:

  • “To my best friend…”
  • “What’s up?”
  • “Dear [friend’s name]”
  • “Surprise! It’s me”

3. Acknowledge your friend

It’s polite to start your letter by acknowledging the person reading it. One or two sentences is enough. In general, it’s best to be brief and positive.

Here are some examples of ways to acknowledge your reader at the beginning of a letter:

  • “I hope everything is good with you.”
  • “I can’t believe it’s summer already! I bet it’s hot where you are.”
  • “I hope you’re having an awesome semester.”
  • “I hope you and your family are all doing well.”

4. Tell your friend why you are writing to them

To smooth the transition between your acknowledgment and the main body of your letter, give your friend some context by explaining why you are writing to them. One or two sentences is enough.

Here are some lines you use to explain why you are writing to your friend:

  • “I realized the other day that it’s been too long since we talked, so I thought I’d write to you.”
  • “I know you’ve been feeling down lately and thought a silly letter might put a smile on your face.”
  • “I’ve got something amazing to tell you!”
  • “Texting is great, but it gets a bit old sometimes, so I thought I’d write you a letter!”
  • “I wanted to express my sympathy for the death of your grandmother.”
  • “I’ve got something important that I need to share with you.”

5. Plan the main body of your letter

After greeting your friend and explaining why you are writing, you can start on the main body of the letter. It’s a good idea to make a rough plan first. It can help to make a bulleted list of everything you’d like to cover. If you stick to the list, you won’t miss anything out.

Most people begin with their most interesting or important news. For example, if you’ve just landed a new job, you might want to talk about that first.

However, you don’t have to follow this rule. Feel free to experiment with different structures. For example, you may want to share a funny but unimportant piece of news or gossip before talking about a significant thing that’s been happening in your life.

Use paragraph divisions to make your letter easy to read. In general, it’s best to start a new paragraph whenever you change the subject or want to make a new point.

6. Follow up on your last conversation or letter

Follow up on anything interesting your friend has told you recently, or reply to any questions they’ve asked you. This will make your letter more engaging and shows your friend that you pay attention to what they say.

Here are some examples of how you might follow up on a previous conversation or letter:

  • “The last time we spoke, you were thinking of getting a new job. Did you apply for anything yet?”
  • “In your letter, you asked me whether I’d ever think of starting my own business. I’ve thought about it, and…”
  • “I was thinking about that conversation we had about bucket list trips. So it’s kind of a crazy idea, but maybe when we’ve graduated, we could visit…”

7. Ask your friend questions

Show your friend that you are thinking about them by asking questions about whatever is going on in their life. You could ask about something specific or ask an open question that encourages them to share anything they’d like you to know about.

For example, if you recently learned that your friend got engaged, you could ask a specific question like, “I still can’t believe you got engaged! How’s the wedding planning going?” or “Have you picked out a venue yet?”

Or, if you want to ask your friend a more general question , you could ask, “What’s going on with you?” or “What’s been happening in your life recently?”

8. Ask your friend to pass on messages to others

If there’s someone in your friend’s life that you know and care about but aren’t especially close to, you could ask your friend to pass on a quick greeting or message on your behalf.

For example, you could ask your friend to send your regards to their mother, to say “hi” to their kids, or to wish their partner a happy birthday.

9. Share a memory

Referencing a shared memory adds a personal touch to the letter and encourages your friend to think of the happy times you’ve shared.

Here are some examples of how to share a memory in a letter:

  • “I had the most amazing sundae the other day. It reminded me of all those ice cream parties we had in college! Do you remember the time we set up an ice cream bar in the kitchen?”
  • “My neighbor just got a new dog. Do you remember that time a crazy dog just randomly came up to us in the park and started trying to chew your coat? Yeah, this new dog reminds me of him. Not good.”

10. Show appreciation for your friend

If your friendship means a lot to you, a letter can be a good way to express your appreciation.

Here are some examples showing how you show appreciation in a letter:

  • “By the way, I’ll always be grateful for your support when I split up with [your ex].”
  • “I don’t think I’ve told you this lately, but your friendship means a lot to me.”
  • “Even though we live far apart now, I still consider you to be one of my best friends.”

11. Use humor carefully

Even if you and your friend have a shared sense of humor , it’s important to remember that jokes, flippant comments, or sarcastic remarks don’t always come across the same way when they’re written down. Unless you’re sure that your friend will understand your meaning, avoid potentially offensive or controversial jokes.

12. Bring your letter to a close

When you’ve finished the main body of your letter, add a couple of sentences to wrap it up. You could tell them that you’ll be in touch, ask them to get in contact, remind them of an upcoming event or, if you’re writing to a friend you miss, let them know that you miss them.

Here are some ways you can bring a letter to a close:

  • “So, that’s all my news. Hope to see you soon.”
  • “I think that’s everything for the time being. Missing you! I’ll call you next week.”
  • “I’ll sign off for now. Let me know when you’re next in town. Perhaps we could grab a drink.”
  • “OK, I think you know everything that’s been going on with me now! See you soon at Jen’s birthday party!”

It’s good manners to end on a positive note, or at least to avoid signing off with a complaint.

For example, if you’ve been writing about a few problems you’ve been faced with over the past several months, you could end with, “It’s been a tough year, but I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!”

13. Sign off

Finish your letter with a warm or affectionate ending. Just like the greeting, it should fit your personality and the type of relationship you have with your friend.

Here are some ways you could sign off a letter to a friend:

  • “Hugs and kisses”
  • “With love”
  • “All my love”
  • “Affectionately”
  • “See you soon!”
  • “Your friend”
  • “Take care”
  • “Thinking of you”

Don’t forget to sign off with your name.

14. Add a “P.S.”

You don’t have to add a P.S. to the end of your letter, but it can add some extra humor and is a good place to include an in-joke. For example, you could write, “P.S. You still owe me that $1.72. I expect you to pay up the next time I see you!”

You can also use a P.S. to include a short piece of news or information you forgot to include in your letter. For example, “P.S. I finally signed up for that calligraphy course. So maybe the next letter I write will be in fancy handwriting!”

15. Proofread your letter before sending it

A couple of small mistakes aren’t a big deal, but if your letter contains a lot of errors, it could be difficult for your friend to read or understand it. Double-check your letter before mailing it off.

You don’t need to rewrite the whole page if you make a couple of minor mistakes. You can cross out the mistake, add an asterisk, then add another asterisk at the bottom of the page, followed by the correction.

16. Make your letter special

A few nice touches will make your letter more memorable. Here are some ways you can make your letter more special:

  • Use fancy notepaper or headed paper
  • Include a photo that will mean something to your friend, e.g., an old picture of you together
  • Decorate the letter or envelope with stickers or stamps
  • Use an unusual-colored ink
  • Include a small gift or trinket, such as a gourmet tea bag or pin badge
  • Add sketches or doodles to the letter

You might also get some inspiration from these thank you messages for friends .

How much should I write in a letter to a friend?

There is no hard and fast rule. If you have a lot to say, and you think your friend will enjoy reading it, it’s fine to write a long letter. But a short note can be very meaningful. For example, a few brief, sympathetic lines can be enough to comfort a grieving friend.

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Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more .

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thanks for the shared information

Hi Viktor: I ran across your site and read some helpful information on how to make friends. I have relocated from Malibu to Seattle since 2018. We had lost our condo in the California wildfires and then Covid hit. I am struggling to make new friends here and that is weird because I am a very happy social person. So I thought I would start here and say, “hello”. Sincerly, Elaine Baer

Okay I guesssss

Oh I think this can really educate people

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writing to your friend

Letters to My Best Friend: Examples of Love and Gratitude

Birthday letter for best friend.

Your friendship has brought so much joy, light, and laughter into my life. I cherish the countless memories we’ve created together, from silly inside jokes that never fail to make us burst into laughter to those deep conversations that have touched the core of our souls. You have an incredible ability to make even the simplest moments feel extraordinary, and I’m grateful for every single one of them.

On this special day, I want to thank you for always being there, for celebrating my victories as if they were your own, and for lifting me up when I stumbled. Your unwavering support and belief in me have been the fuel that keeps me going, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.

Emotional Letter To Best Friend On Her Birthday

My Dearest [Best Friend’s Name],

Today, as the world celebrates the day of your birth, I find myself overwhelmed with emotions and gratitude. It’s hard to put into words just how much you mean to me and how much your presence in my life has shaped me into the person I am today. On this special day, I want to take a moment to express the depth of my feelings and to let you know how truly cherished you are.

From the very first moment we became friends, there was an unexplainable connection between us. Over the years, that connection has grown stronger and deeper, evolving into an unbreakable bond that I hold so close to my heart. You have been there through thick and thin, supporting me, cheering me on, and offering a comforting shoulder to lean on. Your unwavering presence has been a source of strength and solace, reminding me that I am never alone in this journey called life.

On this special day, I want to thank you for the countless times you have lifted me up when I was down, for the words of encouragement that have pushed me to overcome my fears, and for the laughter that has filled our hearts with joy. You have been my rock, my confidant, and my safe haven. Through the highs and lows, you have remained a constant, reminding me of my worth and showing me the true meaning of friendship.

As I think back on our journey together, I am filled with a flood of memories. From late-night conversations that lasted until the early hours of the morning to spontaneous adventures that left us breathless with laughter, each moment has etched itself into my heart forever. Our friendship is a tapestry woven with love, trust, and shared experiences, and I am grateful for every thread that binds us together.

On this day, I wish for your happiness to know no bounds. May your heart be filled with love, your dreams soar to new heights, and your spirit be forever youthful and vibrant. May the year ahead be a tapestry of beautiful moments, unforgettable adventures, and abundant blessings. And no matter where life takes us, always remember that you have a friend in me, a person who will stand by your side through thick and thin.

With all my love,

[Your Name]

‘Open When’ Letters For Best Friend

I hope this letter finds you wrapped in warmth and happiness. Today, I want to share with you something truly special and heartfelt: a series of “Open When” letters. These letters are meant to be opened during specific moments or situations in your life when you may need a little extra support, encouragement, or a reminder of our enduring friendship.

Open this letter when you need a good laugh. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and our shared sense of humor has brightened countless moments in our friendship. Inside this letter, you’ll find funny jokes, silly anecdotes, and perhaps even a funny photo or two to bring a smile to your face. Let laughter be your medicine and joy be your constant companion.

Open this letter when you’re celebrating a milestone. Life is full of wonderful moments worth celebrating, and I want to be a part of each and every one of them. When you achieve a milestone, whether big or small, open this letter and allow me to share in your joy. Know that I am cheering you on from afar, and my heart is filled with pride for all that you have accomplished.

With all my heart,

Short and Sweet Letter For Best Friend

Dear [Best Friend’s Name],

Letter to My Best Friend on Her Wedding Day

From the moment we became friends, we shared countless memories, laughter, and tears. We have supported each other through thick and thin, and now, as you step into this new chapter of your life, I couldn’t be prouder of the person you have become and the love you have found.

So, as you exchange your vows and make promises of forever, know that I am sending you all my love, blessings, and well wishes. May this day be the beginning of a love story that will inspire others, and may your journey together be filled with countless beautiful moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.

‘I Miss You’ Letter For Best Friend

Life has taken us on different paths, and although distance may separate us physically, know that you are always close to my heart. The memories we’ve created together are etched deep within me, and they bring a smile to my face even in your absence.

Sending you all my love, warmest hugs, and heartfelt wishes. Stay true to yourself, keep shining your light, and remember that I am here for you, no matter the distance. Until then, cherish our memories, and know that I miss you more than words can express.

Love Letter For Best Friend

You have an incredible ability to understand me, even when I struggle to understand myself. Your support and encouragement have been the driving force behind my dreams and aspirations. You’ve stood by my side through thick and thin, celebrating my victories and lending a shoulder to lean on during my defeats.

Thank-You Letters For Best Friend: “Dear Bestie, Thank You for Being There”

This is an example heartfelt letter expressing gratitude for your friend’s support, understanding, and companionship throughout your academic journey. Personalize this generic template or use it to help guide the format of your letter.

Remember those countless late-night study sessions when we fueled ourselves with coffee and snacks? We laughed, we cried, and we somehow managed to conquer mountains of textbooks together. You brought out the best in me, motivating me to strive for greatness even when the odds seemed stacked against us. Your unwavering belief in my abilities gave me the strength to push through the most demanding moments.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being there for me through thick and thin. Our friendship is a treasure that I will forever hold close to my heart. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us and to create even more incredible memories together.

A Letter of Encouragement and Motivation to Your Best Friend

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, even amidst the challenges you may be facing. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how incredibly proud I am to call you my best friend. Life has a way of throwing curveballs our way, but I want you to remember that you possess the strength, resilience, and determination to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

So, my dear friend, I want you to know that I have unwavering faith in your abilities and your potential. You are capable of achieving greatness beyond measure. Trust in yourself, your instincts, and your dreams. Take each challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning. I believe in you with every fiber of my being.

A Letter of Excitement and Future Plans

One of the things that has always amazed me about our friendship is our ability to support and inspire each other. We’ve always been each other’s cheerleaders, encouraging one another to reach for the stars and pursue our passions fearlessly. And as we step into this new phase of our lives, I have no doubt that our unwavering support will be the foundation that propels us towards greatness.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / How to Write a Letter to a Friend (with Examples)

How to Write a Letter to a Friend (with Examples)

A friendly letter falls under the category of informal writing. Such a letter is written to any family members, relatives, friends, cousins, etc. The purpose of writing this letter is to share any information with them regarding any event or happening.

Nowadays, writing letters has been replaced with different social media accounts for sending and receiving any information from anyone around the world. But the surprising factor of getting an unexpected letter from your loved one has been lost in this process.

In this modern world, it is like receiving a gift through the mail. It may bring tears to your eyes, your heart would become overwhelmed with the emotions associated with your friend, and you will feel delightful as well. The best part of writing a letter to your friend is that it can be kept as a memory which can be recalled at any time even after many years.

This infographic is about writing a letter to friend.

How to Write a Friendly Letter?

The main focus of this article is to help you write a letter to your friend in an impressive way. So, here are some guidelines that can assist you in writing an impressive letter:

Step 1: Planning

It can be very challenging to write a letter to your friend because both of you have never done so, and it is different from sending a text message. And some people think that it is not easy for them to talk with their friends via letter.

So the first step in writing a letter to your friend is planning. In this step, you would plan what to write in the letter. It could be any question from your friend, a discussion about the future, details of any particular incident that happened with you, condolence on a loss , or making a plan to meet them.

It is difficult for some people to express their actual emotions through their words. This problem can also be solved by taking into consideration some of the writing prompts that could be included in your letter, which has been mentioned as follows:

  • Asking about the well-being of your friend and their family
  • Any old joke played by the group friends in college/university.
  • Your views about your friend when both of you met for the first time.
  • Any secret thing which was between both of you only.
  • A dream you had seen in which both of you were together.
  • Asking them about their recent life events and special occasions.
  • Any slang word or a secret code they used to speak.
  •  An exciting event or memory of the class.
  • Recalling the recreational tour and visit to new places.
  • Telling them about your future goals, how you would try to achieve them, and asking about theirs as well.

Step 2: Start with a greeting

The style of writing a letter depends on your relationship with the person to whom the letter is being written. For example, while writing a letter to your friend, you can use formal or informal types of words such as “Dear”, “Hello”, “Hi”, etc. Usually, the friends have close relations so you can also write “Sweetie”, “Love”, etc.

Step 3: Body of the letter

The planning done in step 1 will help you in this part of the letter, which is the essential one. The length of your letter body will depend on the amount of information you want to share with your friend. Some catchy phrases, nicknames, slang words, emojis, etc. can also be added in this part of the letter.

To make the letter body more impressive and captivating, you can adopt the following strategies:

Explaining yourself

The purpose of writing the letter should be mentioned in the first place. It may include explaining why you decided to write a letter to your friend, which can be any reason such as missing your friend by remembering any past event or meeting any old class fellow or colleague suddenly.

Starting with a question

Starting the letter should be energetic. You can start the letter by asking any question about the well-being of your friend and his/her family members. It will be good as:

  • Your concerns and attachment with your friend could be expressed.
  • Your friend will realize that you still remember them despite not being together for a long time.

Sharing information

You can share any news or information about your own life, including any significant or exciting event that happened in your life, your emotions, and feelings regarding different perspectives, etc.

Step 4: Closing lines

While writing a letter to your friend, the letter can be signed off by using multiple phrases such as “Waiting to see you”, “Waiting for your reply”, “Looking forward to meeting you”, etc. It would help you as:

  • Your letter would end nicely.
  • A proper closing will not make your friend perplexed.
  • You can also ask them to plan a get-together or talk over a phone call.

P.S (PostScript) section can be added at the end of your letter. In this section, the information that you have missed can be added. It will save you from rewriting or re-formatting the whole letter again. This section helps you to deliver an instant piece of information to your friend.

Examples of a Letter to a Friend

As shown above, different guidelines and tips have been provided for writing a letter to your friend. To assist you further, we have also provided you with letter templates for your ease:

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits and good health. It feels like ages since we last caught up, and I couldn’t resist the urge to sit down and write to you. So much has happened since we last spoke, and I’m eager to share the updates with you and, of course, hear all about what’s been going on in your world.

First off, I want to tell you about [an event or experience, e.g., a trip you took, a new hobby you picked up, or a significant life event]. It was an incredible experience that [describe what made it special or what you learned from it]. I wish you could have been there; you would have loved it!

On a different note, [mention something you’ve been struggling with or a challenge you’ve faced]. It’s been a bit tough, but I’m getting through it. I remember you once said, “[Piece of advice or encouragement they gave you],” and it’s been a mantra for me lately. Your words have been a great comfort, and I’m thankful to have a friend like you.

How have things been on your end? I’m particularly curious about [ask about a specific aspect of their life you’re interested in, e.g., their job, a project they mentioned, or how they’re doing with a recent change in their life]. I hope you’re finding joy and satisfaction in your daily adventures, and I’m here to support you, just like you’ve always been there for me.

I’ve been missing our [mention a shared activity or interest, e.g., coffee dates, movie nights, hiking trips] and the endless conversations that come with them. Let’s plan to [suggest a meet-up or a way to reconnect, e.g., a visit, a trip together, or a video call] soon. It would be wonderful to catch up in person and create more memories together.

Before I sign off, just a reminder that you’re an incredible person, and I’m lucky to have you as my friend. Your kindness, humor, and wisdom never cease to amaze me, and I’m grateful for our friendship every day.

Please write back when you get a chance. I can’t wait to hear from you and learn about the latest chapters in your life. Take care of yourself, and know that you’re always in my thoughts.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Sample Letter to a Friend

Dear Sophie,

I hope this letter finds you soaking up all the happiness and good vibes! It feels like forever since we last caught up, and honestly, I’ve missed our chats more than I miss my morning coffee (and you know that’s saying something!).

So, where do I even begin? Remember that pottery class I mentioned wanting to try out? Well, I finally signed up for it last month, and let me tell you, it’s been an absolute blast. There’s something incredibly calming about shaping clay with your own hands. I’ve already made a wonky vase and a couple of lopsided mugs, which I’m proudly displaying in my kitchen. I wish you could see them – I think they’d give you a good laugh!

Work has been the usual hustle, but I’m learning to find a better balance. Those yoga sessions we talked about starting have become my little sanctuary. I’m no expert, but I’m getting the hang of it. It’s been helping me stay centered and a bit more at peace, even on chaotic days.

How’s everything on your end? Last time we talked, you were diving into that big project at work. I’m dying to know how it’s going and if you’ve managed to conquer the world with your brilliance yet. Also, how’s Max doing with his new school? I bet he’s already the most popular kid in class.

I’ve been reminiscing about our last road trip a lot lately. Those spontaneous adventures and endless conversations under the stars are genuinely irreplaceable. What do you say? Do we plan another one soon? Maybe a weekend getaway to the mountains or the beach? Let’s make it happen. It would be the perfect way to catch up and unwind.

I’ll wrap this up for now, but please write back when you find a moment. I’m eager to hear all about your life, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. Remember, you’re an incredible friend, and I’m here cheering you on, always.

Take care and send my love to Max and the rest of the crew. Looking forward to your reply and counting down the days until our next adventure together.

With all my love,

Do’s and Don’ts

These are some of the key points that should be kept in mind while writing a letter to your friend. For this purpose, a list of some do’s and don’ts has been provided below, along with a brief description of each.

If you want to make your letter extraordinary by having some exceptional ideas, then you can follow the list given below:

Prompt starting

You might get confused while starting to write the letter. But, on the other hand, you might feel happy to show your concern and correspondence to your friend. For this purpose, you may mention the reason for remembering your friend, sharing an interesting memory of the past, things you like in your friend’s personality, things often recalled by you regarding the time when both of you were together, etc.

Be creative

You can craft your letter by using various calligraphy styles to give a creative look to it. Your creative mindset will make it more enchanting for your friend.

You can attach some cute little things, such as newspaper trimmings that may make your friend remember any past occasion, the photos you clicked together, or you can write a poem for your friend. Decorating the letter is also essential. You can use colorful markers, pencils, stickers, or anything else to make your letter more creative.

Choosing the stationery

The stationery required for writing a letter to your friend can be decided according to your friend’s interests. It will make your friend feel special. For example, you can use a writing paper with flowers on it or any animated cartoon design imprinted on it. A letter can be written with the help of colorful markers, pens, or pencils.

Proofread your letter

Proofreading is essential for making the letter-perfect. Although it is an informal letter to your friend, the grammatical structure should not be compromised because the letter will show your association with your friend.

Use letter envelopes

You would decorate your letter according to your friend’s personality and the occasion or reason for which the letter is being written. However, decorating the letter is not enough; you should then put it in an envelope and mention the postal address of your friend’s house, their name, the date on which the letter was sent, and the return address as well. After putting in the letter, the envelope should be sealed properly.

As you are writing a letter to your friend after a long time, you will surely not want to make any mistakes in it. You can make your letter error-free by considering the following points:

No self-introduction

Sometimes, we remember the face or any other trait of a person, but the name cannot be recalled. So if you are writing a letter to your friend after a long time, you should briefly introduce yourself first and mention some details about your friendship.

Excessive complaint

It would be best not to ask them excessively about not writing to you or not staying in contact with you for a long time. It would be best if you also kept in mind not to share too much of your troubles or bad happenings with your friends because it would make them annoyed also.

Improper punctuations

It would be best not to use improper punctuation. Although you and your friend might not be very good at English, some basic mistakes could be noted by your friend while reading the letter, and it would create a wrong impression. So it would help if you tried to write the letter smartly.

You should not write a lengthy letter because it will waste time for your friend when the letter is read. Moreover, it would be best not to use fancy words to make the letter seem too wordy. So you should keep the sentences short. In this way, your friend would be able to read and understand the letter with great ease.

No signature

Some basic ethics should be followed while writing a letter, even to a friend. For example, you may think that giving a signature at the end might not be necessary in this case, but it is a fundamental component of a letter. So you should leave your signature at the end of the letter.

Improper formatting

If your letter is not adequately formatted, like the lines are not in any sequence, any words have been cut, or punctuation is not in place, it will make the wrong impression on your friend. So it would be best to focus on the correct format of the letter.

No paragraph divisions

Although the letter to your friend is written informally, it should have proper divisions of paragraphs. A new paragraph should start when a new piece of information or news about any other event is mentioned, distinct from the previous one. The reason for writing the letter should be mentioned in the first paragraph, after which different happenings will be written, and then comes the closing paragraph.

Key Takeaways

To sum up the article, some of the critical points have been enlisted below:

  • The salutation/greeting words should be relevant to the friendship status between you and your friend.
  • The reason for writing the letter should be mentioned at the start.
  • Write about all the significant and recent changes or events that have occurred in your life that would interest your friend. But avoid adding too much pointless information.
  • Create an interesting theme and ask your friend to arrange a meet-up plan.
  • Ask your friend about what’s going on in their life so that your friend gets to realize that you are concerned about their life.
  • You should add the closing lines according to the salutation/greeting words because both of these things depend on the level of friendship between you.
  • In the postscript section, you could add any news or information that may not seem appropriate to be incorporated in the main letter body. It is optional for you to include this section or not.

By following all the guidelines mentioned above, you will be able to write an impressive and eye-catching letter informally. It will result in lifting the spirit of your friend, and your friendship will also be refueled.

About This Article

Haley S.

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How to Write a Letter to Your Best Friend

Are you the bestest friend in the whole wide world? With International friendship day coming up (July 30th), it’s time to show your friends how much they mean to you. And what better way to show your appreciation, than learning how to write a letter to your best friend. Whether you have known them for years or just months, a letter can help express your feelings and sincerely show them how much you care for them. 

The best thing about sending letters is that your friend can keep these as mementoes of your friendship. So, years down the line, they can look back at these letters and remember the friendship they had with you and the good old times. While writing letters is a good way to show your appreciation, it can be very difficult to put down in words your feelings. In this post, we’ll show you how to write a letter to your best friend, along with 15+ letter prompts for your best friend.

For more inspiration check out our post on 56+ write prompts about friendship .

How to Write a Letter To Your Best Friend

Step 1: write down some ideas.

Before you begin writing your letter you need to plan it out. During this planning phase, you should think about some questions to ask your friend. You might think about any future plans with them, what you like about them and how they are feeling. Use scrap paper to plan out your letter ideas and structure.

When you’re staring at a blank page it can be difficult to think of the right words to say to your best friend and how to put your feelings down on paper. To help you out, here are over 15 letter prompts for your best friend :

  •  A recent joke you or they played on you.
  • The first time you both met.
  • Your favourite memory together.
  • A song your friend loves listening to.
  • A secret that only you know about them.
  • A celebrity or real-life crush your friend has.
  • Think about a hard time you both went through.
  • Has there been a big change in your life recently?
  • A dream you had involving your best friend.
  • How much you miss them when they’re gone.
  • Something they always say, like a catchphrase or a word.
  • Their favourite food, colour, items, TV shows and so on.
  • What about their dreams, goals and ambitions in life?
  • Make a plan to meet up soon somewhere.
  • Do you have any exciting or sad news to share?
  • Something new you discovered or learned.
  • Ask about their family and how they are doing.

Once you have thought about the various things to include in your letter, you can roughly write an outline of your letter on scrap paper. In your outline, you could include some questions to ask, details about yourself you want to include and any other special words or catchphrases you want to include.

Step 2: Choose your stationery

Use some cool stationery to make your letter more special. By stationary, we mean the paper your letter will be written on, an envelope and writing pens. Will you use colourful gel pens or a smart fountain pen? What about your letter paper? Does a floral design suit your best friend or a more anime, cartoon-style writing paper? The key to choosing good stationery is to know your best friend. Whatever their interests are try to include them in the stationary choice. 

writing to your friend

If your choice of writing paper has no lines, you should put a lined paper under your unlined paper. This will ensure that your sentences appear straight on the unlined page and do not wobble all over the page.

Step 3: Start with a greeting

Start by writing down a greeting to your friend. In formal letters, the greeting starts with “Dear”. However, since this is a letter to your best friend, you want to be less formal and more friendly. For this reason, you might want to start your letter with the following greetings:

  • Hello There

Another tip with the greeting is that instead of including your best friend’s name, you could include a nickname or something you always call them. For example, you might call your best friend Tweety or Cutie, even though their real first name might be Laura or Katie. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your letter.

Step 4: Write the body of the letter

Write the body of your letter. This is the scary part. The part where everyone struggles. To make this step easier, it’s very important that you follow step one, to plan out your letter on a separate scrap paper. 

The body of your letter can be as short or as long as you like. Sometimes you might have a lot to say and might end up writing two or three pages in your letter. Other times, a short paragraph or two will be enough to show your appreciation. Look back at step one above for some interesting ideas of things to include in your body. 

Here are a couple of tips on how to make the body of the letter more personal:

  •  Include personal catchphrases or inside jokes in your body.
  • Use your best friend’s name or nickname lightly across the letter.
  • Use words like, ‘You’, ‘Your’ and ‘Remember’.
  • Add in emojis – Even if you have to draw them 🙂 
  • Don’t be afraid of using “text speak”, slang words or abbreviating long words. 

Step 5: Adding the closing lines

Close your letter off nicely. This is your best friend, don’t leave them hanging. Tell them how much you missed them if you haven’t seen them in a while. Ask them if they want to meet up someplace or talk over the phone. You should also tell them that you look forward to talking to them soon or catching up. 

After writing your closing lines. It’s time to sign your letter off. With a formal letter, you might use, “Yours Sincerely” or “Kind Regards”. But with a letter to your best friend you should end more informally. Here are some ideas for signing off your letter:

  • Your Bestest Friend
  • See you soon

If you forgot to mention something in the body of the letter, you can use “P.S” after signing your letter off. This gives you a chance to write a quick message at the bottom of the letter. 

Step 6: Decorate your letter

Decorate your letter with anything you like. When decorating your letter think about your best friend’s personality, interests and occasion. Use stickers, stamps, draw doodles and add sparkles or glitter. Make your letter look fun and interesting. This way your best friend will be excited to read it. Don’t forget to decorate your envelope too!

writing to your friend

You might be interested in reading our tutorial on how to create DIY animal letter envelopes .

DIY Animal Envelopes tutorial

Step 7: Add any attachments (Optional)

Include any photos or small items with your letter. This step is optional. You might want to include a photo of you and your best friend together at an event. Alternatively, you might want to give them a small item like a ring, sweets or something you made yourself like an origami fox . This will make your best friend feel even more special and appreciated. 

writing to your friend

Step 8: Put the letter into an envelope

Put your letter into an envelope. On the envelope clearly include your best friend’s address, a stamp and a return address. If you don’t plan on using a post office to post the letter, you can just include your best friend’s name on the front and give it to them personally. 

writing to your friend

You might also want to seal your letter with a sticker or some sparkly tape. This will make your letter feel more personal and special. 

Example of a letter to your Best Friend

Still, struggling to write a letter to your best friend? Here’s an example that you can use as a template:

Hiya Milly! Long time, no see or speak. I missed you sooo much!! How ya doin?  I got some big news for you! You know that art competition I was always boasting about! Well guess what? Not only did I enter it…I won it too!!! Yay me!  What’s going on in your life? How’s you mom doing? Did you get the good news yet? I’ve been praying for you guys and hope you are safe. I can’t wait to hear from you! Don’t keep me waiting or I’ll be very mad! Just kidding! I love you and miss you sooo much.  Your Bestie, Cassie xx P.S. You have to tell me about that boy you liked 😉 

best friend letter template and example

You’re ready to write your best friend the ultimate keepsake letter. Show your appreciation, your love, your friendship by sending a heartfelt letter to your best friend whenever you miss them! Now it’s your turn to write a letter to your best friend! Share your letters dedicated to your best friend in the comments below.

Write a Letter to Your Best Friend prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Writing a Letter to Your Friend

In an age dominated by quick texts and instant messaging, writing a letter to a friend can feel like an art form from a bygone era. However, the personal touch of a handwritten letter can convey emotions and thoughts in a way that digital communication often fails to capture. Whether you are reconnecting with an old friend, sharing exciting news, or simply wanting to keep in touch, a well-written letter can be a cherished gift. Here’s how to craft a heartfelt and memorable letter to a friend.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Value of a Personal Letter

Preparing to write.

Before you begin, consider the following:

Writing Your Letter

1.  date and address, 2.  greeting.

Open with a warm, friendly greeting. Use a nickname or a fond term if you have one for each other. For example, “Dear Jamie,” or “Hello Sunshine,” sets a personal and affectionate tone right from the start.

3.  Opening Paragraph

4.  main content, 5.  closing paragraph, 6.  closing salutation, tips for a great letter, letter to your friend sample.

Dear Emily,

I’ve finally settled into the new job here in San Francisco, and the city has been both overwhelming and exciting. There’s so much to see and do! The streets are bustling, the food is incredible, and the people have been welcoming. Every day feels like an adventure. I wish you could see the beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge from my apartment window—it reminds me of the postcards we used to send each other as kids!

Speaking of our childhood, do you remember when we planned that cross-country road trip? I think it’s about time we made that dream a reality. How about we aim for next summer? I can already imagine us driving down the coast, music blasting, without a care in the world. Let me know what you think!

I can’t wait to hear back from you. No rush, though; I know how hectic life can get. Just know that your friend here thinks of you often and cherishes every bit of our friendship. Give my love to your family and a big hug to Mr. Whiskers!

P.S. Remember, you always have a couch to crash on if you’re ever in the Bay Area. Let’s not let another year pass by without a proper reunion!

Final Thoughts

So, grab your pen and paper and start writing; your friend might just be waiting to hear from you in a way that only a personal letter can fulfill. Happy writing!

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

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How to Write a Letter to Your Best Friend

Last Updated: June 17, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor . Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. This article has been viewed 900,825 times.

Whether your best friend moved away or will just be away for a while, writing a paper letter sends the message that you care about them. Even if you live next door to each other, writing a letter can still be a great way to express your appreciation for someone. You can make your letter special with pretty stationery and thoughtful statements. Plus, your best friend can keep your letter as a memento of your friendship and read it anytime they need a reminder how much you care about them.

How to Write Your Best Friend a Letter

Start your letter off with a warm greeting and update your best friend on your life. Fill in the body of the letter with some qualities you like about them and how special they are to you. Wish your friend the best and tell them you want to see them soon to close your letter.

Getting Ideas for Your Letter

Step 1 Take notes.

  • As you go through your day, take notes of little things you think your best friend would like, events you want to tell your best friend about, or just things you find funny. Your friend will appreciate that you include these little details about your daily life in the letter.
  • You can do this in a physical notepad, but it can be convenient simply to keep notes in your phone using a note-taking application with a section titled “Best friend Letter.” [1] X Research source
  • When you sit down to write your letter, look back over your notes to get ideas of what you want to include as you write.

Step 2 Think of questions.

  • “If you were an animal, what animal do you think you’d be, and why?” You can even tell them what animal you think they are like.
  • “If you could meet one fictional character in real life, who would you want to meet?”
  • “If you could choose to magically have any ability or skill, what would you want to be able to do?”
  • “Do you think aliens are real?”
  • “What makes you happiest?”
  • “What’s a food that you absolutely hate?”
  • “Who do you have a crush on right now?”
  • “What’s your favorite thing that we do together?”

Step 3 Make plans for when you see them again.

  • Plan to marathon your favorite movies.
  • Decide you’re going to have a two-person book club.
  • Think of a project you’d like to do together.
  • List out places or attractions you’d like to visit.

Step 4 Tell them what you like about them.

  • Think about the qualities you admire in your friend.
  • Also, think of times that they helped you or made you feel better.

Writing the Letter

Step 1 Choose your stationery[4]	X		Research...

  • If you choose unlined stationery, you can lay a piece of lined paper underneath to help guide you as you write.

Step 2 Date your letter.

  • Also, if your letter is delayed for some reason, your best friend will know when you wrote it.
  • This is especially important if you’re sending the letter far away.

Step 3 Start with a greeting.

  • Then, for your greeting, you can simply start with “Hello!”
  • Or, if you want it to be slightly more personal, try “Hello best friend!” or “Hey BFF!” or use a nickname that only you call your best friend.

Step 4 Write the body of your letter.

  • Don’t be afraid to use more than one sheet of paper.
  • In this part of your letter, include your funny anecdotes and ask how your friend is.
  • Write them an update on your life. They’re your best friend, and they want to know what’s going on with you. For example, if you have a new crush, let them know.
  • Give them a list of things they might want to check out, like songs or TV shows.

Step 5 Write your closing lines.

  • Say something like, “I love you! Write back soon!”
  • End with “Your best friend,” or “Love,” and then write your signature.
  • If you forget to write something in your letter, you can always go back and add a P.S. with the message you forgot.

Step 6 Decorate the letter.

  • Draw a little picture of you and your friend, or add hearts and flowers.
  • If you don’t want to draw, you can also use ink stamps or stickers to decorate the letter.

Step 7 Add a spritz of your perfume.

  • A little bit will go a long way.
  • Sniff the paper to make sure you can smell the perfume.

Mailing the Letter to your Best Friend

Step 1 Fold your letter.

  • Seal the envelope by licking it or using a sponge to wet the seal.
  • You can also place a sticker or a piece of decorate tape over the front flap of the envelope for extra security and decoration.

Step 2 Address the letter.

  • If you don’t plan to mail the letter, you can simply write the name.
  • If you do want to mail the letter, write the street number and name on the line underneath the name. On the next line, write the city, state, and zip code.
  • In the top left hand corner, write your own name and address. Then stick a stamp in the top right corner of the envelope.

Step 3 Place the letter in the mailbox.

  • You can also take it to the post office, instead of placing it in your own mailbox. This will decrease the time it takes for your letter to get to your best friend.
  • If you include anything extra in your letter that makes it heavier, it is a good idea to take it to the post office to make sure you use enough postage.

Best Friend Letter Sample

writing to your friend

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you want to add something extra, enclose a little lightweight gift in your letter. For example, a good gift could be an origami heart or a sticker with your friend's name on it. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Always tell your friend about what is going on in your life and stay connected. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Write your letter in pencil first just in case you make mistakes. Fix your mistakes and then write the final draft in pen to show your friend that you care.
  • If you're writing about something melancholy, then try to end your letter with something cheerful to lift your friend's spirits.
  • If you do not have fancy stationery paper, then DIY your own using patterned tape, stickers, or small doodles.
  • Give them something to boost their day, like a dollar in the shape of an origami heart.

writing to your friend

Things You'll Need

  • Paper for your letter
  • An envelope
  • Pen or pencil
  • Markers, pens, or colored pencils for decorating
  • A postage stamp (if mailing)

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About This Article

Tami Claytor

To write a letter to your best friend, start by making a quick list of topics you want to cover and questions you want to ask so you don't forget anything. Next, choose a cute piece of stationary, write the date at the top, and add a greeting like "Dear Sally" or "Hi BFF!" Then, create the body of the letter by asking your friend how they're doing, telling them what you've been up to, and adding anything else you want. Feel free to use more than one piece of stationary and decorate it any way you like! For tips on specific questions you might want to ask your best friend, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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60 Letters To Your Best Friend to Celebrate Friendship

Heartfelt letters to best friend will express your love, gratitude, and admiration for your bestie. Best friends are like stars in the daytime sky – you may not always see them, but you know they’re there, brightening your world.

Emotional Letters To Best Friend

Thank you for sticking by me, getting to know my life, showing me the most sincere support and unconditional love. I couldn’t thank you enough for the countless amount of times that you have stuck by me when I needed you. I have no idea what I’d do without you sometimes… or all of the time. And I am so happy that I don’t ever have to find out. I love you!

Thank you for being by my side through tough times, for accepting me for who I am, and for never asking for anything in return. Without your support, I wouldn’t have been able to get out of my negative thoughts. You have never judged me for my flaws, and I’m so thankful for that. I hope to do the same for you and make you proud. Thank you for being my best friend.

Thank you for everything. No words could ever describe how eternally grateful I am for you and our friendship, but I can promise I’ll always keep trying my best to let you know how much I love you. I know our relationship is one that will last a lifetime. You are my person, forever and always. Hubert H. Humphrey famously said, “The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.” Thanks to you, I have too.

One of the biggest blessings has been finding a best friend like you. Your friendship has been the biggest gift you could ever give me. Your compassion, kindness, simplicity, gracefulness, and beauty – I am in awe. You give me strength when I break down. You lift me and give me confidence. You have loved me at my lowest and cheered me on at my highest. I love you for that, thank you.

As you already know, I am not the best at expressing my feelings. But since it’s your birthday, I wanted to write you a letter because you deserve the most extraordinary things in life. You are a beautiful soul, kind and sweet, who always thinks of others before herself. Your selflessness and innocence inspire me to become a better person every day. If Spring were a person, it would be you. I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for having my back, for accepting me the way I am, for never sugar-coating your words, and for loving me. I promise I will do the same.

You’re all that you need. Because you are so much stronger than you have even begun to realize. You’re honest and caring. You’re hilarious and intelligent. You’re strong and compassionate. You’re beautiful, and you’re powerful.

With you by my side, the world is a better place. The sun shines a little brighter, my smile expands a little bit broader, and also, at that moment, my issues disappear. You are one of the most beautiful individuals, inside and out. You are generous, caring as well as smart beyond your years. Your selfless love and kind soul make me love you more each day. Thank you for looking out for me when no one else did.

I respect you. I admire you. I’ll always be here for you to vent to or troubleshoot with. And I’ll always be here to lift you up and remind you just how amazing you really are.

We have survived through some difficult times together, supporting and inspiring each other every time we were about to give up. I wish we can continue being each other’s biggest supporters for the rest of our lives. I love you so much, and you are the most amazing best friend I could ever ask for.

I wrote my letter for you and sent it to you. It is deep. I couldn’t help but cry a little bit when I read it. My heart was happy at the same time, sad. I am serious. I have a lump in my throat just thinking about it now! You will never know how much you mean to me and how much your friendship means to me. I love you, my dear!

You have always been there for me. I know I can count on you no matter what I need. Whether I ask for a cup of sugar or a shoulder to lean on, you are my rock. Thank you for being there for me.

A little birdie told me that you are having a rough day, so I am here to cheer you up. I know these tough times are hard to deal with, but you are a strong, kind, and magnificent person, capable of winning against all odds. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and focus on your well-being. Others’ opinions and nasty comments don’t matter because you are talented and fabulous in your way. And I am here for you always, so don’t bottle up your feelings when you have me to rant to. I may not have all the answers, but I will bring ice cream, cookies, and a shoulder to cry on.

We’ve been together, and we’ve been apart. There have been miles between us and even hours in some cases, but we’ve always stayed friends. No matter what obstacles have been thrown in our path or how many other people have tried to tear our friendship in two, we’ve stood the test of time. Most people aren’t lucky enough to have such a strong friendship in their lifetimes, but I know how lucky I am to call you my best friend.

I just want you to know that I think you deserve the world. You are one of the kindest, most caring people I have ever met. You give of yourself without expecting anything in return. I hope you recognize how amazing you are.

Your friend is one of the most significant people in your life and missing you my friend messages help you express the sentiments you feel.

Letters To Best Friend To Make Her Cry

Thank you for showing me what love is. There’s something unique about a friendship bond that cannot be found in any other relationship. You have taught me what it means to be a loving friend and what it means to receive love, even if sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it. You’ve loved me when I don’t have the strength to love myself.

Do you know that you are the one person in this world who I turn to when times are rough? I know you will always support me. When the world is crashing around me, you’ll be there to build me back up again. Thank you for your friendship and love.

I don’t think I tell you enough about how much you mean to me. You have seen me in my worst times, and yet here you are, protecting and loving me every single day. You are my safe space, where I feel accepted and comfortable, even when my life falls apart. As someone who has only ever been in toxic relationships, you showed me what wonders a healthy relationship could do to a person. Today, I get the strength to live each day happily because of you. You are my rock, and I hope I make you as proud as I am of you.

I’ve known you for a decade. We’ve seen a lot of changes. Relationships come and go, and so do success and failures. I’m so glad we’ve been together the whole time. I love and respect you so much. You are sweet, kind, loyal, and fun to be around. You deserve the best in life! I hope this is also the best year ever!

Everyone looks when you walk into the room. Your smile, laugh, and the way you carry yourself give every environment a sudden lift. I love that you are my best friend, so I can share in your radiant glow.

Has anyone told you what a charming person you are? You are funny and sweet, and every time you walk into a room, all heads turn your way. You have a magnetic quality to you that makes everyone love you. Your strength and passion always inspire me to do better, and your joy in life makes me want to live life to the fullest. We have so many exciting memories together, and I hope you are willing to make many more.

Thank you for being the ones I can always count on. Whether it’s bigger things like making sure I have the best birthday party ever or smaller things like always giving a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold when life gets tough, you’re there by my side no matter what.

One of the most incredible things about you is that you don’t have to try to be so amazing. It’s just the way you are built. While the rest of us try to be half the friend you are, you naturally come by your friendliness and generosity.

I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you. You are such a huge part of my life and the best friend anyone could have. You always make me laugh and smile. I wish nothing but the best for you and know we will be friends forever.

I would have given you a concert ticket or a car because that’s what you wished, but I only have a heart that can love you until the end. And this sweater I bought because you will look good in it.

You are amazing. You are thoughtful, kind, funny, smart, and all of the things that make the perfect best friends. I know there is no way I deserve you, but I am glad you haven’t realized that yet! Hopefully, you never will.

I know I don’t say this enough but thank you for being you. You are the greatest friend I could ever ask for, and I feel God has sent you to me as my guardian angel. You always listen to my problems and try to help me in every way possible. You are always open-minded and accepting and never judge me for being the way I am. No one else can understand me the way you do, and I am so fortunate to have you in my life. Friendships like these come once in a lifetime, and I promise to cherish you forever.

Letters To Best Friend To Make Them Laugh

If I could take all your pain away and ease all your worry, I would. You have no idea how lucky you are to have a friend like me. No matter what, I would always be there for you.

There will never be another girl in the whole world that can compare to you, my best friend. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I love you. My heart and soul, and everything we’ve been through make me sure of that fact. You are a fantastic person, and I cannot imagine a single thing that could make me love you any less than I do right now.

There’s so much we need to talk about. I need to show you all the new restaurants that have opened up in the area, and you need to tell me everything about your new place. You must have met many new people there, but you are not allowed to forget me, okay? I am your soul partner, and your parents love me, so there’s no way anyone can take my place.

You will always be the friend I can go to with anything—at any time. You will always make me laugh the hardest. No matter how long it’s been since we’ve spoken on the phone or how many days have passed since we’ve texted or how many months it’s been since I’ve gotten a real-life in-person hug—our friendship will always be strong, loyal, and most important—real.

You fill my life with an immense amount of happiness and love. I know that wherever life takes us, you will be part of my life. If we don’t talk for some time, we pick up right where we left off. Whenever I need you, I know you will always be there.

Words will never be enough to express how blessed I am to have a caring and loving friend like you in my life. I bless the day our paths crossed, and I will always be grateful every day for the gift of a lovely friend like you in my life. I love you more than you know.

You have actually influenced me to be a better person. I wish that I can somehow repay you for everything you have provided for me. Without you, I would be a completely different person. Thanks to you, I truly understand what love and true friendship are.

I’m so happy that you found me because my life without you is incomplete, just as my world without you is unimaginable. The bond between us is verbally indescribable, just as the happiness and joy that comes with you and your friendship are priceless and boundless. I love you more than you know.

You’re an amazing personality with a good head on your shoulders. I’m super proud of all the stellar qualities that make up your admirable self. I’m proud to be associated with you. You are my best friend, and I love you dearly.

The unconditional love for a best friend is so rare that most people can’t believe it could be real. I know it is real because I feel unconditional love from you and for you. For the rest of my life, you will always be one of my favorite people.

Thank you for entering my life. I strongly believe in having “a person,” and there is no better person to fit that description than you. For the last two years of my life, I have been through so many different stages, like graduating, falling out with friends, a new school, and through all of the good and bad times, you have been with me. I couldn’t thank you enough for that.

Throughout all the years that I have known you, you have never let me down. You have guided me, supported me, laughed, and cried with me. Being your best friend is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Through thick and thin, you’ve always been there for me; you’ve always got my back, and I’m glad to call you my best friend forever. You’re the cutest thing ever, and I want you to know that I’m blessed to have someone as special as you are in my life. Thanks for being real. I love you beyond the stars, my good friend.

A best friend is a blessing from God, and they are your biggest supporter, confidant, and soulmate. So, inspire them with encouraging words for a friend .

Short Letters to My Best Friend

Dear, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate you. Your friendship means the world to me, and I am so grateful for all the times you’ve been there for me. Thank you for being the amazing person you are. Love,

Dear, I just wanted to remind you that I’m always here for you, no matter what. You’ve been my rock through so much, and I want to be the same for you. Never hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

Hi, I believe in you so much. You are capable of achieving amazing things, and I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way. Keep going, you’ve got this! Warm regards,

Hey, We’ve had so many fun times together, and I can’t wait for all the adventures we still have ahead of us. Let’s plan something awesome soon!

Dear, I’ve been thinking about how much we’ve grown together over the years. Our friendship has been such a blessing, and I’m so grateful for all the lessons we’ve learned together.

Dear, You are one of the most incredible people I know. Your kindness, strength, and positivity inspire me every day. I’m so proud to call you my best friend.

Hey, Let’s celebrate our friendship! It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m so grateful for all the moments we’ve shared. Here’s to many more years of laughter and joy!

Dear Bestie: FAQ on Writing Letters to Your Best Friend

What should I include in a letter to my best friend?

To make your letter more personal, include specific details about your friendship, such as favorite memories, shared experiences, and qualities you admire in your friend. Using their name or a nickname, and writing in your natural voice, also makes it more personal.

Should I handwrite or type a letter to my best friend?

There’s no set frequency for writing letters to your best friend. You can write letters on special occasions, during significant moments in your lives, or simply whenever you feel inspired to express your thoughts and feelings.

What should I avoid in a letter to my best friend?

Can I combine letters with other gestures of friendship?

Letters can improve your friendship by fostering deeper communication, expressing appreciation, and creating lasting memories. They show your friend that you value and cherish your relationship, reinforcing the bond you share.

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Home » Language » How to Write a Letter to a Friend

How to Write a Letter to a Friend

A letter to a friend falls under the category of informal letters. Nowadays many of us use social media like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp to keep in touch with our friends. Most of us do not use letters to communicate with friends; however, we are more used to writing formal letters. It is natural that many people use the style of formal letters in informal letters. If you are not used to communicating with friends with letters, writing an informal letter may prove to be a little difficult for you. This is why we are going to give you a step by step guide on how to write a letter to a friend.

How to Write a Letter to a Friend – Step by Step Guidelines

Step 1: date and address.

Unlike in formal letters, we only write the address of the sender in the letter. This is written at the top right corner of the letter. The date follows the address. If you are writing to a very close friend who knows your address, you can omit the address altogether.

Step 2: Write a Salutation

You can begin the letter by writing a salutation. Unlike in a formal letter, you can use the first name of the recipient. When you are choosing the salutation, think about the relationship of the recipient and your style of writing. You can use salutations like,

Dear Sabine,

Hello, Sabine!

Dearest Sabine

Step 3: Begin with some Pleasantries

Since you are writing to a friend, the letter doesn’t have to be formal and serious. Your style can be warm and lighthearted. You can start the letter by enquiring about your friend and her family. Using questions like “How are you doing?”, “ How have you been?”, “How are you” are common ways to start an informal letter. Some other openers include,

Thanks for your letter…..

I hope you have been having a wonderful ……

I heard that……..

How to Write a Letter to a Friend

Step 4: Body of the Letter

In this part, you can write about your news, common interests, and questions. In brief, this part contains whatever information you want to share with your friend. Since this is a letter to a friend, your language doesn’t have to be formal. You are free to use colloquial expressions and slang. But this depends on your relationship with the friend and your style of writing.

Step 5: End of the Letter

End the letter with warm wishes and greetings. If you are writing the letter with a specific purpose, restate the purpose at the end. For example,

I hope you will attend my party!

If not, end with a general greeting.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Hoping to hear from you soon!

Then write an appropriate closing. Some examples of closings include best wishes, regards, sincerely, take care, cheers, etc. Use a closing that matches the tone of the letter.

Sample Letter to a Friend

Sample Letter to a Friend

Download the sample letter from here. –  Sample Letter to a Friend

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About the Author: Hasa

Hasanthi is a seasoned content writer and editor with over 8 years of experience. Armed with a BA degree in English and a knack for digital marketing, she explores her passions for literature, history, culture, and food through her engaging and informative writing.

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Friendship messages: what to write in a friendship card.

Friendship card

Whether it’s your friend’s  birthday  or just any old day, sending a card with a handwritten message is a great way to bring a smile and nurture the connection you’re lucky enough to share with them.

Looking for some fresh thoughts on what to write? We’ve got some! A few of our tips lean more toward the short and sweet, and others work great as jumping-off points for longer messages. Whichever direction you’re leaning, feel free to tailor our ideas to fit your unique relationship with your friend.

Inspired? Create and share by tagging @Hallmark .

  • Make a list
  • Compliment a favorite quality
  • Give a sweet compliment
  • Give an edgy compliment
  • Express gratitude
  • Write in the key of We
  • Share a friendship quote

Make a list  

You can make your list as long as you want—maybe even 40 compliments for a 40th birthday? You can always enclose an extra sheet of paper if needed.

  • My 3 Favorite Memories of You
  • Top 5 Reasons I’m Glad We’re Friends
  • The 10 Greatest Things About You
  • Three Times You’ve Made My Day
  • Ten Reasons I Love You

Compliment a favorite quality  

Call out one of the things you love most about your friend. Better yet, go on to give an example of that quality in action. Below are some idea starters:

  • Originality
  • Dependability
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Helpfulness
  • Intelligence
  • Insightfulness
  • Authenticity
  • Genuineness

Give a sweet compliment  

Here are just a few ideas…

  • You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever been lucky enough to know.
  • You’re a great listener.
  • You’d do anything for the people you care about.
  • Your strength inspires me.
  • You have the best laugh.
  • You’ll always be one of my very favorite people.

A gardening-themed mug gift bundle that includes a ceramic mug with the saying

Give an edgy compliment  

This kind of compliment is not for every friend…but if it’s right for yours, you’ll know it right away!

  • You’re a total badass!
  • You’re not one to sugarcoat things. You tell it like it is.
  • We love to hate all the same things!
  • You have a refreshing inappropriate streak.
  • You’re the one I can talk to when I don’t have anything nice to say.
  • We’re like peas in a pod. (Snarky peas. Sarcastic pod.)

Express gratitude  

Remind your friend how much you appreciate them. The more specific you can be, the better.

  • I’m grateful for you because…
  • I’m so lucky to have a friend like you. Here’s why:
  • I’m glad we’re friends for so many reasons. Just to name one…
  • Ways you’re a blessing to me:
  • I appreciate so many things about you—especially…
  • I cherish you, and I cherish our friendship.
  • It means so much to know you’re on my side.
  • Thank you for all the times you’ve been there for me—like the time when…
  • Thanks for putting up with me.
  • Your friendship means so much.

Write in the key of We  

Write about what’s so great about the two of you together. Here are a few starting points…

  • We just clicked right from the start.
  • We’re kindred spirits.
  • We’re surprisingly alike deep down where it really counts.
  • We complement each other.
  • We’ve shared so much.
  • We’ve been friends so long.
  • We know each other so well.
  • We make a great team.
  • We have so much fun together.
  • We can be real together.
  • We understand each other.
  • We’re there for each other.
  • We put the “party” in party of two!

Share a friendship quote  

Below are a few possibilities, but explore favorite books, songs, movies or other sources to find some friendly words that would have special meaning for your friend. Also, check out our list of friendship quotes .

  • “True friends are always together in spirit.” —L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
  • “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” ― Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
  • “Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.” ― Hafiz

You can find even more friendship quotes in this post !

We hope these ideas and inspirational prompts help you craft a sincere and thoughtful note for your friend, no matter the circumstance.

If you want even more ideas on friendship, look no further:

  • Birthday wishes for friends: What to write in a friend’s birthday card
  • How to support friends with disabilities
  • Tips for supporting friends with depression and anxiety
  • Four party ideas for celebrating Galentine’s Day
  • greeting card messages

Shop Friendship Cards

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Friendly Letter Formats

40 best friendly letter format examples.

Many people choose to send friendly letters using formats that are readily available online. Instant messages and emails are even more common. While these methods are both convenient and easy, they lack a personal touch. You would feel better if the contents of your letters came from your own words instead of someone else’s sample friendly letters. Communicating in this traditional way tends will make you feel more sincere. It will also send your recipients your true intentions. Writing a friendly letter will show that you really care since you have gone through the trouble of writing the letter.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Friendly Letter Formats
  • 2 What is a friendly letter?
  • 3 Friendly Letter Examples
  • 4 What to include?
  • 5 How to format a friendly letter?
  • 6 Sample Friendly Letters
  • 7 How to write a friendly letter format?
  • 8 Formats Of A Friendly Letter
  • 9 Mistakes to avoid

Free friendly letter format 01

What is a friendly letter?

A friendly letter is a letter you write to your friends, relatives, peers, acquaintances, or anyone you know. The recipient doesn’t necessarily have to be a friend, just anyone you feel friendly toward. Friendly letters aren’t considered as formal written documents since there are no standard rules for writing or following the format of a friendly letter. Moreover, there really isn’t any solid reason why you would write this letter to a friend.

You might just want to say “Hello,” talk about different things, or share fond memories. Generally, you would write a friendly letter with the purpose of conveying a specific message. It is a means of communicating with the people in your life and keep touch with them. It can even serve as a “socializing agent” where you confess something, share secrets, get opinions, and more.

Friendly Letter Examples

Free friendly letter format 11

What to include?

Writing your own friendly letter example instead of sending an instant message or an email gives a more personal touch. When writing this letter, you should think about the contents. A typical letter includes the following:

  • Address. You should include your return address and the date when you wrote the letter.
  • Opening salutation. Include an opening salutation that’s appropriate to your closeness to the recipient of your letter.
  • Body. This part will contain the contents of your letter. It can be as short as a couple of paragraphs or as long as several pages. You can make it as long or short as you want.
  • Closing salutation. This is where you would say goodbye. Again, your closing salutation would depend on how close you are to the recipient.
  • Signature. Assuming that you will write a friendly letter for someone who knows you quite well, you can sign your first name or use your nickname.

A traditional friendly letter would be hand-written, then sent through post. Although this means that it will take a longer time for the letter to reach the recipient, it is highly recommended if you want your letter to have a personal touch. But with the advent of technology, friendly letters usually come in typed form, then sent through email. This is also acceptable but not as personal.

How to format a friendly letter?

When writing this letter, remember that it’s different from other forms in both format and content. For instance, this letter has a casual purpose, it won’t provide as much identifying information compared to business letters . However, even if you use a casual tone, you would like it to have the right format. Here are some tips for this:

  • Heading. The recipient of your letter might like to write you back. Providing your address in the heading will make this easier for them. Like any other part of your letter, you should include specific content and spacing requirements. The heading should be in the upper-left-hand corner of your letter. Include your street address, your state, city, zip code, and the date when you wrote the letter.
  • Salutation. This is where you would greet the recipient. Often, a simple “Hello” would do. Make sure to align the salutation to the left margin, capitalize the first letter of the greeting and the name, and add a comma after the last word. After this, skip 2 lines.
  • Body. This is where you would communicate the information you want to convey. Organize the information into paragraphs to help your recipient understand your thoughts. Align this text to the left too. You may or may not indent the first word of each paragraph if you want. Asking about the recipient’s health or their current activities first is a good idea to show that you want to reconnect with them. Then you can state the purpose of your letter along with other relevant details. The last sentence should end with a statement of well wishes or hopes for a reply.
  • Closing and signature. After the body, skip 2 lines. Indent the line to align with the heading. Then you can say goodbye to your recipient. Write your closing sentiment using a capital letter, then end it using a comma. Directly below your closing sentiment, add your signature.

Sample Friendly Letters

Free friendly letter format 21

How to write a friendly letter format?

With today’s modern technology, most people send text messages or private messages on social media when they want to connect with friends. Of course, doing this is much that is an easy and practical way to do it but nothing beats a good, old-fashioned friendly letter. Here are some tips for writing this letter:

  • Start your letter

If you will write the letter by hand, it would be nice to include a date on the top-left corner of your paper. There are many people who want to save their correspondence as mementos. With a date, the recipient of your letter can see the day and year they received it. This little piece of information will allow them to reminisce about earlier days. You can either write the date completely or abbreviate it by only using numbers that indicate the day, month, and year.

Whether you will write the letter by hand or type it on your computer, then print it out, you will always start with a salutation. This is the line where you would address the person to whom you’re writing your letter. The salutation to use will depend on the nature of your relationship with the recipient and your own style and preference too. Choose the greeting accordingly and make sure that it ends with a comma. After this line, you can start writing the body of your letter.

  • Convey your message

It is always a good idea to begin the body of your friendly letter with pleasantries to give a lighthearted and warm feel. Doing this is also a good way to set the tone of your letter as it will give the recipient an idea of what the letter would contain. It shows that your letter is a friendly one rather than a formal or serious one.

Extend your warm greetings in the first lines of your letter. You could even share a joke or talk about a good memory. These are some common letter openings. You can think of this part as the opening small talk or a prelude to a more meaningful conversation.

The next part of your letter will contain the main content and the purpose of why you wrote it. Here, you could be as articulate, straightforward, and open as you want so that you can convey your message effectively. Write something about your life and no matter what this is, the recipient will probably appreciate your letter and feel much closer to you, especially if you share revealing information.

Relate to your friend, any events that have happened in your life, the emotions you went through when those events occurred, and any plans you have for the future. Of course, you don’t have to overdo it, Just try to portray your life realistically. Also, you should only share details you feel comfortable with.

It’s also a good idea to share topics that are relevant to your recipient. Include in your letter references relevant to your purpose too. You can ask questions to show you have an interest in the recipient’s life.

Discuss subjects that are of mutual interest like current events, politics, arts, or any other topic that you have already discussed with them in person. You can even suggest movies that you have watched or books that you have read that you think the recipient might appreciate. Sharing good information is a common and welcome tradition among friends.

  • Close your letter

When you’re done with the main message, it’s time to wrap things up. The last paragraph of your letter should contain words of best wishes for the recipient. This part usually has a lighter tone compared to the body although it should still match the general feel of the letter. Try looking for the right words that will leave your recipient with positive feelings and thoughts. You can also mention the purpose of your letter again and encourage your recipient to write back.

When it’s time to write the closing, make sure to choose words that are in sync with the rest of your letter, whether you have written it using a casual or traditional tone. Just like your salutation, your closing will depend on your relationship with the recipient. After this, sign your whole name or nickname.

While not required, you may include a postscript. You would include a postscript or PS at the end of a friendly letter if you want. This is a great way to add more information that isn’t as relevant as the rest of the content in the body of your letter. You could include a joke, a note, or just leave this part out. If you do add a PS, make sure it matches the rest of your letter’s tone.

Formats Of A Friendly Letter

Free friendly letter format 31

Mistakes to avoid

Although these letters don’t have any strict requirements or rules, you still want to write them well. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid when writing a friendly letter:

  • You don’t introduce yourself. This applies if you’re writing to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. You may remember their name but they might not remember yours. If you aren’t sure if your recipient will remember you, remind them by adding some details about yourself and how you met.
  • Not using the correct punctuation. Even the best writers can have issues like this.  For instance, the simple placement of commas. Your recipient might not be an expert at writing, but they might still notice these small errors. Although they won’t blame or call you out for such, you still don’t want them to see such errors.
  • Complaining too much. Even if your recipient isn’t a psychologist, you might want to share some sad or frustrating news. Just try not to focus on such details in your letter entirely. Just don’t hide any relevant information if it really matters.
  • Making your letter too long. Remember that you’re writing a friendly letter, not a novel. A good letter should be no more than 3 pages in length. Your recipient might even appreciate a shorter letter as it will save them time. Also, try using shorter sentences to increase your letter’s readability.
  • Not signing your name. A friendly letter isn’t a piece of formal writing. But it still has to follow the proper etiquette. For instance, you need to include a closing phrase and your signature. These are essential aspects of writing your letter, so you should always keep them in mind. When writing this letter, you may use informal language.
  • Not proofreading your letter before you send it. Remember that when you write this letter, the intent isn’t to get a high score. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore the basic grammar rules. With today’s messaging conveniences, getting a hand-written friendly letter is a wonderful surprise. Try to make this the perfect surprise for your friend.
  • Not using proper divisions for your paragraphs. Although a friendly letter isn’t a piece of academic writing, you should still make it readable for the comfort and convenience of your recipient. Make sure that you start each new paragraph for new topics. For instance, your first paragraph could contain an explanation of why you wrote the letter. The next paragraph will contain your news. Keep going until you reach the end of your letter.

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Personal Letter to a Friend

A Personal Letter to a Friend is an informal letter in which the writer shares personal information intended only for their friend. Writing a personal letter is an informal, intimate way of catching up with a friend.

For many years, personal letters and notes shared between friends were the primary method by which friends maintained contact and shared their experiences. Long before phones, typewriters, and computers were invented, letters between friends were the enduring basis of lifelong relationships. Now friends can write personal letters to each other via email if they choose, with a wide variety of design elements available.

Although many feel the personal handwritten letter is old-fashioned and outdated, some friends still maintain this friendship ritual to share secrets and essential events. This article discusses the elements of a personal letter and provides some tips for writing a great personal letter.

Why Write a Personal Letter to a Friend?

Friends eagerly look forward to news from one another. Regardless of the physical distance between you and your friends, writing a letter, email, or postcard to a friend reminds them of your friendship and your heartfelt concern for them. Writing personal letters to your friends takes a bit of time, but the rewards far exceed the effort involved. Letter writing is an intimate way to show your friends you are thinking of them.

Standard Elements of a Personal Letter to a Friend

An informal, personal letter to your friend will contain these elements:

  • A salutation – this can be formal or informal, such as “Dear Friend,” “Hi, Friend!” or “Dearest {nickname},”
  • Inquiries about your friend’s life and experiences
  • Information about your life and experiences
  • A closing, like “Best Regards,” “Warmly,” or “Love,”

The best thing about a personal letter to a friend is that it can contain anything you want. When writing a personal letter, there are no rules about what you can write or how you can write it.

Tips for Writing a Great Personal Letter to Your Friend

  • Get creative with your letter’s format. Use postcards, personal cards, and special stationery items to write to your friends. If you are writing an email letter, use a special background, and typestyle to set the tone of your letter.
  • Send special items with your letter. You might send local newspaper clippings, movie or play reviews, or an article you found particularly interesting.
  • Ask for news from your friend’s life and let your friend know you are thinking of them.
  • Tell your friend about your experiences, thoughts, and life events.
  • Use a writing prompt if you don’t know what to write – we have provided some writing prompts below.
  • If you and your friend share a hobby, share ideas, or send supplies.
  • Decorate your letter and envelope with your personal touches.
  • Try calligraphy or another personal style of lettering for your letter.

Prompts for Writing a Great Personal Letter to Your Friend

  • Describe one of your shared experiences in detail.
  • Write a list of your favorite things about your friend.
  • Describe how and when you met your friend.
  • Tell your friend what reminded you of them recently.
  • Tell your friend what you miss most about them.
  • Share a secret you feel ready to share.

Sample Personal Letter to a Friend

December 12, 2022

I’ve been wondering how your holiday plans are coming along. Are you still planning on having a party this holiday season? I honestly don’t know how you keep up with everything. You must already be exhausted, and it’s only the 12th. I hope you are resting enough and taking some time for yourself. How are Henri and the kids? I do hope everyone is well and happy.

We are well, and working on finishing our semester to enjoy a bit of time off. Jackson and I both have exam papers still to grade and final grades to enter. Soon it will be the holiday, though, and we are looking forward to lounging at the house and doing some reading for enjoyment!

Seeing the holiday decorations recently reminded me of you and the holiday parties your mom and dad had every year when we were young. I remember so well the beautiful tree and the holly decorating the banister of your stairway.

Remember how we would sneak down to the kitchen for cookies and hot cocoa? We were so certain your parents didn’t notice, but looking back, it’s interesting how the cocoa and cookies were always on the counter and ready for us! The innocence of childhood is a wonderful thing. I know your kids are busy making lifelong memories just like we were.

I sent some recipes I cut out of one of my magazines and a tin of cookies I made with the holiday cookie recipe. They are just like the ones we snuck into the kitchen for when we were kids.

Personal Letter to a Friend (Word Template)

writing to your friend

Personal letters to your friends follow the basic format for informal letters, but there is no limit to what you can write or how you write it. These letters are part of the fabric of friendship when you send them by mail or email. Have fun with your personal letters.

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The Write Greeting

Birthday Wishes, Sayings, and Inspirational Messages

250+ The Ultimate Collection of Letters to My Best Friend

  • October 10, 2023
  • by thewritegreeting

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Personal Letters to My Best Friend

Do you have a best friend?  Someone who knows all your secrets, and who you can rely on no matter what?  I do, and I owe her everything.  Sometimes we don’t get to see each other as often as we’d like, but that doesn’t mean our friendship is any less strong. I love my best friend more than anything, and I am eternally grateful to have her in my life.    Sometimes, it’s hard to find the words to say how much you care about someone. That’s why I decided to write letters to my best friend , to let her know how much she means to me and how grateful I am to have her in my life. 

Sometimes it’s important to take a moment to let a bestie know just how important they are to us.  So take a moment and write an emotional letter to your dearest friend, letting her know what she means to you. 

Two teenager friends female eating ice cream

What Should I Write in a Letter to My Best Friend?

Do you need help finding the right words to say or write to your best friend ?  Well, you’ve come to the right place!  Let her know everything that is going on in your life.  Tell her how your family are doing, how you are doing, and always ask how she is.  

Be genuine, open and honest.  Let her know how much you appreciate her friendship! 

😀 Hey best friend. There are so many things to say to you, I don’t even know where to start!  You are my greatest friend and the most magnificent person I know.  Your beautiful soul shines through everything you do.   I am so lucky to have you in my life, you are my greatest friend. 

😀 I wanted to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for your friendship. Your presence in my life has been very meaningful to me.  Your unwavering support, genuine kindness, and infectious enthusiasm have made my days infinitely better. I am continually inspired by your strength, resilience, and the way you approach life with such grace.

😀 Your friendship has been a sanctuary in both good times and bad. The laughter we’ve shared, the adventures we’ve embarked on, and the heartfelt conversations we’ve had are precious memories I hold close to my heart. You’ve been there through thick and thin, offering a listening ear and a caring heart. Your ability to understand me, even in moments of silence, has been a comfort beyond words.

😀 I cherish the countless moments of joy, the shared dreams, and the mutual understanding that define our friendship. You’ve taught me the true meaning of loyalty, compassion, and the importance of genuine connections. I appreciate the way you’ve enriched my life, and I am incredibly lucky to have you as my friend.

😀 Thank you for being my confidant, my adventure buddy, and my rock. I look forward to creating more beautiful memories together and facing whatever the future holds, knowing I have you by my side.  You are my family.

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😀 Without you, I would be lost.  You have been my best friend for a long time now through thick and thin!  Thank you for always being my guiding light, and for saving my a** on many, many occasions.  Most of all, thanks for the great memories we have together.   

😀 I find myself at a loss for words when I think about what your friendship means to me. Your unwavering support, your boundless kindness, and your ability to see the beauty in every situation have had a profound impact on my life. I am endlessly thankful for your comforting presence during my toughest moments and your contagious laughter during the happiest ones.

😀 In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic, you have been my constant. Your friendship is like a warm embrace, reminding me that I am never alone in this journey. The memories we’ve created together, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the adventures we’ve embarked on are etched into my heart.

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😀 Dearest friend,  I wanted to take a moment today to send you this open letter to tell you what you mean to me.  You have been there for me through everything, good and bad.  You have never judged me, even when I made mistakes!  You have always been there to support me and picked me up when I was down!  I can’t imagine my life without you.  You are my guardian angel! 

😀 You’ve been my shoulder to cry on during tough times, my sounding board when I’ve needed to talk through a problem, and my biggest cheerleader when things have been going well .  Thank you for listening with an open heart and offering advice that comes from a place of compassion. 

😀 As I sit down to write this, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for having you as my best friend. You are the sunshine that brightens my darkest days and the anchor that keeps me grounded in the stormy seas of life. Your friendship has been a beacon of light, guiding me through challenges and illuminating even the mundane moments with joy.

Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you. Misty Copeland Tweet

How Do I Write a Heartfelt Letter to a Friend?

It can be hard to find the right words to say when you want to let your best friend know how much you appreciate them.  But, with a little creativity, you can come up with something special that will make your friendship even stronger.  

Here are some simple and easy ways to tell your friend just how much you care.

😀 Hi, there are so many things I want to say to you, but I hardly know where to start!  First of all, thank you for being such a bubbly person in my life.  You always know how to make me laugh, even on the dullest of days.  You’ve also helped me become a better person, I’m more patient and forgiving because of you.  Thanks for everything best friend.  

😀 Thank you for being there for me during the difficult times.  I can’t believe I am a single person with two young kids.  Please know that I appreciate your friendship so much, I wish there were more people like you in the world!

😀 I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how grateful I am for your friendship. Life has its ups and downs, but having you by my side makes everything better.

😀 Your friendship is like a beacon of light, illuminating even the darkest days. I cherish the memories we’ve created, the conversations we’ve had, and the countless ways you’ve made me smile. Your support has been my strength, and your laughter, my joy.

😀 Thank you for being the wonderful person you are. Here’s to more shared moments, more adventures, and a lifetime of friendship. You’re truly special, and I’m lucky to call you my friend.

😀 In a world that often feels chaotic, your friendship is my sanctuary. It’s in the late-night talks, the spontaneous adventures, and the silent understanding we share. It’s in the way you make me feel valued, appreciated, and loved just for being me. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst, and yet, you’ve remained steadfast, a true friend through and through.  I appreciate you every day, I just don’t tell you that. 

😀 I am thankful for your unwavering support, your honesty, and your ability to always see the best in me, even when I struggle to see it myself. You’ve shared my triumphs and my failures, celebrating my victories as if they were your own and offering solace during my defeats. Your kindness knows no bounds, and your loyalty is a treasure beyond measure.

😀 Our friendship is a testament to the beautiful complexities of human connection. The laughter we’ve shared has echoed through the years, creating a melody of happiness that I carry in my heart. Your presence in my life has made it richer, more meaningful, and undeniably better.

Best friend letter in pink

Letter for a Best Friend

There’s nothing quite like having a good friend.  Someone who you can share your life with and who will always be there for you.  Whether it’s someone to laugh with, or cry with, friends are invaluable.

If you want to show your friend how much they mean to you, here are some ways that you can do just that!

😀 To my best friend, this is a short letter to let you know that I cherish our friendship more than you could possibly know.  There is never a dull moment when you’re around.  You are a safe space for me during tough times and toxic relationships.  I hope you remain in my life forever!  

😀 Dear bestie,  you mean the world to me, thank you for being there in the bad times, and the worst times.  Thank you for keeping things light and funny when the situation requires it.  I love that you accept me for who I am!

😀 Life takes us in different directions sometimes.  I know it’s been a while since we talked, so I wanted to reach out and say hi.  I realize that people change and life gets busy.  I hope you are doing well and taking advantage of your second chance .  I wanted to remind you that I am here anytime you want to talk!  Sending you all the love.

😀 Thank you for being my confidant, my partner-in-crime, and my source of endless joy. I am profoundly fortunate to have you in my life. Here’s to the countless memories we’ve made and the countless more we have yet to create.

😀 I am endlessly grateful for the countless times you’ve stood by my side, offering a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on. Your ability to see the best in me, even when I can’t, has been a source of endless inspiration. Your laughter is infectious, and in your company, every moment becomes a memory worth cherishing.

Two young diverse girls hugging one another

Letter to Your Best Friend

No matter how close we are to someone, it’s always nice to hear that they appreciate us.  Whether your friend has gone out of their way for you, or just been a constant support, telling them that you appreciate them is sure to make their day.

Here are a few examples of what to way to your friend to let them know how much you care about them!

😀 Just thinking about you makes me smile.  I can’t imagine going through this life without you by my side.  I cherish every single day we spend together.  You are like family to me!

😀 We’ve shared a lifetime of memories together, and I hope that our lives continue to be intertwined for many years to come.  You’re like the sister I never had!

Dear bestie,  I am writing to tell you that I have a surprise.  I have a new job, I am in a much better place than I was and even hope to visit soon.  I’m wondering how you are doing?

😀 There are moments in life when one realizes the true worth of a friend, and with you, those moments happen every day. I want you to know just how profoundly grateful I am for your friendship. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst, yet your unwavering belief in me never falters. Your ability to understand my thoughts even before I speak them has always amazed me, and your support has been my driving force in times of uncertainty.  Thank you for being my friend.

😀 Our friendship is a story written in the ink of shared experiences and bound by the threads of mutual understanding. I cherish the late-night conversations, the inside jokes that only we understand, and the way you’ve always stood by me, even in my most challenging moments. Your friendship has given me strength when I felt weak, and hope when I felt lost.

One young girl in red/blue checkered shirt pusihing young girl in shopping trolley

A Letter to My Best Friend

😀 If you’re not sure what to write about in an emotional letter to your best friend, here are some tips for you.

😀 Start off your letter by reminiscing about a special memory that you and your friend share. This could be a funny moment, a deep conversation, or a significant event. Writing about the memories you have together will help reinforce the bond you share and show your friend that they hold a special place in your heart.

😀 Take the opportunity to express your gratitude towards your friend. Thank them for always being there for you, for listening to your rants and for their unwavering support . It’s easy to take our friends for granted, so writing a letter of appreciation is an excellent way to remind them of how much they mean to you.

😀 Update them on your life,  share what has been happening in your life lately. Write about your current job, relationship, or hobbies. Let your friend know how you’re doing and what’s been on your mind. It’s important to keep each other updated, even if you don’t get to see each other as often as you’d like.

😀 I can’t even remember when we first became best friends.  It feels like we’ve been connected forever.    But I do know that I couldn’t imagine my life without you!  You’re the sister I never had.  We’ve shared so many memories together, both good and bad.  We always seem to pick each other up when we’re feeling down.  That’s why we have such a special friendship!

😀 My friend,  I know we haven’t been talking for a while.  Things have just been a a little crazy over here with the new baby.  I really miss talking with you every day, I promise to call soon, but I wanted you to know how much I miss you and think of you.

😀 Hey friend, it’s been a while.  I’m wondering where in the world are you now?  It’s been six months since your family gave up everything to travel the world!  Do you like it?  Where have you been so far?  i miss my friend, I miss not seeing you in person.  But I hope you are having the biggest adventure of your life.  See you soon (I hope).

😀 Thank you for always listening to me, even when I ramble on about nothing!  Thank you for being there for me, no matter what. 

Best friend letter in green

Friendship Letters to Best Friends

There is something special about the relationship between best friends. You know each other inside and out; you finish each other’s sentences and share more than just your likes and dislikes. But sometimes, life gets in the way and we don’t always get to see or connect with our best friends as often as we’d like to. That’s where a good old-fashioned letter comes in.

In this blog post, I will be sharing some examples of what to write in a letter for a dear friend to help you stay connected and show your love and appreciation for them.

😀 I can’t believe it’s been a month since you moved.  I miss you so much, I hate not being able to see you in person.  I wanted to take a moment to write this emotional letter to you to let you know that you are like family to me.   Thank you for being my sounding board, my shoulder to cry on, and my partner in crime.  You can always count on me, and I know I can always count on you.  I miss you.

😀 There are so many things I want to tell you.  Things that have happened sinc we last saw each othr that I know you’ll be dying to hear about.  I hope you know how much I miss you.  I miss hearing your laugh, seeing your smile.  I miss our long talks and shared secrets.  It feels like a part of me is missing when we’re not together.  I miss my best friend.

😀 You are my one person who has always been someone I can always count on.  Thank you for being a constant source of support and encouragement.  I cherish our friendship and am so thankful to have you in my life.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart , for everything.

😀 We met in first grade and became best friends instantly.  We were always together, whether we were at school or at home.  We would olay together, do our homework together, and even fight together.  There was nothing we wouldn’t do together!  I miss you friend.

Two little caucasian girls sitting on dooorstep

Letters to Write to Your Best Friend

There’s something special about receiving a handwritten letter in the mail, especially from a best friend. In a time where the world is so reliant on instant messaging and social media, taking the time to write a letter to a dear friend can be incredibly meaningful. It’s a chance to reflect on the memories that you’ve shared, express your gratitude and offer words of encouragement.

So, next time you’re missing your best friend, take out a pen and paper, and get writing. How shocked would your best friend be to receive a handwritten letter from you thankging them for their friendship!

😀 Where do I even begin? Your friendship is like a cherished novel, filled with pages of laughter, chapters of shared dreams, and volumes of unwavering support . I want you to know how deeply I appreciate having you in my life. Your presence alone brightens even the gloomiest days. Your kindness is like a soothing balm to my soul, and your understanding is a beacon of comfort.

😀 Thank you for always being so understanding, even when I’m feeling irrational and emotional.  Thank you for never judging me in the bad times, when I made some pretty questionable choices.  You truly are a dear friend and I appreciate you so much!

😀 Hey friend, can you believe it’s been six months since we graduated from college?  It feels like only yesterday we were cramming in the library for our finals.  And now here we are, starting new careers and moving to a new city.  It feels so surreal.  It’s hard to believe that we’re no longer living in dorms, surviving on Ramen noodles every day.  Sometimes life gets in the way, but I wanted you to know that I miss you lots!

😀 Dear best friend,  I hope this letter finds you well.  I’m missing you so much and I can’t wait to catch up in person very soon  I n the meantime, I wanted to send you a little note with some thoughts that have been on my mind.    You are my favorite person to hang out with, because we are so similar in so many ways.  It feels like we just ‘get’ each other.  And that’s why I want to keep our friendship continuing, by writing letters to one another!

2 best friends in blue jackets taking a selfie

Letter to a Good Friend

Let your dear friend know just how much they mean to you by sending them a sweet letter outlining why they are important to you!  Tell your friend how much their friendship means to you and how grateful you are for the bond that you share. A heartfelt goodbye will leave your friend feeling cherished and looking forward to reconnecting with you again.

I promise you, the gesture will mean a lot to them!

😀 Hey best friend,  I hope you’re doing well.  I don’t know if you still write letters, but I wanted to reach out and tell you how much I love and miss you.  It’s been a while since we’ve been able to hang out, and I really wish we could catch up soon.  Until then, I’ll be thinking of you often and keeping you close in my thoughts.  

😀 I wanted to write you a letter but I’m not sue what to say.  I feel like I could talk to you for hours on the phone, but when it comes to putting my thoughts into words on paper, I get stuck.  I think about all the things we’ve been through together, and how there’s nobody else I would want by my side.   I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you.  Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what.  Thank you for understanding me better than anyone else in my life.  Thank you for being my best friend, somebody who makes me laugh until my stomach hurts.  

So what do you say to your best friends when you want to tell them how much you appreciate them?

Sometimes it’s hard to come up with the perfect thing to say, but feel free to use any of our ideas.  An emotional letter from you is something they not only deserve, but something they will really appreciate.  Send one today, you’ll be glad you did!

Group of friends laughing together

Letter to Best Friend

Best friends are priceless treasures that are hard to find and could never be replaced. Their unwavering presence and support have a way of making us feel better even in the stormiest of times. Given the value that our best friends bring to our lives, it is only fitting that we seek ways to reciprocate their kindness, and one of the best things we could do is by writing them beautiful letters.

In this blog post, we will uncover the power of words and delve into the art of letter writing by giving you tips and samples of captivating letters to help you express how much you love and appreciate your best friend.

When you have a best friend who is there for you and supports you when you need it, it’s a nice thought to write some best friend letters letting her or himknow how much you appreciate the friendship.  Here are some sample friend letters you can use to send your dear friend.

Check out the emotional letter below and personalize it for your particular friend.

😀 I wanted to take a moment to express how truly grateful I am to have you in my life. Your presence brings a unique kind of joy and comfort that I cherish deeply. Your unwavering support during both the highs and lows of life has been a constant source of strength for me. I appreciate the way you listen without judgment, understand without words, and love without conditions. Your kindness knows no bounds, and your generosity, both in laughter and understanding, is a gift I treasure every day. Thank you for being the wonderful, caring person you are. I am profoundly lucky to call you my incredible friend, and I look forward to many more years of laughter, adventures, and shared moments.

😀 I find it hard to put into words how much your friendship means to me. Your unwavering support, your endless kindness, and your ability to light up even the darkest of days have made my life infinitely better. In you, I’ve found not just a friend but a confidant, a partner-in-crime, and a soul sister. Your presence brings a unique kind of joy into my life, and I am constantly inspired by your strength, your wisdom, and your beautiful spirit. You’ve taught me the true meaning of friendship – to be there in times of need, to celebrate in times of joy, and to stand by each other no matter what. Thank you for being my rock, my muse, and my dearest friend. I appreciate you more than words can express. 

😀 You are one of a kind, you are always there for me when I need support and encouragement.  I hope you stay my friend forever, because I don’t know what I would do without you, you are my best buddy and I hope I am the best friend for you.  If I need to do better, please let me know, because you deserve the best!

😀 I want you to know how incredibly lucky I am to have you in my life. Your friendship has brought so much light, laughter, and love into my world. Your ability to see the beauty in every moment, your unwavering positivity, and your boundless generosity inspire me every day. I appreciate the way you lift me up when I’m down, how you celebrate my successes as if they were your own, and how you’ve stood by me through thick and thin. You are not just a friend; you are family, a kindred spirit, and a true blessing. I am profoundly grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you for being the incredible  person you are.

😀 Your friendship has been a beacon of light, guiding me through some of my darkest days and amplifying the brightness on my brightest ones. Your kindness, your empathy, and your ability to make everyone around you feel valued and loved are just a few of the things that make you so incredibly special. I want you to know that I see and appreciate all the little things you do – the texts that brighten my mornings, the late-night conversations that soothe my soul, and the shared laughter that lifts my spirits. Your friendship has made me a better person, and I am endlessly thankful for that. I cherish our bond more than words can convey, and I am looking forward to a lifetime of more shared moments, deep conversations, and endless love. Thank you for being the wonderful friend that you are.

Two female best friends hanging at the beach

Letter to a Best Friend

Friends are one of the most beautiful relationships that we can have. True friends can be hard to come by, but they stand by our side through thick and thin. They are those people who we can always rely on, share our deepest secrets and desires with, and simply be ourselves. Whether in good times or bad, our best friend remains a constant source of support.

Why not take a moment to write some best friend letters to let your best buddy know how you truly feel about them.  A good friend deserves a sweet letter from time to time.

😀 Happy birthday friend!  As I take a moment to reflect on our friendship, my heart swells with gratitude. Your presence in my life is like a gentle breeze on a warm summer day – refreshing, comforting, and absolutely delightful. Your kindness, your understanding, and your ability to make me feel heard and valued are gifts I treasure beyond measure. I am continually inspired by your grace, your resilience, and your unwavering positivity. You have a remarkable ability to see the good in every situation and the beauty in every person, and it’s something I deeply admire. I am thankful for the countless memories we’ve shared, the inside jokes that make us laugh until our sides hurt, and the silent understanding that needs no words. Your friendship has brought so much joy and meaning into my life, and I can’t imagine my world without you in it. Thank you for being the incredible person you are. Here’s to many more years of friendship, laughter, and endless adventures together.  I hope you have the best birthday party yet!

😀 You have been my bestie for almost my whole life and I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate having you in my life. Your friendship is a treasure that I hold close to my heart. Your unwavering support, infectious laughter, and genuine kindness make every day brighter. I am truly lucky to have a friend like you by my side. Thank you for the countless moments of joy and the unwavering support. Here’s to many more years of shared adventures and laughter. 

😀 I just wanted to express my gratitude for your friendship. Your presence in my life has brought so much joy and comfort. Your ability to understand, your kindness, and your endless optimism are qualities I deeply admire. Thank you for being the amazing person you are and for the countless times you’ve stood by me. Here’s to our friendship and the wonderful moments still to come.  Cheers to my best friend forever.  We have a friendship bond that will never break.

😀 My wonderful friend [Friend’s Name], I couldn’t let another day pass without expressing my heartfelt appreciation for you. Your friendship is a gift that keeps on giving. Your unwavering support, your sense of humor, and your beautiful soul have made my life immeasurably better. I cherish our moments together and the countless ways you’ve made me smile. Thank you for being an incredible friend. Here’s to more laughter, more adventures, and more cherished memories. Best wishes  ___________.

😀 I often find myself counting my blessings, and you are always at the top of the list. Your friendship has been my greatest source of strength and joy. Your kindness, your unwavering support, and your ability to lift my spirits have made my life infinitely better. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are. I appreciate you more than words can express . Here’s to our friendship, the anchor of my life.

Two best friends hugging each other

As we navigate through our daily lives, we often forget to tell our best friends how much we love and appreciate them. Writing a letter to your best friend is an opportunity to express your feelings in a tangible and personal way. It is a chance to acknowledge their positive impact on your life, thank them for being there for you, and remind them of the important role they play in your life.

When you take the time to write an emotional letter, you are also practicing gratitude, kindness, and empathy. It’s an act of kindness that can have a positive impact on your friend’s life. It’s a chance to show them that they matter and that their presence in your life is treasured.

Friends play such an important role in our lives, take some time to write some best friend letters, and let them know how much you appreciate them.

😀 Dear friend, I want you to know how incredibly thankful I am for your friendship. Your positivity, your wisdom, and your infectious laughter have made every moment spent together memorable. I appreciate your kindness, your genuine nature, and the countless times you’ve been there for me. Here’s to more shared smiles, more shared tears, and an everlasting friendship , best wishes _____

😀 You have the most bubbly magnetic personality, it is always such fun to be around you.  Having you in my life makes EVERYTHING  better.  I am so glad they sat us together in 3rd grade, it has been a blast having my favorite partner in crime for the last two decades!  Happy birthday bestie

😀 As I reflect on our friendship, I am filled with immense gratitude. Your friendship is like a guiding star in my life, always there to brighten my darkest days. Your unwavering support, your caring heart, and your beautiful soul have made my life richer and more meaningful. I can’t thank you enough for being the incredible friend that you are. Here’s to our friendship and the countless memories yet to be made. With sincere appreciation, your bestie.

😀 On this special day, first of all happy birthday, but I also want to take a moment to acknowledge how fortunate I am to have you in my life. Your friendship has brought me countless moments of happiness, laughter, and understanding. Your ability to make the ordinary extraordinary and the difficult bearable is a true gift . I am grateful for the times we’ve shared, the secrets we’ve kept, and the unspoken bond between us. Thank you for being my confidant, my partner-in-crime, and my source of endless support

😀 I can’t help but express my gratitude for your friendship. You have a unique way of making every day brighter and every moment memorable. Your kindness, your sense of humor, and your ability to lift me up when I’m down have made a world of difference in my life. I cherish the laughter we’ve shared, the tears we’ve wiped away, and the dreams we’ve dared to dream together. Thank you for being such an incredible friend. Here’s to the next few decades making more memories and having more fun! 

😀 I find it hard to put into words just how much your friendship means to me. Your presence in my life has been a beacon of light, guiding me through both the sunny days and the stormy nights. Your empathy, your kindness, and your unwavering friendship have made my life immeasurably better. Thank you for being my rock, my confidant, and my partner-in-crime. Here’s to the laughter, the adventures, and the deep connection we share.  You are the most fun loving friend and I am eternally grateful to have you in my life.

😀 I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your friendship. Your presence in my life is a constant source of joy and inspiration. Your kindness, your strength, and your genuine nature have made my life richer in more ways than I can count. I appreciate the way you’ve stood by me through thick and thin, celebrating my triumphs and comforting me in my trials. Thank you for being the amazing friend you are. Here’s to our friendship and the beautiful journey we’re on together.

😀 To my loving friend,  I am writing this with a heart full of gratitude for the wonderful friend you are. Your friendship has been my greatest blessing, bringing light, laughter, and endless love into my life. Your ability to understand, your generosity, and your unwavering support have made my life infinitely better. I cherish the memories we’ve made, the adventures we’ve embarked upon, and the countless moments of joy we’ve shared. Thank you for being my friend, my confidant, and my constant source of happiness.  I would be lost without you!

2 girls having a sleep over with beauty masks on

Friendship Letter to Best Friend

Writing a letter to your best friend doesn’t have to be a daunting task. The most important thing is to be honest and heartfelt in your words. Here are some tips to help you get started:

😀 Start with a warm greeting – begin your letter with a warm and friendly greeting. This could be something as simple as “Dear (friend’s name),” or “Hey (friend’s name),”

😀 Express your love and gratitude – tell your friend how much you appreciate them, express how much you love and value your friendship

😀 Share memories and inside jokes – mention some fun memory you shared together and maybe recall an inside joke

😀 Acknowledge their strengths, qualities, and achievements – compliment your friend and highlight their positive traits and qualities, tell them how proud you are of their achievements

😀 Encourage and offer support – remind your friend that you will always be there for them, offer support as they embark on new adventures

😀 Dear (Friend’s name),

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been friends for over a decade now. I want you to know how grateful I am to have you in my life. You are one of the few people who know me better than myself.

I want to thank you for always being there for me, for the support and encouragement in my lowest moments, for the good laughter, and the many adventures we share. You have been an anchor in my life, and I deeply appreciate your constant presence.

Even though we don’t see each other as often as we used to, you remain dear to my heart, and I treasure the memories we have created together . I am looking forward to more adventures, more laughter, and more happy moments.

Thanks for being my rock.

(Your name)

😀 Hey (Friend’s name),

I hope you are doing great. I don’t say it often enough, but I value your friendship a lot. Not many people understand me the way you do, and I am grateful for your support and guidance through the good and bad times.

You know that I don’t usually open up to people, but with you, it’s different. I know that I can tell you anything, and you won’t judge me . I appreciate the time you have taken to listen to me and offer advice when I need it.

I am proud of all your achievements, especially how you have grown personally and professionally. You inspire me to dream big and work hard. I want you to know that I will always have your back, and I believe in you.

Thank you for being my confidant, my mentor, and the most loving friend.

Lots of love,

writing to your friend

Writing a heartfelt letter to your best friend is one of the most thoughtful and sincere ways of expressing your appreciation and love for them. It’s a gesture that strengthens your bond and shows how much you value the friendship.

Whether you use the samples above as a guide or create your own, remember that the most important thing is to be sincere, genuine, and personal. Taking the time to write a letter is a wonderful way to celebrate and honor the most important people in our lives.

So why not take a moment to write a letter to your best friend today? It could mean the world to them!

😀 To my dear friend [Friend’s Name], I am taking a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for your friendship. Y our kindness, your wisdom, and your unwavering support have been my pillars of strength. I appreciate the way you’ve stood by me, offering your hand in times of need and sharing in my moments of joy. You have brought endless laughter, warmth, and love into my life, and I am incredibly grateful for that. Thank you for being the extraordinary friend that you are. Here’s to more shared moments, more shared dreams, and a lifetime of friendship.  I am blessed to have you.

😀 Dear [Friend’s Name], as I celebrate our friendship, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Your friendship is like a treasure trove of joy, laughter, and unwavering support. Your ability to make me smile, to understand me without words, and to be there when I need you most are qualities I deeply cherish. I am thankful for the way you’ve stood by me, you are the best friend a girl could have!

😀 I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how grateful I am for your friendship. Life has its ups and downs, but having you by my side makes everything better.  Your friendship is like a beacon of light, illuminating even the darkest days. I cherish the memories we’ve created, the conversations we’ve had, and the countless ways you’ve made me smile. Your support has been my strength, and your laughter, my joy.  Thank you for being the wonderful person you are. Here’s to more shared moments, more adventures, and a lifetime of friendship. You’re truly special, and I’m lucky to call you my friend.

😀 Dear [Friend’s Name], I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate having you in my life. Your friendship means the world to me. The laughter we share, the secrets we keep, and the adventures we embark on together are some of the best moments of my life.

😀 In this chaotic world, your presence is a calming influence. Your kindness, understanding, and unwavering support have seen me through both good times and bad. I treasure our friendship and the bond we share. 

😀 Thank you for being the amazing person you are. Here’s to many more years of friendship, laughter, and unforgettable moments together, I love you.

Besties hanging outside together

Emotional Letter to a Dear Friend

One of the best things about having a best friend is the connection that you share with each other. A bond that runs deep beyond any social circle, and a friendship that withstands the test of time.

Sometimes, you just want to express your gratitude towards your friend, tell them how much they mean to you, or simply say hello. While a call or texts might do the trick, a handwritten letter can do just the trick to exemplify and highlight how much you cherish and value your friendship.

Here are some sample letters that you can write to your best friend, to express your love and appreciation for them.

😀 Dear [best friend’s name],

Hey! I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirit. I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for everything you have ever done for me. You have been my absolute rock, helping me navigate through some of the toughest moments of my life. From the countless hours we’ve spent on the phone, to the times you’ve sat with me in silence- your constant support has never gone unnoticed.

😀 There is no denying that I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you- I’m grateful for the love, patience and selflessness you show me every day. You have shown me what it means to be the epitome of a loyal friend. I love you, and I value your friendship, and most of all, I appreciate everything you do.

Hey! I’m sorry it’s been a while since we’ve caught up. I’ve been missing you a lot lately and reminiscing about all the fun times we’ve had together. The memories of our long drives, movie nights, and late night munchie runs have been on my mind quite frequently.

😀 It’s amazing how much has changed since our childhood, but the one thing that has always remained constant is our friendship. With every bit of reminiscing, I’m reminded of how blessed I am to have you as my best friend. Thank you for being a constant source of comfort, laughter, and love. You’re appreciated more than you’ll ever know.

😀 Thank you for being my sounding board, my partner in adventure, and my go-to person for everything. Your laughter is my favorite melody, and your presence is my favorite place. I appreciate the little things you do, the thoughtful gestures, and the way you make even the mundane moments magical.

😀 As I reflect on our journey together, I realize that true friendship is not just about sharing joys but also about standing together in the face of trials. I’m beyond fortunate to have you as my best friend, my confidant, and my soulmate in this rollercoaster of life. Here’s to the countless memories we’ve created and the infinite adventures that await us.

😀  I find myself in awe of the beautiful friendship we share. You are not just a friend; you are my sanctuary, my sounding board, and my greatest supporter. I often wonder how I got so lucky to have you by my side, enriching my life with your presence and kindness.  Happy birthday beautiful friend.

😀 I am profoundly grateful for the countless memories we’ve made together – the shared secrets, the belly laughs, and the quiet moments of understanding. You’ve turned ordinary days into extraordinary adventures, and I treasure every single one of those moments. Your friendship has given me strength during my lowest lows and multiplied the joy during my highest highs.

😀 The world is undoubtedly a better place with you in it. Here’s to the beautiful journey we’ve had so far and to the many more incredible chapters yet to be written. I am so blessed to have you in my life and to be the other person at the end of the phone anytime I need you.  Everyone needs a friend like you in their life!

😀 I am endlessly appreciative of the countless times you’ve offered a listening ear, the numerous adventures we’ve embarked upon, and the infinite moments of pure happiness you’ve gifted me. Your friendship has been a sanctuary, a place where I can be my truest self without judgment or pretense.  Thank you for the priceless gift of your friendship, for being my confidant, my partner in mischief, and my beacon of light. I cherish every memory we’ve created and look forward to the countless more that await us. You are not just a friend; you are family, and I am profoundly blessed to have you in my life.

Best Friend Letter Ideas

It's not that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but it's your best friends who are your diamonds. Gina Barrecc Tweet
A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden. Unknown Tweet
In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips. Unknown Tweet
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. Eleanor Roosevelt Tweet
There are friends, there is family and then there are friends that become family. Unknown Tweet
Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there. TWG Tweet
Life was meant for good friends and great adventures Unknown Tweet
There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. Jane Austen Tweet
It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters. Unknown Tweet
True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart. Unknown Tweet

Letters to Write to your Best Friend

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107 of the Nicest Things to Say to Your Best Friend That’ll Make Them Smile Ear-to-Ear

Got a bestie who's always there for you through thick and thin? 

Someone who knows you better than you know yourself sometimes? 

Then you gotta make sure they know how much you appreciate them! 

Nothing makes a BFF's day brighter than a sweet text reminding them how amazing they are. 

We've put together a mega list of caring and thoughtful things you can say to make your special person smile from ear to ear. 

From funny inside jokes to sincere words of affirmation, these simple phrases will help you express just how cherished your friendship is.

How Do You Make Your Best Friend Feel Special?

Sweet things to say to your best friends, nice words to say to a friend about what they mean to you, what to say to a best friend to make them feel special, notes to write to your best friend to make them smile, things to say to your guy best friend to make them smile, how to use these things to say to your best friend, final thoughts.

Having a best friend who genuinely cares for you and supports you through everything is truly a gift. 

But friendship is a two-way street, so it's important to show your BFF how much they mean to you, too! 

woman smiling looking at phone Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend

There are many thoughtful ways to make your bestie feel extra special:

  • Compliment them. Giving sincere praise about qualities you admire (like loyalty or a sense of humor) can make a friend feel seen and appreciated .
  • Celebrate their achievements. Whether it’s a promotion at work or accomplishing a personal goal, congratulate them and let them know you’re proud.
  • Remember important dates. Wishing your bestie a happy birthday, work anniversary, or other special occasions shows you care.
  • Do small favors. Offering to help your friend with errands or tasks lightens their load.
  • Plan surprises. Coordinating a fun outing or gift “just because” is a surefire way to delight your bestie.

107 Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend to Make Them Smile

Words can be powerful, especially when they come from someone you care about deeply. 

Uplifting your best friend with thoughtful compliments and encouraging messages can truly make their day. 

Here are 107 cute, funny, sincere things you can say to put a great big smile on your BFF's face.

1. You're like the peanut butter to my jelly – we just go together perfectly!

2. I don't know how I got so lucky to have a bestie as amazing as you. 

3. You're my person, plain and simple.

4. Thanks for always having my back; you're the best!

5. I couldn't ask for a better friend . You get me like no one else.

6. My life is so much brighter with you in it!

7. Being around you puts me in the best mood!

8. You're beautiful inside and out. Don't ever change!

9. You're the yin to my yang – so glad we found each other! 

10. I wish I could bottle up your awesomeness.

11. You inspire me more than you know.

12. You're my favorite person to laugh with!

13. I dig your vibe so much.

14. You're the bee's knees! 

15. Damn, you're cool. Let's be friends forever!

16. I bet you light up every room you walk into.

17. You're a gem, truly.

18. I love how I can always be myself around you.

19. You make my heart smile.

20. Being your friend feels like winning the lottery.

21. You've been there for me through so much, and I'll never take our friendship for granted.

22. I can always count on you to make me feel better when I'm down. 

23. You make me want to be the best version of myself.  

24. Because of you, I laugh a little harder, smile a little bigger, and live a little better.

25. Our friendship means everything to me.  

26. You accept and love me for who I am – that's so rare.

27. When I'm with you, I feel like I'm home.

men sitting on park bench laughing Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend

28. You bring out the best in me.

29. Having you as a friend is a true gift I'll always cherish. 

30. You inspire me to dream bigger and achieve more.

31. I hope I make you as happy as you make me.

32. You're irreplaceable, and I’m grateful every day for our friendship.

33. I'm endlessly happy we met and became friends. 

34. You've enriched my life in so many ways.  

35. I wish I could capture our laughs in a bottle to listen to whenever I need cheering up.   

36. My heart smiles every time I see your name pop up on my phone.

37. You just get me. 

38. Thinking about the memories we've made together could turn my whole day around.

39. I love that you know what I'm thinking without me even having to say it.

40. You make every day brighter, funnier, and full of adventure.

41. Thanks for sticking by my side through it all – you're a real one.

42. You're the most thoughtful, caring person – it's just one of the million things I adore about you.

43. You're so fun to be around – your energy is infectious!

44. Your creative spirit amazes me. The way your mind works is so cool.  

45. You're the strongest person I know. I'm in awe of your resilience. 

46. Your passion for life motivates me to live mine to the fullest too.

47. You light up every room with your smile – it's like sunshine! 

48. I wish I could bottle up your confidence – you embrace your strengths so beautifully.

49. Your style is so fierce and unique. You really know how to rock your look.

50. Your heart is as big as they come, and you're always there when people need you.

51. You make me feel heard and understood, and that's such a valuable gift.

52. Your adventurous spirit pushes me outside my comfort zone in the best way.

53. You handle challenges with such grace. You're my inspiration!

54. Your mind amazes me – you come up with the most creative ideas and solutions.

55. You have exquisite taste! I love picking your brain for recommendations. 

56. You light up every room you walk into, and people are just drawn to your energy.

57. You're the whole package! Beauty, brains, humor – you've got it all. 

58. I wish I could live life through your eyes because you see the world so joyfully. 

59. You have a gift for making people feel special. I'm so lucky I get to call you my bestie.

60. You're one of the wisest people I know. Thank you for all your incredible advice.

61. I love how fiercely you support the people you care about, even when it’s uncomfortable.

62. I was just thinking about the time we went to that concert and got caught dancing in the aisles. We were living our best lives! Those are the moments I'll never forget. You make everything more fun.

63. Every day, I'm reminded just how lucky I am to have a friend as amazing as you ! You add joy, laughter, and adventure to my life. Thanks for sticking by my side through it all – you're a real one!

64. Hey friend! I wanted to send you a quick note just to let you know I'm thinking about you and appreciate you. Our late-night talks, coffee dates, and endless inside jokes always brighten my day. You're one of a kind!

65. You inspire me endlessly with your passion, creativity, strength, and spirit for life. Thanks for motivating me to live life to the fullest and always go after my dreams! You're a gem.

woman lying on sofa drinking tea Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend

66. I hope your day is as bright and sunny as your beautiful smile! Seeing your name pop up on my phone instantly puts me in a better mood. Let's get together soon for more adventures and memories!

67. There's no one else I'd rather dream big with. All of our vision boards, goal-setting, and manifestation sessions are so much fun. You help me see all the possibilities ahead! Here's to making all our wildest dreams come true.

68. Hey, bestie! Just a little note to let you know how much I value our friendship. You get me like no one else. Thanks for always listening without judgment, making me laugh, and being my biggest cheerleader. You're simply the best!

69. Our friendship means the world to me. Thanks for always having my back through the ups and downs of life. You're one of the most thoughtful, loyal people I know – I'm so grateful our paths crossed! Sending you lots of love today.

70. You brighten my days and color my world with your vibrant energy and amazing soul. I smile every time we're together. Our adventures, inside jokes, and endless fun times are the best. Let's get together soon to make more memories! 

71. I just wanted to tell you how awesome you are! Your fierce spirit, bold style, and big heart inspire me daily. Keep shining bright, you star! The world is brighter with you in it.

72. You handle life with such grace – your resilience motivates me! No matter what comes your way, you inspire me to stay strong. Thanks for always lending an ear and wise words when I need them. You're the best!

73. Hey friend! Writing you this little note just because thinking about you and our amazing memories made me smile. Can't wait for our next coffee date, concert, road trip, or whatever other adventure comes our way. You're one of a kind!

74. Wanted to send you a virtual hug and let you know I appreciate you! Thanks for being my go-to person for laughs, advice, and unforgettable fun. Our friendship means so much. You're an amazing human!

75. Cheers to us and the incredible friendship we've built. We've been through so much together and made so many special memories. I cherish all our heart-to-hearts, adventures, and inside jokes. Love you, friend!

76. You inspire me to be the best version of myself. Thanks for always believing in me and encouraging me to go after big dreams! I love that we motivate each other to grow. You're a treasured friend.

77. Just wanted to say hi to my favorite person! I hope your day is as awesome as you are. Sending smiles and good vibes your way! Let's get together soon for more adventures, laughs, and memories.

78. Thinking about our friendship fills my heart with happiness! We've shared so many fun adventures together, and I look forward to a lifetime more. Thanks for adding joy, laughter, and love to my life! You're the best.

79. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate our connection. Our late-night chats, coffee dates, and endless laughs get me through the tough times. Thanks for being my person! Love ya! 

80. You inspire me every day with your kind heart, fearless spirit, and passion for life. I love that we can dream big together! Thanks for always lifting me up and making me feel like I can do anything. You're a gem!

81. I'm just dropping a quick note to let you know how special you are! Your humor, wisdom, and free spirit make you one of a kind. So glad we met – you've enriched my life tremendously, and I cherish our friendship.

82. Wanted to send you a little digital hug! Thanks for always lending an ear when I need to vent, making me smile, and being there through thick and thin. You're truly the best friend a girl could ask for. Love you!

83. You deserve all the happiness in the world! Thanks for always being my sunshine on cloudy days. Your beautiful soul inspires me. Sending positive vibes your way today, friend!

84. Our friendship means the world to me. We've been through so much together, and I'm grateful for every memory. You make life brighter and more joyful! Can't wait for our next adventure. Love you! 

85. I just wanted to let you know how awesome you are! Your creative mind, generous heart, and courageous spirit inspire me daily. The world is better with you in it!

86. Sending you virtual hugs and happiness today , amazing friend! Thanks for always making me feel loved and supported. You're one of the best things in my life!

87. We've been through so much together – you're like a brother to me. Our adventures are the stuff legends are made of! 

88. You're always making me laugh until it hurts. Don't ever stop being your hilarious self!

89. You give the best advice and always know how to make me feel better when I'm down. You're a great friend.

90. Just a quick note to say thanks for your friendship. You're laidback, loyal, and just get me. Nothing beats having a friend like you.

91. From video game high scores to winning at hoops, you're wicked talented! You inspire me to get better so I can kick your butt one day!

92. Thanks for having my back and being a true friend I can count on. You're solid.

93. You light up the room when you walk in – your energy is awesome!

94. You're gonna do big things, I just know it. When you make it big, don't forget the little people!

95. You're a great listener. Thanks for lending an ear and thoughtful advice when I need it. 

96. Keep being your kind, hilarious self! You make the world a little brighter.

97. Your fearlessness motivates me to get outside my comfort zone and live life to the fullest.

98. You are someone people can count on for solid advice and integrity. So glad we're friends!

99. Thanks for always making time for adventures. Our hangouts are the highlights of my week!

100. You have a heart of gold – always giving back and helping others. Mad respect.

101. Your confidence inspires me, man. You embrace who you are; it's awesome.

102. Your taste in music is awesome. Thanks for always sharing great playlists! 

103. You're inquisitive, thoughtful, and crazy intelligent. Your mind impresses me daily.

104. Keep dreaming big! With your talent and drive, you can make it happen. 

105. Thanks for helping me move more times than I can remember. I can always count on you in a pinch. 

106. You're the total package – humor, smarts, style, and heart. The world needs more guys like you! 

107. Our friendship means a lot to me. You make my life way more fun. I don’t know that I’ve ever laughed as much as I laugh with you!

Spreading positivity and brightening your BFF's day is easier than you think! Expressing how much their friendship means can be as simple as sending a thoughtful text. Here are some ideas for how to use these kind words and compliments:

  • Send encouraging messages out of the blue just because. Your friend will smile knowing you were thinking of them.
  • Write a sweet handwritten note with a few of your favorite phrases and leave it for them to discover.
  • Tell them face-to-face the next time you see them. Hearing compliments said sincerely is extra meaningful.
  • Text or DM them a pick-me-up if you know they're having a rough day. A kind word from you can turn their whole mood around.
  • Celebrate their birthday or other special occasions by sharing what you cherish most about them. It will make the day even more memorable.
  • Comment under their social media posts with positivity and praise when warranted. Public recognition feels good, too!
  • Create a customized playlist featuring songs with friendship-centric lyrics and songs you know they'll love.

So what are you waiting for? Surprise your bestie with a thoughtfully worded message to show your appreciation. Don't underestimate the power of heartfelt words to uplift someone's spirit!

Why You Should Say Nice Things to Your Best Friend

Having a best friend who genuinely cares for and supports you through thick and thin is truly a gift. But friendship is a two-way street, so it’s important to express how cherished your BFF is as well. 

Taking time to give your bestie thoughtful compliments and write encouraging notes lets them know how much their friendship means to you. Uplifting your best friend with praise about their admirable qualities and achievements can make their whole day. 

Saying these heartfelt things also strengthens your bond. When you make your number one friend smile and feel appreciated, it will fill your heart with joy, too.

At the end of the day, friendship is all about showing up for each other. Make an effort to regularly remind your BFF how special they are with sincere compliments, sweet notes, or thoughtful gestures. Nothing feels better than making your favorite person beam from ear to ear!

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Home » For You » Relationships

Tips For Writing A Letter To A Friend In Various Situations

Go grab a pen and paper and compose a heartfelt letter to express your sentiments.

Irene Abbou is an ICF, ACC Certified Coach and trained in the Gottman Method for Couples Therapy. She has 8 years of experience and uses her knowledge to teach her clients the foundational skills, behavioral skills, and dialogue for healthy relationships. Read full bio of Irene Abbou

Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health. Read full bio of Sneha Tete

Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor. Read full bio of Asmita De

Gracia Odile is a teacher-turned-beauty and lifestyle writer with three years of professional experience. She has a bachelor's degree in English from St. Stephen's College, a master's in Anthropology from the University of Madras, and a degree in education from GGSIPU. Read full bio of Gracia Odile

Image: Shutterstock

Many hardly write letters to their friends in this era of emails, SMSs, and messengers. Some may have even forgotten how to write them. So, how to write a letter to a friend? A letter requires a great deal of thinking and presentation as the writing style differs from an email. Writing letters also helps you communicate certain things that feel challenging to discuss in person. So, it is an amazing medium to put your feelings on paper. Moreover, a letter strikes an emotional chord and is sure to bring a smile and excitement to your friend’s face. Iqra Shehzadi, a blogger, wrote a letter to her friend thanking her for helping out while she struggled with personal issues and new surroundings. She wrote, “It was extremely wonderful experience of sharing her acts of kindness she done with me ( i ).”

In this article, we have explored the situations where you may choose to write a letter to your friend. It also includes a few sample letters and highlights certain points to remember before getting started. Keep scrolling to check them out.

In This Article

How To Write A Reference Letter For A Friend

When writing a reference letter, you might want to include how your friend is qualified for the role they are applying to and how their work ethic has impressed you over time . Highlight specific experiences that both of you have had together so that when an employer reads it, they feel like you know the person well. Show off their strengths in the letter so they can feel confident about their future.

Here are a few sample letters of recommendation for a friend:

1. Dear Madam/ Sir,

I am writing to recommend ____ for this role. She has been a valuable member of our team for many years. She has consistently demonstrated exceptional skills in his work. Her dedication, professionalism, and ability to work diligently even under pressure have made a significant impact on the success of the team.

____ always gives her best and meets project goals and deadlines. Her strong work ethic, attention to detail, and problem-solving abilities have been nothing short of assets. I have no doubt she will bring the same level of dedication and excellence to any position she pursues.

I am confident ____ will make a positive contribution to your team. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

2. Dear Madam/ Sir,

It is my pleasure to recommend ____ for their exemplary record as an employee. They have been a valuable member of our team for nearly ____ years now, and I have seen first-hand just how hard they are willing to work to complete any task. Despite being new to the team, ____ became one of our most dedicated members within ____ months. Their commitment to excellence has never faltered, regardless of the challenges set before them.

I am well aware that this service requires a certain level of expertise, and I can assure you that _____ has proven himself or herself capable and displays excellent promise at refining their skills over time. I would be more than happy to speak with anyone further about this reference letter.

When they move on to newer avenues in life or you grow apart, bidding farewell to your friend is often difficult because you are losing touch with them. But this does not mean the friendship is necessarily over. On the contrary, a simple and sincere goodbye letter enclosed in an envelope can help them cherish your bond whenever they read it and keep the connection alive.

How To Write A Goodbye Letter To A Friend

When writing a goodbye letter, you can mention any fond memories that both of you share. Remember, your friend cares about you, and they deserve to know how deeply you feel for them.

Here are a few samples for you:

3. Dear ______,

Saying goodbye is never easy, especially knowing that we won’t be just a stone’s throw away from each other anymore. But distance cannot dim the bond we have built, and I have no doubt that our friendship will only grow stronger despite the miles between us.

Remember all the crazy memories we have shared, from late-night study sessions to spontaneous road trips? Those moments are etched in my heart forever, and I can’t wait to create new ones with you, even if it means through video calls and virtual hangouts. As we embark on this new chapter of our lives, let us remember what Winnie the Pooh once famously said, ‘How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.’

As you spread your wings and soar to new heights, I will be cheering you on every step of the way and counting down the days until we can reunite again. Until then, take care, stay true to yourself, and never forget how much you’re loved and missed. With all my love and best wishes,

Yours ______

4. Dear ____,

It feels like I am saying goodbye to more than just you in this letter. I am also saying goodbye to the memories of when we used to spend so much time together. But deep down, I know that this is the best decision for both of us. We have both grown up and are moving on with our lives in different directions; it is not anybody’s fault. We just need to take time away from each other to find ourselves again before reuniting in friendship.

I wish you all the best in life and hope that we will meet again in happiness one day, with no regrets on either side. I will never forget what you have done for me, and I will never forget the memories we have made along the way. I will always be grateful for your kindness and friendship, even if it is just in my memory.

Of course, it is okay to feel sad about everything that has changed, but hopefully, you can focus on all the positive things that have happened in your life since your time together got over. While you cannot bridge the distance overnight, it feels good to be reminded that there is still someone out there who cares for you. And entering into a correspondence with them to tell your friend that they are always in your thoughts and prayers can do the trick quite well.

How To Write A Letter To A Friend You Miss

Writing a letter to an old friend can be difficult because it brings up a longing for the past. Just remind yourself that there are people who love you in your life now, and you can always try to bring back some of the good memories if you ever see them again.

Here are a few samples you can use to shape your thoughts:

5. Dear ____,

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a while since we last caught up, and I find myself missing our conversations and the laughter we shared. Life has been busy, but amidst the hustle and bustle, I often think back to the moments we spent together and feel a pang of nostalgia.

I cherish the memories we have created, and I long for the opportunity to create more. Perhaps we could carve out some time in our schedules to reconnect over coffee or stroll through the park. Your friendship has always been a source of joy and comfort to me, and I would love nothing more than to spend some quality time catching up with you.

Until then, know that you are missed, and I am looking forward to the day when we can share a laugh together again.

6. Dear ____,

It has been far too long since I have seen your face or heard your voice. Things are going great for me right now. But I cannot deny that I have been missing you more than ever before ever since I moved to this city. It feels like a piece of my heart is gone, but I know it’s just because we are not close anymore.

You will always be one of my best friends, even if we are not in each other’s lives every day. I miss our conversations about the future and our time together. I wish you all the best, no matter what distance separates us. You know that if anything goes wrong or ever changes for me, I will never hesitate to call you.

You have always been my rock when things got tough, and I hope that we can meet up again one day. I want to tell you everything that has happened since we stopped talking. You will always hold a special place in my heart, and there is nothing more I would like than to see your smiling face.

It is perfectly natural to feel sad about the loss of your friend, but it is also important not to make the person receiving the condolences feel worse by rambling on and on or saying something offensive. Instead, follow the tips below to write a balanced and sympathetic condolence letter.

How To Write A Condolence Letter To A Friend

When you don’t even know what to say, writing a condolence letter can be difficult. Keep in mind that you are sharing your friend’s sadness of a loss, and try to find the words that will show your care while being respectful.

Here is a sample of a condolence letter:

7. Dear ____,

I have been putting off writing this letter for so long because I was not sure what to say to you. Sometimes life deals us cards we never expect, but it has been hard to wrap my head around the loss of your _____. I know that you must feel so lonely, but remember how proud your _____ would be to know you are doing so well in life.

They would not want you to grieve forever and would like you to go on with life for their sake and yours. So, take some time to remember all the great things about your _____, both in person and through their stories. It is never easy to say goodbye to someone who has meant so much but try not to think about sad things too often. Think of the good times instead, or talk with me whenever you need a friend.

I am sorry for your loss, ABC

It is never easy to express how you feel, but hopefully, the right words will come along. Just remember, it is okay to share your feelings with your friend as they mean a lot to you and deserve some special treatment now and then. So, head to the next section for tips on how to write a letter full of love and appreciation for your best friend.

How To Write A Love Letter To A Friend

Writing a love letter to your friend can be difficult because you may not know where to start. Try to find words that show how much you care about them while still respecting their choices.

Here is a sample letter to show how much you admire your buddy:

8. Dear ____,

I know I have already told you how much I appreciate our friendship, but sometimes it is hard for me to find the right words. Sometimes I feel like there are just not enough words in the dictionary to express my feelings accurately.

You always understand when something is wrong, and you always know just what I need when I’m feeling down. You are one of the most caring people I know, and you never fail to put a smile on my face when I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. I have always felt disconnected from everyone around me, but somehow our connection makes everything feel right in the world.

I don’t know what I would do without you, and it is terrifying to think about. There is no one else I would rather spend my life with.

I love you, ____!

No matter the occasion for the letter, there are certain pointers you should adhere to for a good and lasting impression on the recipient. So, scroll down for the key points and start writing that soul-stirring piece.

Love and happiness are even more beautifully expressed during special occasions such as birthdays. Read on to learn some tips on writing a heartfelt birthday letter for your best friend.

How To Write A Birthday Letter For Best Friend

Writing a heart-warming birthday letter for your best friend is a wonderful way to show your appreciation, express your love and gratitude, and celebrate the special day.

Below is a sample letter that you can use as inspiration:

9. Dear ____,

Happy fluffy birthday, bestie!

Our friendship has been an inspiring journey filled with laughter, love, and memorable moments. Your kindness, generosity, and support have been extremely significant for me. Today, as you start a new year, I wish for all your dreams to come true, showers of immense happiness, and only the best achievements.

Enjoy well and have a wonderful day!

Only and only love, ______

No matter the occasion of the letter, there are certain pointers you should adhere to for a good and lasting impression on the recipient. So, scroll down for the key points and start writing that soul-stirring piece.

Tips On Writing A Letter To A Friend

  • Be yourself and don’t try to impress your friend.
  • Share how they have positively impacted you.
  • Use real-life examples of why this person means so much to you.
  • Let them know that they can talk to you anytime and that you will be there for them.
  • Try not to ramble on and on because it may sound unorganized and incoherent.
  • Be straightforward with how you feel, but respect their choices as an adult.
  • Always end your written communication on a positive note, no matter what is expressed throughout the letter.
  • Put all of your thoughts into words.

Infographic: How To Write A Letter For Your Friend In Different Situations

Some people find it extremely easy to pen a letter to a friend. For the rest of you who struggle with baring your heart and soul to your bestie on paper, we’re here to help! Whether it’s to let them know you miss them or to refer them for their desired job role, there are a few tips you should keep in mind that can help you write a worthy letter, no matter the circumstances.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

In the world of text messages, WhatsApp, and social media, writing a letter to a friend is a lost art. Let me tell you – letters are a wonderful way to pen down your feelings. It is a personal way to tell your friend how much you love them and why they are so important in your life. Not every letter you write will be easy, but you can make sure you get your feelings across without hurting your friend. Be it a wonderful recommendation letter or a goodbye letter, it is the best way to put all your thoughts into words. Remember to be honest, organized, and straightforward when writing a letter to your friend to avoid misunderstandings and bad feelings. We hope this article on how to write a letter to a friend inspires you to express what you feel through handwritten notes or letters.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you greet a friend in a letter?

If your letter has a casual tone, use “Hi” or “Hello” to greet the friend (recipient). But if you share an extremely close bond with the person, you use “dear” for greeting them.

How do you start a letter to a friend without a dear?

“My cherished pal,” “darling (name of the recipient),” “pen pal,” and “favorite friend” are some of the best alternatives to “dear” in a letter to a friend.

How can I make my friend’s letter interesting and engaging?

One can make a letter sound interesting by writing it in a humorous, light-hearted tone. You can draw your favorite memory of them into the letter to add an element of surprise.

Should I handwrite or type my letter to my friend?

Handwritten letter seems more thoughtful and requires more effort and time than just typing a letter. Also, they leave a lasting impression on the mind and can be kept as memorabilia.

Should I include gifts or mementos with my letter to my friend?

Yes, including gifts and mementos can signify your deep love and adoration for them. This can bring cherished memories of the past and show them how much you appreciate their presence.

Key Takeaways

  • Writing a letter to a friend is a great way to express how you feel without having to say it out loud.
  • When writing a letter, highlighting specific experiences you have had together can make them feel special.
  • Mention any fond memories both of you share.
  • Try to find words that show how much you care about them while still respecting their choices.

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

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StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.

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7 Things to Say When Someone Gaslights You


I magine you have a serious talk with your partner—yet when you bring it up a couple weeks later, they say: “We never had that conversation! You must be thinking of something else.” Or your boss gives you an assignment but omits crucial information, later berating you for falling short and claiming you were provided with the exact instructions you know you never received. Maybe you keep hearing that you’re overreacting, too sensitive, or misinterpreting things.

All are possible examples of gaslighting. The (frequently misused) term describes “the act of when someone is talking to or communicating with you, making you feel like your reality is being questioned,” says Laura Sgro, a therapist in Los Angeles who specializes in helping people navigate dysfunctional families or relationships. Over time, it can take a serious toll on mental health: “A lot of times people feel like they’re losing their grip on reality,” Sgro says. “What that can look like is a lot of self-doubt, and perhaps internalizing your own feelings and needs and not communicating them.” Anxiety and depression can follow.

Gaslighting exists on a spectrum, Sgro adds, and it’s not always possible—or safe—to engage with the person doing it. That’s because their goal is to win, not to problem-solve, she says, so you won’t get anywhere. But sometimes, especially if the gaslighting isn't a behavioral pattern, you can effectively shut down the conversation and prevent it from happening again. We asked experts what to say, and why it works.

"We seem to have different memories of that conversation. Here's what I remember happening."

Asserting your reality without blaming or accusing can go a long way, says Deborah Gilman, a psychologist in Pittsburgh. “This approach disrupts the gaslighter’s attempt to control the narrative,” she adds. By calmly stating your experience, “you plant a seed of doubt in their manipulation and show you won't be easily swayed.” She advises speaking clearly and confidently, while making eye contact. Gaslighters thrive on emotional responses, Gilman stresses, so stick to the facts and avoid getting defensive. If the other person tries to twist your words, simply restate your perspective: "Yes, that's part of what happened, but what I'm focusing on is…”

Read More: Gaslighting, Narcissist, and More Psychology Terms You’re Misusing

"I'm not comfortable with how you're characterizing the situation. Let's talk about [original topic] instead."

Gilman likes this way of setting a boundary and redirecting the conversation. “It takes control back,” she says. Plus, it directly addresses the other person’s behavior. If they continue gaslighting you, repeat the boundary: “I already said I’m not comfortable with this. Can we move on?” Becoming a broken record, she notes, helps ensure that what you’re saying resonates, while putting a stop to further arguing.

“We may not agree, but my feelings are still valid.”

If traffic signals regulated conversation, this response would be a “screeching red light,” Sgro says. As she puts it: “Where do you go from there?” Ideally, the other person will use it as an opportunity to look inward and reflect on the fact that their partner is feeling invalidated, which can temper the argument. Plus, “this approach really calls out that we’re not trying to be right,” Sgro says. “We’re just trying to express the way that we each feel.”

“Let's take a step back and write down what happened from both our viewpoints.”

When you’re not feeling heard, the best solution is often to take a break for a few minutes. Natalie Rosado, a licensed mental health counselor in Tampa, suggests taking it one step further and using your time apart to write down your perspective on what happened to spark the disagreement. While it's impossible to reason with some people who gaslight, others are open to having a conversation and arriving at a resolution—just not, perhaps, in the heat of the moment. Spending time together reviewing what you each wrote can be eye-opening. Plus, it serves another purpose: “You’re able to go back and review things that you've written down during previous incidents, so you can recall situations or conversations and have tangible evidence,” Rosado says. “It's a way to combat some of those thoughts when you’re wondering if you're losing your sanity or questioning your reality.”

“I feel like we're not on the same page. Can we involve a neutral third party to help us understand each other better?”

If gaslighting starts to become a pattern, you might benefit from working with a therapist —either together or separately. The goal isn’t necessarily to improve the relationship, Rosado notes. “More than anything, it’s to provide psychoeducation and support for the person who’s in a relationship with the gaslighter,” she says. “It's an additional person who can be an objective party—someone who can help them gauge their experiences.” It’s always good, she adds, to have a second set of eyes, especially on unhealthy relationship dynamics.

Read More: How to Tell if Someone Is Lying to You, According to Experts

“Wow, that's an interesting way to remember things! Let's try to stick to the facts.”

Using humor can help take the power away from the gaslighter and make it less likely that they'll continue to try to manipulate you, says Jenny Maenpaa, a licensed clinical social worker in New York. She advises keeping your tone lighthearted and flashing a quick smile. Ideally, the other person will laugh and move on to a different topic of conversation. If they continue fixating on their version of events, Maenpaa suggests responding: "That's interesting. Maybe we can look at [evidence like texts or photos] to refresh our memories?”

“I've noticed a pattern in our conversations where my recollections are often questioned. Can we focus on finding solutions rather than debating memories?”

Rosado thinks of this response as “soaring above the content of the argument.” Instead of getting into a power struggle over the details of the incident, she says, it allows you to adopt a 360-degree view. “What you’re trying to do is say, ‘Let’s move past exactly how we remember that situation, and figure out possible ways forward,’” she says. “A way to do that would be to identify, ‘What would be a goal of mine in this relationship moving forward?’ and then, ‘What would be a goal of yours?’” It’s a constructive way to ensure you’re both on the same page—and that gaslighting doesn’t cast a shadow over your future relationship.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > How to write a thoughtful thank you note

How to write a thoughtful thank you note

For many, the best way you can express gratitude to them, is telling them directly. Finding the right words to say can be difficult, but effectively communicating your appreciation can leave a lasting impression and demonstrate how much you truly care. Learn why you should write a thank you note and how to effectively express how you feel.

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Why should you write a thank you note?

Everyone wants to know that they’re appreciated and cared for. The loved ones in your life may not actively seek this validation, but a simple “thank you” can brighten their day and go a long way in your relationship. Expressed gratitude can make it easier for both of you to show up for each other, relish in the experiences you shared, and energize each other’s lives. Despite its positive benefits, you may feel deterred from writing a thank-you note or expressing gratitude verbally because you fear your words might be ineffectively communicated or taken the wrong way. It’s normal to feel afraid, but it’s a temporary obstacle that can be overcome to shape fulfilling relationships where the efforts of both are seen and rejoiced.

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How to write a thank you note

Crafting a meaningful thank-you note requires thoughtfulness and sincerity. If you are wondering what to write in a thank you note, here are a few tips to express your gratitude effectively:

1. Start with a salutation

Before you get started with writing your thank you note, begin with a salutation. Greet the recipient appropriately, given the nature of your relationship. If it is a colleague or someone you know in a professional capacity, keep it more formal.

2. Personalize your message

Tailor your thank you note to the recipient and the specific gesture or gift they provided. Take the time to reflect on the impact of their actions and convey your appreciation in a genuine and heartfelt manner.

3. Be specific

Avoid generic phrases and instead, be specific about what you’re grateful for. Acknowledge the thoughtfulness behind the gesture and highlight the ways in which it has positively impacted your life.

4. Express your emotions authentically and meaningfully

Don’t be afraid to show emotion in your thank you note. Let the recipient know how their kindness made you feel and the profound effect it had on your day or your life.

5. Keep it concise

While it’s important to convey your gratitude thoroughly, strive to keep your message concise and to the point. Selective word choice ensures your message is intentional and received appropriately. To ensure your writing is concise, avoid using passive voice , check for run-on sentences, and avoid filler words. Create a draft of your note, proofread, and edit your note before you craft the final product.

6. Handwrite your note

Make the delivery and medium as intimate and personal as your appreciation. A handwritten note is rare and can be cherished. You can add colorful writing, stickers, or drawings to personalize the experience. Take the time to write your note by hand so your writing is beautiful to read and conveys sincerity and thoughtfulness.

7. Follow up and give back

Consider following up your thank you note with a small gesture of your own, such as a phone call, a token of appreciation, or a reciprocal act of kindness. This demonstrates your ongoing gratitude and strengthens the connection between you and the recipient.

Writing thank-you notes is one of the best ways to express gratitude and deepen your relationships. You can effectively convey your appreciation and care by intentionally personalizing your message, concisely communicating how it impacted you, and adding a personal touch to your note. More than anything, if you demonstrate how much you care and appreciate your loved one’s actions, it will go a long way in your relationship, warming your heart and theirs. For more ways to improve expressions of gratitude through your writing, learn more writing tips .

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Write a Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging Him to Take Part in the Tree Plantation Drive

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  • Jul 1, 2024

Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging Him to Take Part in the Tree Plantation Drive

This page offers sample letters to your best friend encouraging him to take part in the tree plantation drive. Such letter topics allow you to communicate and share ideas on the given topic. These letter topics are part of academic writing, where you will be assessed based on your writing and communication skills. Here, we present some of the best sample letters designed to enhance your letter-writing skills for both academic and professional contexts.

writing to your friend

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample 1: Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging Him to Take Part in the Tree Plantation Drive
  • 2 Sample 2: Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging Him to take part in the Tree Plantation Drive
  • 3 Sample 3: Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging him to take part in the Tree Plantation Drive
  • 4 5 Letter Writing Tips for Students
  • 5 FAQs 

Sample 1: Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging Him to Take Part in the Tree Plantation Drive

S-22, Tower 12,
Prateek Edifice, Sector 104,
Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar – 201301

14 June 2024

Dear Harsh Vardhan, 
I hope you’re doing well! I’m writing to invite you to a tree plantation drive happening on June 17th in Delhi. It’s a fantastic opportunity for us to give back to nature and make a real difference.

Planting trees helps combat climate change, improves air quality, and provides habitats for wildlife. Plus, it’s a great way to spend time outdoors, get some exercise, and relieve stress. Imagine the sense of accomplishment we’ll feel seeing our saplings grow into mighty trees!

This drive will bring together our community, and I think it would be so much fun if we could do this together. Let’s create lasting memories and leave a positive impact on our environment.
Are you in? Let me know, and I’ll share more details. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Prachi Sawarn.

Quick read: Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About Your School

Sample 2: Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging Him to take part in the Tree Plantation Drive

Quick Read:- Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About Your School

Sample 3: Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging him to take part in the Tree Plantation Drive

K-14, Tower 28,
County 107, Sector 107,
Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar – 201301

13 June 2024

Dear Aryan, 
I hope this letter finds you well! I’m excited to share something special with you and hope you’ll join me in it. There’s a tree plantation drive happening on June 25th in Lucknow, and I would love for us to participate together.

We’ve always talked about the importance of giving back to the environment, and this is a perfect opportunity to turn our words into action. Planting trees is one of the most effective ways to combat climate change, improve air quality, and create habitats for wildlife. Each tree we plant will help absorb carbon dioxide, provide oxygen, and contribute to a healthier planet.

Participating in this drive will also allow us to engage with our community and meet people who share our passion for the environment. It’s a great way to spend a day outdoors, get some exercise, and enjoy the fresh air. Plus, it’s an excellent chance for us to create new memories and have some fun while making a tangible difference.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to share some exciting news about my upcoming holiday plans, and I thought you’d love to hear all about it!

Take care and I will talk to you soon!
Best, Aditya

5 Letter Writing Tips for Students

In this section, we will discuss some of the best tips for writing a Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging him to take part in the Tree Plantation Drive.

  • Write as you would speak to your friend in a casual conversation.
  • Show your genuine excitement about the event to inspire them.
  • Relate the event to experiences or interests you both share.
  • Emphasize how fun the event will be and how it’s a great opportunity to hang out together.
  • Be clear about your invitation and express how much it would mean to you if they joined.

Ans: Dear [Friend’s Name], I hope you are doing absolutely great. I am writing you a letter to talk about the importance of trees. Trees are truly remarkable in so many ways. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe, which is something we often take for granted. By absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, trees play a vital role in maintaining the balance of gases in our atmosphere. This process not only supports human life but also sustains the entire ecosystem.

A.2 Dear [Friend’s Name], I am writing this letter to share information regarding the vital role of trees in our ecosystem. Trees provide clean air, freshwater, and a habitat for wildlife to living beings. Beyond the environmental benefits, trees also improve our physical and mental well-being.

A.3 Trees benefit the environment by producing oxygen, improving air quality, reducing climate change, saving water, maintaining soil, and providing habitat for wildlife.

Popular Letter Topics

This brings us to the end of our blog. Hope you find this information useful. For more topics on Letter writing , follow Leverage Edu.

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Aayushi Vardhan

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Blog > july writing prompt: friendships.


The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!

22nd July is the United Nations’ International Day of Friendship , so what better time for Postcrossing to ask about a topic near to everyone’s heart: friendship!

A photo of two people holding chocolate-covered ice creams

At the moment my friends from university are scattered all over the UK, but every so often we like to meet up and have a meal. I’m very lucky to live close to the friend I’ve known all my life, though. We were born in the same hospital, went to the same nursery, and then to the same junior school. We’ve been there through thick and thin, and it was her wedding I wrote about on the blog for May’s writing prompt . As you might expect, over the years we haven’t always had the same interests, and we’re almost more like siblings than anything else, so generally we keep our relationship healthy by meeting up often and chatting, rather than shared activities. Lately we’ve been going for walks around a local country park, at Newmillerdam . It’s a lot of fun watching the changes through the year. It’s my turn to buy us ice cream this weekend, too!

Mostly, though, my day-to-day interactions with friends are with online friends who I met through the massively-multiplayer online game, Final Fantasy XIV—I’ve been having incredible fun over the last couple of years meeting up with them in the game and doing things together, like playing hide-and-seek (I’m not very good at it), doing the game’s treasure hunts, and doing “raids” (difficult fights that require a lot of coordination). A large part of the game is made to be experienced with 3–23 other people, so there are lots of opportunities to team up.

Plus I’ve ended up meeting one of them (so far) in person! Over the last year and a half I’ve dragged my new friend “Prof” to several bookshops, a zoo, and a surprise trip to a botanical garden (because he loves plants). Perhaps in July we should start planning our next adventure, in honour of International Day of Friendship! Do you have any special plans to hang out with your friends in July? We’d love to hear about it here, and you can write about it on your postcards if you’re stumped for what to say!

21 comments so far

humanus, Korea (South)

That's so lovely prompt. I can remember many friends that I may hold my head on their shoulder. Thanks for the prompt.

treasureisland, Germany

I have not very much friends - but the friends I have are VERY good friends. We are always there for each other in all situations, whether difficult or funny, some for a lifetime. It is not the number of friends that is important, but the intensity of the friendship. Thank you, all my friends !

Mirella673, China

Oh no,there comes another excuse for me to write postcards:3

RSB, United States of America

treasureisland said it well. I have those close friends too. Thank you to my friends.

Smutjeline, Germany

Unfortunately, things went a little differently for me. i met my so-called best friends when my husband died. but there were others who picked me up. i'm proud of them today

Shivetta, Germany

I have no friends. I have been disappointed too often. Therefore, it is better to be alone than in bad company

lindeclark, United States of America

My best friend is someone I met on a bus in 1983 when my car broke down. While she was 15 years older than I, we connected on a surreal spiritual level and we’ve been friends ( my best) friend ever since. She knows my son as a little boy, now turning 37 in two weeks. She is a treasure in my life. She now lives some distance from me but we see each other every other month. She is Canadian,

I just read the persons comment about not having friends. I see people as selfish, self centered and into their own world. I am by myself alot despite being my grandsons nanny and teaching art. Other than that, I am alone alot as well. I’m a widowed woman of 71 and I would love to have even another close friend to hang out with. I share your sentiment about disappointment. Write to me and I’ll correspond with you. Where in the world do you live? I’m in the US: California.

KiriAct1, Korea (South)

I also really like ff14!

wifetoalineman, United States of America

I normally hang out with my sisters by heart either eating in each other's house, go to the casino but most of the time talk about what is new in our lives.

Postcrossing Supporter

I'm 81 years old and most of my friends have either died or moved away. I have a BFF whom I met in college and we are still close friends ~60 years later, but she lives 100 miles away and neither of us drives any more, so I don't see her often, but we have email and Facebook. My other BFF ghosted me very painfully and it makes it difficult for me to think of making new friends

Verabrady, United States of America

Hello to all my postcrossing friends. Today’s my birthday and my neighbor and good friend since1980 took me to breakfast at our local Indian restaurant. I now exchange interesting adages with Yana, who out of the blue contacted me through postcrossing. I will be sending this special friend a postcard today and request a new address to which I’ll send a postcard because what nicer way to spend one’s birthday than postcrossing?📫🖋🔖 To Shivetta, Perhaps you can establish a postcrossing pen pal or two to share your joys and sorrows with. Don’t let a few bad experiences keep you from the satisfaction of new friendships.

SusanY701, United States of America

Thanks to Postcrossing I have become friends with Maire in Toivakka, Finland. We send emails each week. This makes me so happy. I’m learning about her beautiful and happy country. I’m sharing all about my life with her. This friendship is one of the very best I have ever known in my 76 years!

thejulibean, United States of America

My friends are all over the country and none in my state so I see them once or twice a year. We usually make a vacation out of it and meet up somewhere to explore for a couple days. It makes me very happy

beesknees, United States of America

You dont have to worry about cleaning up when your friend comes around

sonataca, United States of America

Ah, a touchy subject for me.

GoCindy, United States of America

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.

olgatseitva, Russia

And my best friends are God and my parents. I don't have anyone in the world who is the same sincere and loyal friends. Other people are busy at their jobs, but sometimes we see each other to find out how each other is doing.

Flippie, Canada

I moved from the Netherlands to Canada in 2007. Left good friends and family behind. Thank god for my new Canadian friends. I can't not live with out them even if I do nothing with them when they're around. That's friendship.

orange_memo, United States of America

I met great friends and get to know more when I moved from Middle East to USA, I would say Postcrossing is best known for postcards but also it's the catalyst for meeting new friends, closing up the distances, it's a small world!

Robin67, Austria

My circle of friends has come from some really good, steady friends to virtually zero. And like a relationship, I find one can't make friendships happen. Also, the older I get and the better I know people, the less likely I am to get too involved with someone again.

Either I can do something alone (be it something nice, or difficult), or I can't do it.

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Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – 15+ Samples

  • Letter Writing
  • March 18, 2024
  • Invitation Letters

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party: Inviting a friend to your birthday party is a fun and exciting process. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone birthday or just want to have a good time with friends, inviting someone with invitation letter to your party is a great way to show them that you value their presence in your life. However, it can also be a bit nerve-wracking if you’re not sure how to go about it. In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how to invite your friend to your birthday party.

Also Check: Christmas Party Invitation Letter 

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – Key Tips

Content in this article

When Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party, consider the following key tips to make the invitation warm, engaging, and personalized:

  • Begin your Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party with a warm and personal greeting. Use your friend’s name and set a friendly tone from the start.
  • Clearly convey your excitement about celebrating your birthday and the joy it would bring to have your friend join in the festivities.
  • Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Provide all essential details such as the date, time, and venue of the celebration. Mention any specific theme or activities planned for the party.
  • Share a brief anecdote, inside joke, or memory you’ve cherished with your friend. Make the invitation feel personal and reflective of your friendship.
  • Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Express why your friend’s presence is significant to you. Whether it’s the shared laughter, memories, or simply their company, let them know they play a special role in your celebration.
  • Keep the tone of the invitation casual and friendly. Avoid overly formal language, and instead, write as if you’re having a conversation with your friend.
  • If appropriate, inject humor or playful language into the invitation. This can make the letter more enjoyable to read and reflect your personality.
  • Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Clearly state the deadline for RSVP and offer multiple ways for your friend to confirm their attendance. Include your contact information for ease of communication.
  • Depending on your friend’s preferences, consider including a small personal touch like a doodle, a reference to a shared interest, or even a photo that captures the essence of your friendship.
  • End the letter of Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party with warm regards and express your hope that your friend can attend. Make them feel welcomed and appreciated.

Remember, the key is to make your friend feel special and excited about being part of your celebration. Personalizing the invitation and showcasing your genuine enthusiasm will make the letter more impactful.

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – Sample format

Below is a sample format of Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Friend’s Name] [Friend’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this sample format of Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party finds you well. I am excited to extend a warm invitation to you for my upcoming birthday celebration!

Date: [Event Date] Time: [Event Time] Venue: [Event Venue]

The theme of the party is [mention the theme, if any], and we have planned an evening filled with fun, laughter, and delightful surprises. Your presence would make the celebration even more special for me.

Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] to confirm your attendance. If you have any dietary preferences or special requests, feel free to let me know so we can ensure you have a fantastic time.

Looking forward to celebrating this joyous occasion with you!

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – Sample Format

Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – Example

Here’s an Example shows Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party.

I hope this example of Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to invite you to my birthday party, which will be held on [Date] at [Time] at [Location].

I would be honored to have you as a guest at my party, as your presence would make it all the more special for me. I have planned an evening of fun and merriment, with great food, drinks, and music. It will be a casual event, so feel free to come in comfortable clothes.

I know you have been an amazing friend to me, and I would love nothing more than to celebrate my special day with you by my side. It would mean the world to me if you could make it to the party.

Please let me know if you are able to attend, and if there is anything I can do to make the arrangements easier for you. I understand if you have prior commitments or are unable to attend for any reason, but I hope you can make it.

Thank you for your friendship and for being a part of my life. I look forward to celebrating with you on my birthday.

[Your Name]

letter for inviting a friend to a birthday celebration

This is a letter for inviting a friend to a birthday celebration:

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to extend a heartfelt invitation to you for my upcoming birthday celebration!

The theme of the party is [mention the theme, if any], and we have planned a night filled with laughter, joy, and great company. Your presence would add immeasurable joy to the celebration.

Please let me know by [RSVP Date] if you can make it. If you have any specific dietary preferences or requests, feel free to inform me so we can make the necessary arrangements.

I am eagerly looking forward to celebrating this special day with you. Your presence would mean the world to me!

Letter for Inviting a Friend to a Birthday Celebration

Birthday Invitation Letter to friend

Here’s a Birthday Invitation Letter To Friend:

I hope this letter finds you well. As you know, my birthday is coming up soon and I would be thrilled if you could join me in celebrating this special occasion.

I’m planning a fun and exciting party on [Date] at [Time] at my house. We’ll have plenty of food, drinks, and entertainment to keep everyone happy and having a good time. It’s going to be a casual affair, so come as you are and be ready to have some fun.

I know how busy life can get, but I really hope you can make it to my party. Your presence would mean so much to me and I can’t imagine celebrating without you there. We’ve shared so many great times together over the years, and I would love for us to make some more memories on my special day.

Please let me know if you’re able to come so I can plan accordingly. I’m looking forward to seeing you and celebrating with you soon.

Best regards,

Birthday Invitation Letter to Friend

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – Template

Here is a sample format for how to write a letter to your friend for inviting birthday party:

I hope this letter finds you well. I am delighted to extend an invitation to you for my upcoming birthday celebration!

The theme of the party is [mention the theme, if any], and we have planned a night filled with laughter, joy, and exciting surprises. Your presence would truly make the celebration memorable.

Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] to confirm your attendance. If you have any specific dietary preferences or requests, please let me know so we can ensure you have a fantastic time.

I am eagerly looking forward to celebrating this joyous occasion with you. Your presence would mean a lot to me!

Informal letter inviting a friend to a birthday party

Here’s an Informal letter inviting a friend to a birthday party:

I trust this letter finds you in good spirits. As my birthday is just around the corner, I am thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for the celebration!

The theme for the party is [mention the theme, if any], and I can promise a night filled with laughter, great company, and some surprises along the way. Your presence would add so much joy to the festivities.

Kindly let me know by [RSVP Date] if you can make it. Also, if you have any specific dietary preferences or requests, feel free to share them, and we’ll make sure you have a fantastic time.

Looking forward to celebrating with you and creating some wonderful memories together!

Informal Letter Inviting a Friend Birthday Party

Invitation letter for friend’s birthday celebration

This is an Invitation letter for friend’s birthday celebration:

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. As the calendar turns another year for me, I am excited to invite you to join in the celebration of my birthday!

The theme for the celebration is [mention the theme, if any], promising a night of fun, laughter, and good company. Your presence would make the occasion even more special.

Please let me know by [RSVP Date] if you can make it. If you have any specific dietary preferences or requests, do share them, and we’ll make sure you have a fantastic time.

Looking forward to sharing this joyful day with you and creating cherished memories together.

Invitation Letter for Friend’s Birthday Celebration

Casual birthday party invitation letter to a friend

Here is a Casual birthday party invitation letter to a friend:

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Guess what? It’s that time of the year again, and I’m throwing a laid-back birthday bash that just won’t be the same without you!

No formalities, no fancy dress codes—just good vibes, great company, and a whole lot of fun. Join me for a casual birthday celebration filled with laughter, music, and a few surprises.

Feel free to drop by whenever you can. Your presence would add the perfect touch to the festivities.

Let me know if you can make it, and get ready for a relaxed and enjoyable evening!

Looking forward to celebrating with you!

Casual Birthday Party Invitation Letter to a Friend

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – Email Format

Here is Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party in Email format

Subject: You’re Invited to My Birthday Party!

I hope this email finds you doing well. I’m excited to announce that my birthday is coming up soon, and I would be delighted if you could join me in celebrating this special occasion.

I’m planning a fantastic party on [Date] at [Time] at [Location], and I really hope you can make it. We’ll have plenty of food, drinks, and entertainment to keep everyone happy and having a great time. It’s going to be a casual affair, so come dressed comfortably and ready to have some fun.

I know that life can be busy and schedules can be hectic, but I truly hope that you can take the time to come and celebrate with me. You’re such an important person in my life, and it wouldn’t be the same without you there.

Please let me know if you’re able to make it, and if there’s anything I can do to make the arrangements easier for you. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon and celebrating together!

Warmest regards,

Birthday celebration invitation letter to a close friend

This is a Birthday celebration invitation letter to a close friend:

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. As my birthday is approaching, I cannot imagine celebrating it without you by my side. Therefore, I am thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for the upcoming celebration!

The theme for the celebration is [mention the theme, if any], and I have planned a night filled with laughter, joy, and unforgettable moments. Your presence would make the occasion complete.

Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] to confirm your attendance. If you have any specific preferences or requests, do let me know, and we’ll ensure everything is just the way you like it.

Looking forward to sharing this special day with you and creating cherished memories together.

Birthday Celebration Invitation Letter to a Close Friend

Friendship letter during birthday festivities

Here is a Friendship letter during birthday festivities:

I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. As my birthday is around the corner, I find myself reflecting on the incredible moments we’ve shared in our friendship. Your presence has added so much joy to my life, and I would be honored to have you join me in celebrating another year of memories.

The theme for the celebration is [mention the theme, if any], and I have planned a day filled with laughter, surprises, and the warmth of good company. Your friendship has been a source of strength and happiness for me, and having you at the celebration would make it truly special.

Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] if you can make it. Your company is the greatest gift I could ask for.

Looking forward to celebrating another year of friendship and creating more beautiful memories together.

Friendship Letter During Birthday Festivities

FAQS for Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party – Samples

How do i write a write a letter to your friend for inviting birthday party.

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Begin with a friendly greeting and mention the event details in a relaxed tone. Emphasize the laid-back nature of the celebration and express excitement about your friend’s presence.

What are some creative Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party?

Incorporate humor, inside jokes, or references to shared experiences. Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Use colorful and playful language to convey the celebratory mood and make the invitation memorable.

What should be included in Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party to make it engaging?

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Include essential details such as date, time, and venue, along with a brief mention of the theme or activities planned. Personalize the letter with anecdotes or shared memories to make it more engaging.

How can I personalize a Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party?

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Mention specific memories, inside jokes, or experiences you’ve shared. Express why their presence is important to you and highlight the unique bond you share.

Are there any tips for creating a warm and friendly birthday celebration invitation?

Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party Keep the tone conversational, use warm language, and convey genuine excitement about celebrating together. Inject your personality into the letter to make it feel personal and inviting.

Do you have samples of birthday party invitation wording for friends of different age groups?

Yes, the previous responses include general templates of Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party that can be adapted for different age groups. Customize the language based on your friend’s preferences and the overall atmosphere you want to create.

Inviting your friend to your birthday party is a great way to show them how much you value their presence in your life. By starting with a personal message, providing all of the necessary details, being clear about the type of party, making it personal, and following up, you can ensure that your friend feels appreciated and excited to celebrate with you. So go ahead and invite your friend to your party – it’s sure to be a great time.

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105 Best Happy Anniversary Messages That Are Perfectly Heartfelt

  • "I can't believe I get to look at your face for the rest of my life!"

preview for The Best Destinations For Your Honeymoon

Those with an upcoming anniversary might be trying to figure out the best way to commemorate the day, and any of these at-home date night ideas would certainly do the trick! You can't go wrong with these anniversary gifts , either. But something that never gets old is the power (and beauty) of words. Being able to say just how you feel, regardless of how much time has passed, is a talent in itself. So read on for these sweet quotes about love , funny messages about marriage, and yes, even relationship quotes that can double as a cute couple's Instagram caption on the special day!

Romantic Anniversary Quotes for Husband or Wife

best happy anniversary messages

  • “Thanks for joining me on this lifetime journey! Here's to many more years.”
  • “Finding a love like yours feels like a dream. Please don't wake me up!”
  • "I read a lot of books, but our love story is my favorite."
  • "On this day, and every day, I am reminded why we are meant for each other."
  • "Every day, every month, and every year... I love you more than the last."
  • “No matter what, I'll always be your number 1 fan. Here's to another year of cheering for our love in the stands.”
  • “There's no words to explain what I feel when I look into your eyes. Just love.”
  • "Happy anniversary to the love of my life! Spending the future with you has never been more exciting."
  • “Life without you would be life without air. I love you.”
  • “My love for you is everlasting. Cheers to another year with my favorite person.”
  • "I know everyone says that they're the luckiest person in the world, but I truly am the luckiest in the world. Because I have you!"
  • "Happy Anniversary to my favorite mind reader! You always seem to know what I am thinking."
  • "Wishing us a blissful lifetime together. Happy anniversary!"
  • "Without your unwavering love and support, I don’t think I’d be the person I am today. Happy anniversary, honey."
  • "Walking alongside you is the greatest journey of my life. I’ll cherish you always. Happy anniversary."
  • "Your face brings a smile to my face every day and for that I’m forever grateful. Happy anniversary to the person who makes my heart sing."
  • "It’s a privilege to be in your presence. You’re not only a loving partner, but you’re also just an overall amazing person. Happy anniversary!"
  • “I am so grateful that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy anniversary, honey!”
  • “I couldn’t survive a day without you. I’m so glad we’ve lived to see another year together.”
  • “Marrying you was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
  • “This is our first year together, but we have an eternity to go!”
  • “Happy anniversary, honey. You make my life sweeter.”
  • “I can’t believe that I’m married to my best friend. Thank you for making each year together better than the last.”
  • “Nothing on earth compares to my love for you. Happy anniversary to my better half.”
  • “You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. I can’t believe I get to be by your side for the rest of my life.”
  • “Saying ‘I do’ was the best decision of my life. After all these years, I’m so grateful that you said it too!”
  • “When I wake up to you every day, I’m reminded of hitting the love jackpot. You’re the best. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.”
  • “When I think of all the blessings in my life, you’re the first to come to mind. Thank you for being my person. I love you.”

Funny Anniversary Quotes

best dad jokes ladd

  • "Congrats to us on rocking this marriage stuff."
  • "I know that loving me isn't always easy, but it's pretty entertaining, isn't it?"
  • "Like a punch to the stomach, you'll always take my breath away."
  • "Year after year, you're still my favorite gossip partner."
  • "Choosing you makes up for all the bad decisions I've ever made."
  • "We’ve made another trip around the sun together. You sure you're still willing to take these trips with me?"
  • "We’re on the crazy journey of life together and I can’t think of a wackier co-pilot."
  • "You’re the cream to my coffee — I’ll always have the hots for you! Happy anniversary, babe!"
  • "At times, we may be like fire and ice. But that just means one of us is making the other melt!"
  • "Nobody understands me the way that you do. Maybe we’re really the same person just in two very different bodies! Happy anniversary, my handsome better half!"
  • "As we grow old together, just remember that I’ll always be the funny one! To many more years together. I love you!"
  • “Thank you for growing old with me. It’s a good thing I find wrinkles adorable!”
  • “Happy Anniversary – I can’t believe you’re still with me!”
  • “I’ve always wanted the best for you – which is obviously me!”
  • “A good marriage is like a casserole—only those responsible for it really know what goes in it.”
  • “Morning breath and all, you’re still the one I want to wake up to. Happy anniversary, my love.”
  • “A marriage anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.”
  • "Thanks for keeping me warm at night."
  • "Owl I'll ever need in life is you and the nest we built together."
  • "Thanks for never streaming an episode of our favorite show without me by your side."
  • "Another year together and I'd still choose you over a room full of chocolate."
  • "You'll always be the cookies to my milk."

Simple Anniversary Quotes for Couples and Friends

best happy anniversary messages

  • "Cheers to your special day. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "It's time to celebrate all over again. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "Here's wishing you another year of true love. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "Warm wishes to you on your marriage milestone. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "Here's to another love-filled year together. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "Every day, continue to love each other more and more. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "Dos. Deux. Duo. However you say it, this day is about you two! Happy Anniversary!"
  • "Best wishes to the best couple I know. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "This special day is reserved just for you. Happy Anniversary!"
  • "Skip the dress and tux, and enjoy some cake in the comfort of each other's company. Happy Anniversary!"

Famous Anniversary Quotes

best happy anniversary messages

  • "I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • "I love you. You…you complete me." – Jerry Maguire
  • "I said I love you, that’s forever." – Billy Joel
  • "To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed." – Valerie Lombardo
  • "Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will." – Elaine Davis
  • "I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever." — Rabindranath Tagore
  • "I’ll be loving you, always with a love that’s true" – Patsy Cline
  • "I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." – Angelita Lim
  • "When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul." – Joey W. Hill
  • "I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you." – Zelda Fitzgerald
  • "Remember that creating a successful marriage is like farming: you have to start over again every morning." – H. Jackson Brown, Jr
  • "My soul and your soul are forever tangled." – N.R. Hart
  • "Life with you makes perfect sense. You're my best friend." – Tim McGraw
  • "Whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same." – Emily Bronte
  • "A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year." – Paul Sweeney
  • "I was made and meant to look for you and wait for you and become yours forever."– Robert Browning
  • "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." – Dr. Seuss
  • "If I know what love is, it is because of you." – Herman Hesse
  • "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." – Maya Angelou
  • "You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known—and even that is an understatement." – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • "We keep this love in a photograph/We made these memories for ourselves/Where our eyes are never closing/Our hearts were never broken/And time's forever frozen, still." – Ed Sheeran
  • "I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." – Rita Rudner
  • "You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life." – Julia Child
  • "For twas not into my ear you whispered, But into my heart. Twas not my lips you kissed, But my soul."— Judy Garland
  • "So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday." – Nicholas Sparks
  • "Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply." – Zane Grey
  • "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." – Audrey Hepburn
  • "If you find me not within you, you will never find me. For I have been with you, from the beginning of me." – Rumi
  • "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you." – A. A. Milne

Anniversary Messages for Parents

best happy anniversary messages for parents

  • "To the two most loving love birds I've ever met, happy anniversary! Love you both."
  • "I couldn't be happier celebrating the love between two of the most important people in my life."
  • "I know what love is because of you two. Thank you for setting such a great example.
  • "Happy anniversary to my favorite couple!"
  • "Seeing you two happy makes me happy. Love you!"
  • "Knowing that you've been together this long is hard to believe, but don't worry, I'm not counting!"
  • "Giving my best wishes and blessings to you two! Happy anniversary."
  • "Happy love day to the best role models!"
  • "Your relationship is what I aspire to have one day!"
  • "My one hope is that you two share this love for the rest of your lives. Love you both!"
  • "I know you're my parents, but you two make marriage look easy!"
  • "Uh, is it just me, or are you two starting to look alike after so many years? Just kidding. Happy anniversary!"
  • "I’m so glad you two married each other, because if you didn’t, I wouldn't be here!"
  • "I'm more than lucky to have grown up alongside the magical love you two exhibit. Happy anniversary!"
  • "Happy anniversary to the best parents in the world!"

Headshot of Josiah Soto

Josiah Soto is the assistant editor of news and social for The Pioneer Woman. He helps manage the website’s social channels, in addition to writing high-performing news and entertainment content daily. 

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  1. How to Write a Letter to Your Best Friend: 14 Steps

    writing to your friend

  2. How to Write a Letter to Your Best Friend (8 steps) ️

    writing to your friend

  3. How to Write a Letter to a Friend: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    writing to your friend

  4. How to Write a Letter to a Friend: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    writing to your friend

  5. How to Write a Letter to a Friend: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    writing to your friend

  6. How to Write a Letter to a Friend (with Pictures)

    writing to your friend


  1. write an email to friend advising him/her to improve health

  2. Write A Letter To Your Friend Telling Him/Her About Your Vacations Letter Writing in English

  3. how to write an essay about your best friend

  4. Write English essay on My Friend

  5. Write a letter to your friend describing a village fair you recently visited

  6. My Best Friend Paragraph Writing


  1. How to Write a Letter to a Friend (Step-by-Step Examples)

    1. Write your address and the date on the first page. Write your current address and the date on the top-right corner of the first page of your letter. If your friend keeps your letter and rereads it later, they won't have to remember when you sent it or where you were writing from.

  2. Letters to My Best Friend: Examples of Love and Gratitude

    I wanted to take a moment to tell you how incredibly grateful I am to have you in my life. You are more than just a best friend; you are my confidant, my partner in crime, and my rock. Your presence brings me comfort, your laughter brings me joy, and your friendship brings me a sense of belonging like no other.

  3. How to Write a Letter to a Friend: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    List your friend's first and last name in the center of the envelope. Write their house number and street address on the line below it. Then write the city, state, and zip code on the line under it. Include all of your information in the same format in the upper left corner.

  4. 35 Sample Letters To Your Best Friend

    I take pride in knowing that my best friend is so well-liked and highly regarded by everyone I know. You touch the lives of the people you meet, which makes me honored to be your friend. 35. You make me a better person. Having you in my life makes me a better person. You give me the strength to face daily challenges.

  5. How to Write a Letter to a Friend (with Examples)

    Step 2: Start with a greeting. The style of writing a letter depends on your relationship with the person to whom the letter is being written. For example, while writing a letter to your friend, you can use formal or informal types of words such as "Dear", "Hello", "Hi", etc. Usually, the friends have close relations so you can also ...

  6. How to Write a Letter to Your Best Friend

    Step 8: Put the letter into an envelope. Put your letter into an envelope. On the envelope clearly include your best friend's address, a stamp and a return address. If you don't plan on using a post office to post the letter, you can just include your best friend's name on the front and give it to them personally.

  7. Writing a Letter to Your Friend

    Here's a step-by-step guide to help you write a personal letter to a friend: 1. Date and Address. Start by writing the date at the top of the letter. This helps your friend remember when you wrote it, especially if they keep it as a keepsake. You can include your address if you wish, but it's not mandatory in informal settings.

  8. How to Write a Letter to Your Best Friend: 14 Steps

    First, write your best friend's full name on the back middle of the envelope. If you don't plan to mail the letter, you can simply write the name. If you do want to mail the letter, write the street number and name on the line underneath the name. On the next line, write the city, state, and zip code.

  9. How to write a letter to a friend

    Here are some tips for writing the letter itself: For your greeting, I'd recommend 'Dear [name]', followed by a more relaxed greeting, such as 'Hi/Hey/Hello [nickname]!'. Ask how your friend is and what they've been up to — asking them questions is essential as it shows you are thinking about them, and also gives them something to ...

  10. 60 Letters To Your Best Friend to Celebrate Friendship

    One of the biggest blessings has been finding a best friend like you. Your friendship has been the biggest gift you could ever give me. Your compassion, kindness, simplicity, gracefulness, and beauty - I am in awe. You give me strength when I break down. You lift me and give me confidence.

  11. How to Write a Letter to a Friend

    Step 1: Date and Address. Unlike in formal letters, we only write the address of the sender in the letter. This is written at the top right corner of the letter. The date follows the address. If you are writing to a very close friend who knows your address, you can omit the address altogether.

  12. Friendship messages: What to write in a friendship card

    The more specific you can be, the better. I'm grateful for you because…. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you. Here's why: I'm glad we're friends for so many reasons. Just to name one…. Ways you're a blessing to me: I appreciate so many things about you—especially…. I cherish you, and I cherish our friendship.

  13. 40 Best Friendly Letter Format Examples ᐅ TemplateLab

    When writing this letter, you should think about the contents. A typical letter includes the following: Address. You should include your return address and the date when you wrote the letter. Opening salutation. Include an opening salutation that's appropriate to your closeness to the recipient of your letter. Body.

  14. 29+ Letter Writing in English for Friend

    Here are some tips for Letter Writing In English For Friend: Be Genuine: Write from the heart and be genuine in your expression. Your friend will appreciate your honesty and sincerity. Use a Casual Tone: Since this is a Letter Writing In English For Friend, you can use a relaxed and conversational tone.

  15. How to Write a Personal Letter to a Friend (Sample Letter)

    An informal, personal letter to your friend will contain these elements: A salutation - this can be formal or informal, such as "Dear Friend," "Hi, Friend!" or "Dearest {nickname},". Inquiries about your friend's life and experiences. Information about your life and experiences. A closing, like "Best Regards," "Warmly ...

  16. 250+ The Ultimate Collection of Letters to My Best Friend

    You are my greatest friend and the most magnificent person I know. Your beautiful soul shines through everything you do. I am so lucky to have you in my life, you are my greatest friend. I wanted to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for your friendship. Your presence in my life has been very meaningful to me.

  17. 107 Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend

    Notes to Write to Your Best Friend to Make Them Smile. 62. I was just thinking about the time we went to that concert and got caught dancing in the aisles. We were living our best lives! Those are the moments I'll never forget. You make everything more fun. 63.

  18. Write a Letter to your Friend Inviting [10+Best Examples]

    Write a Letter to your friend inviting -Example. Here's an Example of Write A Letter To Your Friend Inviting: Dear [Friend's Name], I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It's been a while since we've caught up and I thought it would be a great idea to invite you to visit me.

  19. A Letter to a Friend: Write a Letter to Your Friend

    Dear [Friend's Name], I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. It's been a while since we last caught up, and I thought it was about time to rectify that. Here you can write about your daily life, events, experiences, or anything you want to share with your friend. Ask about their life as well.

  20. A letter to a friend

    Worksheets and downloads. A letter to a friend - exercises 473.78 KB. A letter to a friend - answers 270.32 KB. A letter to a friend - letter 405.29 KB. A letter to a friend - writing practice 334.24 KB.

  21. How To Write A Letter To A Friend: Samples And Tips!

    Check out the infographic below to learn a few pointers on how to write a letter to or for your friend in different situations. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team. In the world of text messages, WhatsApp, and social media, writing a letter to a friend is a lost art. Let me tell you - letters are a wonderful way to pen down your feelings.

  22. 90 Friendship Quotes That Celebrate True Friendship 2024

    37. "Friends make you smile—best friends make you giggle till you pee your pants." —Terri Guillemets. 38. "A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out." —Grace ...

  23. 7 Things to Say When Someone Gaslights You

    Gaslighting exists on a spectrum, Sgro adds, and it's not always possible—or safe—to engage with the person doing it. That's because their goal is to win, not to problem-solve, she says ...

  24. How to write a thoughtful thank you note

    Make the delivery and medium as intimate and personal as your appreciation. A handwritten note is rare and can be cherished. You can add colorful writing, stickers, or drawings to personalize the experience. Take the time to write your note by hand so your writing is beautiful to read and conveys sincerity and thoughtfulness. 7. Follow up and ...

  25. Write a Letter to Your Best Friend Encouraging Him to Take Part in the

    Q.1: How to write a letter to your friend explaining to him the importance of trees? Ans: Dear [Friend's Name], I hope you are doing absolutely great. I am writing you a letter to talk about the importance of trees. Trees are truly remarkable in so many ways. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe, which is something we often take ...

  26. July Writing Prompt: Friendships

    Do you have any special plans to hang out with your friends in July? We'd love to hear about it here, and you can write about it on your postcards if you're stumped for what to say! tags: writing-prompts. 9 comments so far. That's so lovely prompt. I can remember many friends that I may hold my head on their shoulder.

  27. Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party

    When Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party, consider the following key tips to make the invitation warm, engaging, and personalized: Start with a Friendly Greeting: Begin your Write a Letter to your Friend for Inviting Birthday Party with a warm and personal greeting. Use your friend's name and set a friendly tone from the ...

  28. Opinion: Dear Joe, it's time to go

    President Joe Biden risks his legacy and the fate of American democracy if he maintains his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, writes his former neighbor, Jay Parini.

  29. How to make one friend a year

    People sometimes take an all-or-nothing approach to vulnerability with new friends, but small steps build trust most reliably. For example, offering to grab a coffee together at a cafe after a ...

  30. 105 Best Happy Anniversary Messages

    "I can't believe that I'm married to my best friend. Thank you for making each year together better than the last." "Nothing on earth compares to my love for you. Happy anniversary to my better half." "You're the most wonderful person I've ever met. I can't believe I get to be by your side for the rest of my life."