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Investor Deck Template

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investor presentation template

What is an Investor Deck?

An investor deck is usually a 10-20 slide deck designed to give a short summary of your company, your business plan and your startup vision. Similar to a pitch deck, this is a document most of the times you send to potential investors.

What should be in an investor pitch deck?

A number of authors, venture capitalists, startup founders and evangelists have created different versions of what they consider required elements to successful pitching presentations. Most of them agree on the following:

  • Market Size
  • Business Model
  • Underlying Magic
  • Competition
  • Better/Different
  • Marketing Plan
  • Traction / Milestones

What's in this Investor Deck Powerpoint Template?

The 12 slide investor pitch deck by 500 startups.

500 Startups is a leading global venture capital seed fund and startup accelerator headquartered in Silicon Valley with over $350M AUM.

This investor deck template is ideal for initial VCs and Angel Investors. If they ask to see your pitch deck , this is what you want to send. The outline of the investor deck mainly focuses on your startup's growth metrics and traction.

In 2016, we were fortunate enough to meet up with key members of 500 Startups at the Accelerator program, where we got their thoughts on creating a template for all Slidebean users to use. So this template is the end result of that meeting. Enjoy!

Pitch Deck Service

How to build an investment pitch deck.

Building an investment pitch deck is a crucial step for startups seeking to secure funding from investors. To create a compelling investment deck, start by outlining your company's mission, vision, and business model. Identify the market opportunity and demonstrate how your product or service fills a gap in the market. It is important to provide a clear understanding of your target audience, customer acquisition strategy, and revenue model. Showcase your team's expertise and track record, as well as any notable partnerships or endorsements.

Include financial projections , milestones, and potential risks and challenges. Keep the design simple, professional, and visually appealing, and use concise language to convey your message effectively. Lastly, practice your pitch and be prepared to answer any questions or objections that may arise. By following these steps, you can create a compelling investment deck that highlights the potential of your startup and attracts investors.

How to Present Your Business?

Many investors have suffered through an inordinate number of poorly constructed pitches. Most startup entrepreneurs tend to focus on their pet projects to the detriment of the critical business pitches required for funding. It's fair to say that hardened investors expect to be disappointed. Surprising a cynical audience with a thoughtful, effective presentation that answers the important questions bids fair to invite a warm response that translates into a real shot at successful funding. A great pitch deck is an indispensable tool for any startup.

Paying attention to the following precepts will help with assembling an effective pitch deck.

Brief, clear words

Words are tools for conveying ideas. The best words fly a speaker's intended meanings into the minds of listeners before disappearing into the silence of contemplation. Sometimes, more words are better. They push and prod the intended meaning this way and that for a receptive audience. Investors want to be persuaded, and they know business is complex. They expect many words for a non-trivial business idea with many significant aspects. Still, those same investors are busy. They want to hear the presentation and then move on to other demands on their limited time and energy. They want exactly as many words as are needed and not one word more.


Furthermore, promoting a business idea calls for a businesslike approach. As any writer knows, it's all too easy to fall in love with poetic phrases or elaborate explanations. Focused passion is good, but rambling passion is a turnoff. Fluff belongs in a cow field and not in a presentation. Kill all words that puff and preen themselves without contributing to the presentation. For that matter, simpler words are better whenever possible. A dollar word like "utilized" compares badly to a two-bit word like "used." Dictionaries are full of short, powerful words. They should be used.

Free Investor Finder

Hone the presentation.

Practice makes perfect. There's nothing like testing a pitch before exposing it to investors. Smart entrepreneurs run prospective pitches past friends, colleagues, and co-workers willing to offer useful feedback on defects and omissions. A recorded test run can also reach distant or busy reviewers. In a pinch, a mirror will work.

Twenty minutes should be enough for even the most sophisticated business idea. Investors understand that the presentation will leave out a lot of details that are not relevant to the core concept. They expect a pitch to cover only the major ideas. If necessary, a professional writer can be hired to slice away fluff and to clarify the remaining text in a marketing deck. Given the stakes of what might be a single shot at persuading potential business partners to fund a cash-short startup, the extra money is little enough to pay

Open with an executive summary

The old rule about public speaking is to first briefly describe what will be said before delivering the main body of the speech, after which the speaker closes with a brief summary of what has just been said. This sort of one-two-three delivery prepares an audience for the upcoming message and helps with long-term memory. A funding pitch is a little different, but any business idea will benefit from a one-minute opening that clarifies the context before a subsequent barrage of details.

Prove the concept

investor presentation template

As the old saying has it, ideas are a dime a dozen. Any random schlub can pop out at least four half-baked ideas without breaking a sweat. Making an idea work is much harder. Making that idea an attractive business proposition is a different world. Investors see their mailboxes flooded daily with interesting proposals that fall apart under scrutiny. Investors want to see hard proof of the concept, and illuminating metrics on potential sales don't hurt at all.

Taking the time to hammer out a working prototype of a product or a functional alpha release of a business service will go far in persuading prospective investors that a startup's founders aren't steeped in unrealistic dreams. Also, very few ideas are new under the sun. How have other businesses succeeded with a similar concept? Who were their intended customers, and why did those customers accept the new product or service? How long did it take to increase sales to the point of profitability? What are the likely prospects for the success of the startup that is now seeking funding? Completing basic research into such questions before the presentation will reassure cautious investors that the startup's principals are hard-headed business people who know the score.

Promote the team

The success of any business that anticipates significant growth depends on the quality of its team. Smart, experienced personnel are much more likely to push a startup to profitability than inexperienced newcomers. Investors want to know who will be helping the founders turn their business plan into reality. A good pitch deck will include a brief profile of the qualifications of the company's core employees.

If available, an advisory board populated with well-known names will add considerable cachet to the founding company and strengthen the chances of funding.

Don't babble about how

As any experienced engineer or manager knows, manufacturing and service processes tend in practice to be amazingly complicated. In truth, unexpected complexity is in fact expected, and few investors will be surprised at difficulties with innovative processes. Rarely is there a need to spend precious pitch time on anticipating the unanticipated.

For that matter, most investors expect even basic manufacturing and service processes to pose daily challenges. Explaining in advance exactly how employees and founders will implement a new product or service is an exercise in futility. Furthermore, it's not relevant to the pitch. A broad overview of the basic ideas behind the business proposition will do. Technically knowledgeable investors will ask more in-depth questions later if needed. The briefest possible mention of process details will serve well for the great majority of opening pitches.

Result over process

Smart entrepreneurs will focus on the outcome for customers and clients. Marketing begins with investors, who might themselves be prospective users of a new product or service. How will the new offering meet the needs and desires of potential purchasers? How will the startup achieve this more efficiently than competitors? How will the startup's marketing experts persuade potential customers and clients to abandon old solutions for an unfamiliar alternative? Inertia is a powerful force, and entrepreneurs often must pair an innovative solution with innovative marketing to succeed. Virtually all startups face the harsh reality of intense competition for attention and brand loyalty.

Engage the audience


Investors are no different from other people. Behind stern faces, their deepest emotions await. They love hearing a good story that is told with strong words. Professionalism is not incompatible with storytelling, and a story that brims with energy and passion is far more effective than a dry explication of abstract benefits. Painting a mental picture of how a specific customer will benefit or has already benefited from the new product or service packs a wallop.

Paint vivid images

Overuse of meaningless charts and graphs mars many presentations. All visual elements should serve a purpose that cannot be met with mere words. The best visual elements pound home their points with words that allow the presenter to show unmistakable belief in the intended meanings through a confident tone of voice and friendly body language. Pictures of manufacturing facilities or smiling service personnel also help as long as they mirror the reality of a successful startup. Vaguely related stock images should be avoided as insincere and manipulative.

Be prepared for anything

Despite the intense brevity of a typical presentation, investors expect enormous depth behind the curtain. They expect entrepreneurs to immediately answer critical questions about how their core business idea works. Ignorance about the exact details of complex manufacturing processes or sophisticated software algorithms can be forgiven because investors don't expect founders to know everything. Stumbling over the answers to basic questions, on the other hand, tends to ring alarm bells in the minds of wary investors. If the founders cannot summon up convincing answers, then what will happen in reality? Will the company drift rudderless while its founders struggle to find their way through the consequences of poor comprehension? Too many otherwise promising startups fail after burning up seed investments on fruitless plans.

Investors prefer to deal with confident, savvy startup founders who show themselves to be ready for success. If necessary, entrepreneurs seeking seed money will prepare for a presentation by consulting with industry experts and spending long nights with authoritative materials that cover every major aspect of the startup. Where no legal problems threaten to arise over intellectual property issues, studying operational businesses that implement a similar idea is quite useful.

“Investors prefer to deal with confident, savvy startup founders who show themselves to be ready for success.

Networking works

Whatever the specific business idea, major aspects will cry out for intelligent feedback from outsiders. More than a few otherwise brilliant startup founders suffer from a narrow view of potential difficulties. Canny investors who have seen it all will be watching for these blind spots. A deep awareness of the many practical difficulties of running a business will result in a stronger pitch. Making a sustained effort over months or years to establish a network of sympathetic contacts in relevant fields such as business management, manufacturing, software design and others will boost the prospects of a successful funding round.

Furthermore, there's such a thing as being too close to the problem, even for the most experienced businessperson. Depending on the business concept, it may pay to get the reaction of a total outsider to the core business idea. Company founders might learn a lot by asking for first impressions from friends and colleagues who work in unrelated fields. Alternatively, any parent can attest that young children are prone to uttering amazing insights. If the nature of the business idea permits, asking a young family member for feedback could yield startling thoughts about the potential reception by actual customers.

Wrapping it up

The closing statement of a presentation should include a direct request for a funding round that will benefit both the startup and the investors. It's remarkable how many speakers neglect this step. Also, most investors appreciate a brief thank you from the speaker for listening to the pitch.

We can help with your Investor Deck

We have a team of talented business analysts with an expertise across multiple industries.With Caya's guidelines, they'll work on condensing your information into a powerful pitch deck. This phase of the project is handled on a shared, live document, which allows us to quickly iterate on the outline of the deck.

A first draft is usually delivered in 3 business days, and revisions are delivered within 24 hours.

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Blog Graphic Design 30+ Best Pitch Deck Examples, Tips & Templates

30+ Best Pitch Deck Examples, Tips & Templates

Written by: Ryan McCready Jul 04, 2023

30+ Best Pitch Deck Examples, Tips & Templates Blog Header

A startup is, by definition, a fast-growing company. And to grow you need funding.

Enter the pitch deck.

In this post, we’ll look at the best startup pitch deck templates from heavy-hitters such as Guy Kawasaki, Airbnb, Uber and Facebook. We’ll also uncover the secrets of their successful startup pitch decks, and how you can leverage them to attract investor dollars, bring on new business partners and win new client contracts.

Haven’t created a winning pitch deck before? Then, use Venngage’s Presentation Maker to easily edit the templates — no technical expertise required.

 Table of contents (click to jump ahead):

  • What is a pitch deck?

30 pitch deck examples for businesses

What makes a good pitch deck, what is the difference between a pitch deck vs business plan, pitch deck faq, create a pitch deck in 4 easy steps, what is a pitch deck .

A pitch deck is a presentation created to raise venture capital for your business. In order to gain buy-in and drum up financial support from potential investors, these presentations outline everything from why your business exists, to your business model, progress or milestones , your team, and a call-to-action.

The best startup pitch decks can help you:

  • Prove the value of your business
  • Simplify complex ideas so your audience can understand them (and get on board)
  • Differentiate your business from competitors
  • Tell the story behind your company to your target audience (and make that story exciting)

What is a pitch deck presentation?

A pitch deck presentation is a slideshow that introduces a business idea, product, or service to investors. Typically consisting of 10–20 slides, a pitch deck is used to persuade potential investors to provide funding for a business. It serves as a comprehensive overview of your company, outlining your business model, the problem you solve, the market opportunity you address, your key team members, and your financial projections.

1. Buffer pitch deck

Industry: Social Media Management

Business model: Subscription-based SaaS (Software as a Service)

Amount raised: $500k, according to Buffer’s co-founder Leo Widrich .

Location: San Francisco, California, USA

Website: Buffer.com

Key takeaway : The traction slide was key for Buffer: it showed they had a great product/market fit. If you have great traction, it’s much easier to raise funding.

What’s interesting about Buffer’s pitching process was the issue of competition, as that’s where many talks stalled. Investors became confused, since the social media landscape looked crowded and no one was sure how Buffer differed.

Eventually, they created this slide to clear the air:

Buffer Pitch Deck Slide

To be frank, I’m still confused by this addition to the Buffer pitch deck, but perhaps their presentation would have cleared things up.

In any case, we’ve recreated Buffer’s pitch deck with its own traction, timeline and competitor slides, plus a clean new layout and some easy-to-customize icons:

Buffer Pitch Deck Template

Design tip : don’t forget to add a contact slide at the end of your pitch deck, like in the business pitch example below.

Simple Marketing Presentation - Best Pitch Deck Template

Because sometimes you’re going to pitch to a small room of investors. Other times, it will be to an auditorium full of random people in your industry. And I can guarantee that not everyone is going to know your brand off the top of their head.

You should make it extremely easy for people to find out more info or contact your team with any questions. I would recommend adding this to the last slide, as shown below.

Modern Marketing Pitch Deck Template

Alternatively, you could add it to the slide that will be seen the longest in your pitch deck, like the title slide. This will help anyone interested write down your information as event organizers get things ready.

Related:  Creating a Pitch Deck? 5 Ways to Design a Winner

2. Airbnb pitch deck

Industry: Hospitality, Travel, and Technology

Business model: Online marketplace (peer-to-peer) for lodging and travel experiences

Amount raised: $20k at three months and $600k at eight months (seed), according to Vator .

Website: airbnb.com

Key takeaway: A large marketplace, impressive rate of traction and a market ready for a new competitor are the factors which made Airbnb stand out early on, says Fast Company. The organization’s slide deck clearly demonstrates these points.

Your pitch deck should explain the core information in your business plan in a simple and straightforward way. Few startups have done this as well as Airbnb.

We’ve re-designed Airbnb’s famous deck as two light and airy sample pitch deck templates. The focus here is on engaging visuals, with minimal text used.

Airbnb fundraising slide deck

This type of deck is also called a demo day presentation .  Since its going to be viewed from a distance by investors while you present, you don’t need lots of text to get your message across. The point is to complement your speech, not distract from it.

Another great thing about Airbnb’s fundraising slide deck format is that every slide has a maximum of three sections of information:

Airbnb Pitch Deck

As one of the most popular presentation layouts , the rule of three design principle has been drilled into my head. And for good reason!

Here’s one of the slides that demonstrates why this pitch deck design tip works:

Airbnb Pitch Deck Template

VIDEO TUTORIAL:  Learn how to customize this pitch deck template by watching this quick 8-minute video.

Minimalist Airbnb pitch deck template

This simple sample pitch deck template is clean and incredibly easy to customize, making it perfect for presentation newbies.

Don’t forget to insert your own tagline instead of the famous “Book rooms with locals, rather than hotels” slogan. Hint: your tagline should similarly convey what your business offers. Airbnb’s pitch deck offers up tantalizing benefits: cost savings, an insider’s perspective on a location and new possibilities.

Minimalist Airbnb Pitch Deck Template

Design tip : Click the text boxes in our online editor and add your own words to the pitch decks. Duplicate slides you like, or delete the ones you don’t.

Related:  How to Create an Effective Pitch Deck Design [+Examples]

3. Uber pitch deck

Industry: Transportation, Technology, and Logistics

Business model: On-demand transportation network and logistics platform

Amount raised: $1.57M in seed funding in 2010, reports Business Insider .

Website: uber.com

Key takeaway : Successful pitch decks clearly highlight the key pain point (the inefficiency of cabs) and a tantalizing solution (fast, convenient 1-click ordering).

Uber co-founder Garrett Camp shared the company’s very first pitch deck from 2008 via a  Medium post .

While there’s a surprising amount of text, it still manages to hit on every major part of their business plan succinctly — including key differentiators, use cases and best/worst-case scenarios.

Want something similar? We’ve updated the classic Uber pitch deck template with a sharp layout:

Uber investor deck

Uber Pitch Deck

Many of the best pitch deck presentations out there are rather brief, only covering a few main points across a handful of slides. But sometimes your deck needs to provide more information.

There’s nothing wrong with having a longer investor pitch deck, as long as you switch up the slide layouts throughout — no one wants to see basically the same slide (just with different metrics or points) 25 times over.

This sample pitch deck template we created based on the infamous Uber deck has 20 or more slides and a diversity of layout options:


Design tip : Replace the photos with your own or browse our in-editor library with thousands of free professional stock images. To do so, double click any image to open our “replace” feature. Then, search for photos by keyword.

Blue Uber slide deck

In this navy version of the Uber pitch deck template, we’ve added bright colors and creative layouts.

Again, it’s easy to swap out the icons in our online editor. Choose from thousands of free icons in our in-editor library to make it your own.

Blue Uber Pitch Deck Template

Related : 9 Tips for Improving Your Presentation Skills For Your Next Meeting

4. Guy Kawasaki pitch deck

How much did they raise?  Guy Kawasaki’s Garage Capital raised more than $315 million dollars for its clients, according to one estimate .

Key takeaway : Avoid in-depth technical discussions in your pitch deck. Focus on the pain point you’re solving, how you’ll solve it, how you’ll make money and how you’ll reach custvomers.

Guy Kawasaki’s 10 slide outline is famous for its laser focus. He’s renowned for coining the 10/20/30 rule : 10 slides, 20 minutes and no fonts smaller than 30 point.

While you may be tempted to include as much of your business plan as possible in your pitch deck, his outline forces you to tease out your most important content and engage investors or clients within a short time span.

We’re recreated his famous outline in two winning templates you can adapt and make your own:

Gradient Guy Kawasaki pitch deck

This clean pitch deck template has all the sections you need and nothing you don’t.

Kawasaki’s format steers you towards what venture capitalists really care about : problem/solution, technology, competition, marketing plan, your team, financial projections and timeline.

Gradient Guy Kawasaki Pitch Deck Template

Read our blog post on persuasive presentations for more design and speaking tips.

Design tip : Quickly add in charts and graphs with our in-editor chart maker. You can even import data from Excel or Google sheets.

Blue Guy Kawasaki pitch deck

This more conservative pitch deck template design keeps all the focus on the core information.

Remember: opt for a 30-point font or larger. This will force you to stick to your key points and explain them clearly. Anything smaller, and you’ll risk losing your audience — especially if they’re busy reading while tuning out what you’re actually saying.

Blue Guy Kawasaki Pitch Deck Template

5. Sequoia capital pitch deck

How much did they raise? Sequoia Capital is actually a Venture Capital firm. According to TechCrunch , they’ve raised almost $1B for later-stage U.S. investments.

Key takeaway : “If you can’t tell the story of the company in five minutes, then you’re either overthinking it or you haven’t simplified it down enough.” – Mike Vernal, Sequoia Capital

VC firm Sequoia Capital has its own  10-slide pitch deck format to rival Guy Kawasaki’s famous example that we’ll take a look at a little later on. Its highly-curated, clarified format shines a spotlight on innovative ideas.

As the video above suggests, effectively communicating your mission, not just listing features, is key. Below is our take on the Sequoia Capital pitch deck example; you’ll find it clean, clear and easy to create.

Sequoia Capital pitch deck

Design tip : Click the blue background and select a new color from our color wheel (or one of your own brand colors via My Brand Kit, available with Venngage for Business ) to create a pitch deck with your branding.

Related:  How to Make Successful Financial Pitch Decks For Startups

Blue and pink iconics pitch deck

Ready to try it for yourself? Add a pop of color to your version of the Sequoia pitch deck template with this pink and blue slide deck. The contrasting colors will make your information stand out.

Blue Pink Iconics Pitch Deck Template

6. Facebook pitch deck

How much did they raise? $500K in angel funding from venture capitalist Peter Thiel (first round).

Key takeaway : If you don’t have revenue traction yet, lean heavily on other metrics , like customer base, user engagement and growth.  Use a timeline to tell a story about your company.

The best pitch decks tell the real story about your company or brand. You should not only want to sell the audience on your product but also on the hard work you’ve done building it from the ground up.

Design tip: Try data visualizations to relay a company or product timeline . Since people are familiar with the format and know how to read them quickly, you can convey the information impactfully and save room while you’re at it.

Here, Facebook’s classic pitch deck shows the incredible schools that’ve already signed on and describe when future launches will happen.

The sample pitch deck template featured below shows another example of a company or product timeline . This would have been a great fit in the Facebook pitch deck, don’t you think?

Investor Pitch Deck Template

Plus you can summarize a ton of information about your brand on a single slide. Check out how well the timeline fits into this pitch deck template below:

Startup Pitch Deck Template

If the designer wouldn’t have used a timeline, the same information could have been spread over five or six extra slides! Luckily, Venngage’s timeline maker can help you visualize progress across a period of time without any design experience required.

7. TikTok Pitch Deck

Tik Tok Pitch Deck

How much did they raise? $150.4M in funding in 2014 (back when TikTok was called Musical.ly), says Crunchbase .

Key takeaway : Use icons as visual anchors for written information.

(The full slide deck is available to Digiday subscribers , though you can view some of the key slides in this Medium post . Keep in mind: this TikTok pitch deck was created for potential advertisers, not investors. No other TikTok pitch decks are publicly available.)

What TikTok does really well in the above example is use icons as visual anchors for their stats. (I could write a whole article about using icons in your presentations correctly. There are so many ways you can use them to upgrade your slides.)

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, just look at the slide deck template below.

Purple Startup Pitch Deck Template

Each of the main points has an icon that gives instant visual context about what the stat is about to the audience. These icons draw the eye immediately to these important facts and figures as well.

Design tip: Remember to use icons that have a similar style and color palette. Otherwise, you run the risk of them becoming a distraction.

8. Y Combinator pitch deck

Y Combinator Pitch Deck

How much did they raise? This startup accelerator has invested in over 3,500 startups to date, according to the company website . They state their combined valuation nears $1 trillion.

Key takeaway : Create clear, concise pitch deck slides that tell a story investors can understand in seconds.

The classic Y Combinator pitch deck is incredibly simple, and for good reason. Seed stage companies can’t provide much detail, so they should focus on telling a story about their company.

That means your slides should tell a story investors can immediately understand in a glance.

Note that one of Y Combinator’s key components is the problem (above) and solution (below) slides.

Y Combinator Pitch Deck

Explaining how your startup is going to solve a pain point is a vital part of any slide deck. According to Y Combinator , startups should use the problem slide to show the problem your business solves, and how this problem currently affects businesses and/or people. Additionally, if you’re starting a new startup, forming an LLC could be a great choice to launch your business in the right direction, especially if you are focused on asset protection .

Without that information, investors are going to be left with more questions than answers.

Blue Investor Presentation - Best Pitch Deck Examples

The solution slide should show the real-world benefits of your product/service. I recommend using data visualization to show traction, like the chart above, with a couple of notes for context.

To ensure your problem and solutions slides are easily understood, use a similar layout for both, as shown below.

Investor Pitch Deck Template

This will help the audience quickly recall the main problem you want to solve, and connect it to your solution (even if the slides are separated by a few other points or ideas).

9. Front pitch deck

Front Startup Presentation - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise ? $10M in Series A funding

Key takeaway : Use a simple flowchart to visualize a problem your product/service solves.

Not everyone is going to be able to explain their problem and solution as succinctly as the previous examples. Some will need to take a unique approach to get their point across.

That’s why I want to highlight how Front masterfully communicated the problem to be solved. They likely realized it would be a lot easier (and cleaner) to create a flow chart that visualizes the problem instead of text. (Did I mention you can make your own flowcharts with Venngage?)

Also, I really like how they distilled each down to a single phrase. That approach, combined with the visuals, will help it stick in investors’ minds as one of the best pitch decks.

Here’s another example pitch deck that uses a chart to convey their problem/solution:

Simple Marketing Pitch Deck Template

It splits the competition slide right down the middle to illustrate the differences. It also shows exactly how the processes differ between the two entities using mini flowcharts.

Helping the audience make the right conclusions about your company should be an important part of your pitch deck strategy. Without saying a word, the visual choices you make can greatly impact your message.

Colorful Creative Presentation - Best Pitch Deck Examples

10. Crema pitch deck

Investor Pitch Deck Example

How much did they raise? $175K in seed funding .

Key takeaway : Choose background images carefully — making sure they have a similar color palette.

The best pitch decks keep things consistent, mainly because there are so many moving parts in any presentation. You want each of your slides to feel like they’re connected by a singular feeling or theme. An out-of-place presentation background image can throw that off.

Keeping things consistent when you use a solid background color or pattern isn’t hard. But things can get tricky if you want to use different photos for your backgrounds.

However, if you pick presentation background images that have a similar color palette, you’ll be fine. Check out the images Crema used in their startup pitch deck below:

Startup Best Pitch Deck Example

If you’re struggling to find exactly the same colored photos, you can use a color filter to make things more uniform.

11. WeWork pitch deck

WeWork Pitch Deck - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise? $6.9M in seed funding in 2011, says Crunchbase .

Key takeaway : Put your metrics on display.

The behemoths at WeWork still have one of the best software pitch decks, despite recent troubles (layoffs, and a valuation that dropped from $47 billion to $2.9 billion).

In fact, this investor pitch deck actually helped them raise money at a $5 billion valuation.

My favorite thing from this is how their key metrics are on the second slide. They waste no time getting down to business!

Minimalist White WeWork Pitch Deck Example

A lot of the time brands hide these metrics at the end of their presentation, but WeWork made sure to put it front and center in their slide deck.

This approach puts the audience in a positive state of mind, helping them be more receptive to the pitch.

12. Crew (Dribble) pitch deck

Simple Modern Crew Pitch Deck Example

How much did they raise? $2M in seed funding

Key takeaway : Start your presentation with a simple statement to set the tone.

Sometimes you have to set the mood of the room before you jump into your slide deck. A simple way to do this is by adding a powerful statement or famous quote at the beginning of your slides.

This may sound cliche, but the creatives over at Crew (now Dribbble ) used this approach well in their pitch presentation.

Crew Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

By claiming that every business is an online business, they instantly change the way that people think about the business sector.

Additionally, the designers used this straightforward statement to set up the rest of the presentation. In the next few slides, the potential market is explained. Without the statement, I don’t think these numbers would be as impactful.

Let’s take a look at the graphs and charts the Dribble team used in their slide deck. In the below business pitch example, you can see that the line charts use the same color palette, size, and typography.

Crew Startup - Simple Pitch Deck Examples

One of my favorite tips from my presentation ideas roundup article states you should never make the audience do the math.

You can also use this mantra when you’re adding data visualizations to your slides. Make each slide extra easy to consume, as well as, easy to compare to other visualizations.

Below the pie charts use the exact same color palette, size, and typography as well:

Crew Startup Pitch Deck

If the designers would have used a different example, the audience would be distracted trying to decipher the information.

But consistent design across multiple visualizations will ensure your audience can make comparisons that lead to the right conclusions.

Pro Tip: You can use a comparison infographic to summarize key points you’re comparing.

13. Aspire Food Group pitch deck

How much did they raise? $1M from the Hult Prize in 2013 to scale their project.

Key takeaway : Simple graphics clearly illustrate the problem (food security), the size of the market and Aspire’s unique farming project (spoiler alert: it’s insects).

Nonprofits pitching donors or social enterprises pitching for funding have a slightly different challenge than other organizations. They need to present a unique solution and  make an emotional connection to their audience.

Aspire’s simple pitch deck graphics allow investors to grasp their unique business idea at a glance. Plus, by introducing the audience to one of their customers and describing how insect farming has impacted her food budget, the concept is made relatable to many.

Another simple design hack is to choose a unique background for your nonprofit or social enterprise pick deck. Take this sample pitch deck template:

Minimalist White Pitch Deck Example - Best Pitch Decks

There are millions of stock photos out there for you to pick from, so finding one that will work shouldn’t be too hard.

However, when you’re picking your presentation background images , it’s important to make sure it matches your message or brand.

Minimalist Business Pitch Deck Example

In the above example, the pitch deck’s slightly crumpled paper background fits an eco-friendly startup well.   Especially because eco-friendly living and minimalism share similar tenants.

Sponsorship Pitch Deck Template

Another great example is this sponsorship pitch deck above. It elevates the message by opting for a simplistic background choice.

With a beautiful yet minimalistic slide deck like this, who wouldn’t want to donate?

Nonprofit Pitch Deck Template

Most of the time your pitch deck background images are supposed to be used in a supporting role. However, you can also design your presentation around the background images to create some of the best pitch decks out there.

As you can see in this pitch deck template, we added written content to the white space in each of the stock photos:

Bold Marketing Pitch Deck Template

Plus no one can really copy your pitch deck layout, so you will instantly stand out from other companies.

Marketing Tech Presentation Pitch Deck Example

Be sure to pick photos that share the same color palette and theme. Otherwise, the benefits of using these presentation backgrounds will be lost.

14. Mattermark pitch deck

Mattermark Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise? A total of $17.2M so far, says Crunchbase .

Key takeaway : Use screenshots in your pitch deck to show the problem you’re solving.

Highlighting digital problems is tough when you have limited space and time…like when you’re pitching your new digital product to a room full of investors.

That’s why some of the best pitch decks include screenshots of the problem being solved.

As you can see above, the people from Mattermark used screenshots to show how unorganized SAAS reporting was. At that time it was spread over a ton of different sites, with different reporting standards and values.

It would be difficult to sell an investor on their product just by talking about the market. Mainly because not a lot of people have experience in that specific niche.

But with a handful of screenshots, they were able to highlight the product potential almost instantly.

In terms of design, the team at Mattermark stuck to the rule of three (see slide below). This rule will help you keep your team from overwhelming the audience with a flood of stats or figures.

Simple Modern Business Pitch Deck Example

They also decided to make these figures easier to consume by highlighting them in different colors

Compared to a boring list of figures, it’s a lot easier to remember three distinct colored numbers. Plus because the background colors darken as they go, it naturally guides the reader’s eyes down the slide.

15. Dwolla pitch deck

Dwolla Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise? $12M in funding as of 2018.

Key takeaway : Give the reason your company was founded in one quick sentence.

In many of our own presentations, we talk about how Venngage started from humble beginnings before undergoing tremendous growth in just a few years.

That’s because people love origin stories — they help your audience connect with your brand and appreciate all the work put into it.

Take a look at the pitch deck slide from Dwolla above. In a single sentence, they outline their reason for doing business, and what they hope to solve.

Dwolla Minimalist Pitch Deck Example

Just be sure to talk about your company founding in the first few slides of your pitch. Otherwise, it won’t have the same impact.

On another note, as a design company, we always love to see people create great visualizations in their pitch decks — particularly when these visuals communicate key information well….like when it comes to your ideal users!

I have seen a lot of brands just talk about their users, but I recommend creating visual user personas instead. Our persona guides can help you with this!

Dwolla Business Pitch Deck Examples

As you can see above, Dwolla visualized their user personas for each use case.

These visual user personas allow audiences to put a “real” face to your user base. And if you have many ideal users (like Dwolla), it helps keep each group organized.

16. Kickfolio (App.io) pitch deck 

Kickfolio Tech Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise? $1M in seed funding.

Key takeaway : Go for huge graphs! The bigger, the better.

Be proud of your brand’s growth and metrics in your slide deck.

You worked hard to grow a company from nothing, and that’s a big achievement! So why would you want to make that growth hard to see?

However, I’ve seen a lot of people inadvertently hide their key metrics by using small graphs or charts.

Tech Startup Pitch Deck Example

The only solution to this problem is…get bigger with your graphs! And I mean huge, like the ones App.io deployed in the pitch deck above. Their graph is so large and imposing, every audience member could see it clearly.

Venngage’s  graph maker can help you do this for your own pitch decks too.

17. Yalochat pitch deck

Yalo Tech Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise? $15M in Series B funding, says TechCrunch.

Key takeaway : Use icons as illustrations to add instant context.

Icons have been making a comeback in the design world over the past few years. According to recent reports on graphic design trends , they’ll continue to be popular.

Simple Modern Tech Startup Pitch Deck Example

This presentation from Yalochat is one of the best examples of how to use illustrated icons correctly.

Each icon perfectly illustrates the point being made on each slide, giving instant context. They will definitely catch the eyes of any audience member.

Just remember to follow their lead and  use consistently designed icons !

18. Brex pitch deck

Brex Pitch Deck

How much did they raise? $1.5 billion to date.

Key takeaway : Include a single slide about your team and highlight what makes them truly exceptional.

Another important part of your story is the people who helped you build your company. These people are the lifeblood of your brand, and what helps it stand out from the competitors.

Corporate card startup Brex does this well by using team member photos, and including their titles and company affiliations to build credibility. You can download the Brex slides for free, thanks to Business Insider .

Let’s tale a look at a sample pitch deck that employs a similar philosophy.

Modern Business Presentation - Best Startup Pitch Deck Template

I’m guessing you already planned on adding something similar to your pitch deck. Again, I would recommend using only a single team slide like they did.

You can use a team photo if you want to talk about the whole team, or add an organizational chart instead. Alternatively, like Brex, you can highlight the most important individuals, like this business pitch example:

Creative Business Presentation - Best Startup Pitch Deck Template

Whatever you choose to do, don’t forget to talk about your team on a team slide, and highlight the people who make your company truly great.

Read More:  12+ Organizational Chart Examples and Templates

19. Purple Go pitch deck

Purple Go Tech Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise? Undisclosed.

Key takeaway : Use a contrasting hue to draw your audience’s attention to key information.

Color isn’t just about making your designs look good — it can also draw your audience’s attention to important information.

Minimalist Modern Tech Pitch Deck Example

For example, take a look at this simple pitch deck from Purple Go . They contrast deep purple with white to help certain sentences pop.

This is a simple way to make your slides have a lot of impact; pick colors that contrast boldly with each other.

20. Mint pitch deck

How much did they raise? $31M to date, according to Mint.

Key takeaway : Add visual cues, such as illustrations and icons, to help explain your brand to investors.

I’m guessing your pitch deck is already going to touch on how you stand out from the competition. But just listing a few things that set you apart may not be enough on your slide deck!

You may need to add some visual cues to help the audience out.

We decided to redesign Mint’s original deck for a contemporary take on this.

Mint Simple Creative Pitch Deck Template

In this minimalist pitch deck template, our designers used visuals to make the main company stand out even more. And best of all, it doesn’t distract from the minimalist theme.

This simple addition to your slides will help your information jump off the page, providing a rewarding visual break from related companies.

21. Park Evergreen (Plot) pitch deck

How much did they raise? $400k in seed funding.

Key takeaway : Give each metric its own slide.

Generally, slide decks are full of important metrics that you’re supposed to remember. But not all of those numbers are presented in a way that would make them easy to.

Some are hidden in long paragraphs, while others are smashed together with less important findings.

Modern Creative Tech Startup Pitch Deck Example

That’s why I’m a huge fan of how Park Evergreen (now called Plot ) included important numbers in this slide deck. As you can see below, each metric is given its own slide:

With this approach, the audience members place their full attention on that number. And they’ll be able to recall the information a lot quicker.

It may look overly simple to some, but the best pitch decks use this tactic a lot.

22. Hampton Creek (Eat Just) pitch deck

Black Minimalist Business Tech Pitch Deck Example

How much did they raise? $1.5M in Series A.

Key takeaway : Create a minimalist title slide to build anticipation for your presentation.

You probably know that presentations don’t always run as smoothly as planned. With long breaks and technical problems, the time between presentations can end up running rather long.

Translation: you might spend more time looking at the title slide than the actual presentation itself.

So if you really want to build some anticipation for your pitch, create a minimalist (some might even say, mysterious) title slide. As you can see, the team at Eat Just (once known as Hampton Creek) did just that.

Hampton Creek Tech Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

The lack of information makes spectators want to learn more about your brand, effortlessly engaging them.

The only negative is that no one is going to know the name of your company — yet.

23. Sickweather pitch deck

Sickweather Tech Startup - Best Pitch Deck Examples

How much did they raise? $2.6M to date, according to Crunchbase.

Key takeaway : Pull out the main metrics from your graphs and charts to make your slide a snap to understand.

Remember when I said: “Don’t make your audience do the math”?

Yeah. That’s because people hate doing math — so you never want to make investors try to calculate your data themselves. Especially when dealing with millions of dollars, tiny percent changes or other complicated numbers.

Out of all the tips in this article, this one might be the most important. Mainly because forgetting this idea all but guarantees your failure.

That’s why I recommend you “do the math” on every slide where you include a graph or chart — like how Sickweather did above.

By pulling out the main growth metrics from the graph, they made this slide a lot more consumable, and showed the audience exactly what they should pay attention to.

24. Dutchie pitch deck

How much did they raise? $35M in 2020, according to TechCrunch .

Key takeaway : Set the tone by putting your most impressive stat(s) in the introduction.

Dutchie, an all-in-one technology platform for eCommerce, POS and payments, wastes no time coming out the gates with one impressive insight: “10% of all legal cannabis in the world” is purchased through their product.

Now I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty tantalizing.

So it makes perfect sense they would pull it out from their market share figures and feature it in their introduction. By doing so, investors get an idea how successful and established Dutchie is right off the bat.

25. Studysmarter pitch deck

How much did they raise?  $15M according to TechCrunch .

Key takeaway : Illustrate your vision over several slides.

Rather than dedicate one slide to their vision for the company, digital learning company Studysmarter continuously brings up how their product will be understood in the future — as “the world’s central hub” for “lifelong” learning, becoming the “largest learning platform in Europe” by 2021.

While this visionary sentiment is not new to the pitch deck industry, it makes sense Studysmarter would want to focus much of their presentation slide deck on this idea: the idea of an unlimited target market and use cases.

Design wise, their illustrations are consistent, using visuals to illustrate their message and various target demographics.

These graphics build off the sleek, modern interface Studysmarter’s brand image invokes. It also illustrates what they want investors to envision for the future of the brand.

26. Clearbanc (Clearco) Pitch Deck

Clearco pitch deck example

How much did they raise? $70M in series A funding, according to TechCrunch.

Key takeaway : Use flow charts to communicate complicated processes.

As a company that offers startups “growth capital for the new economy” through non-dilutive revenue-share agreements, Clearco (previously known as Clearbanc) wins big by communicating how the process works in less than a slide’s time.

That’s right: the company uses a flowchart .

For complicated business processes that would normally take several slides of text to communicate, a flowchart is a smart way to visualize a process while saving space and keeping your audience engaged.

Particularly for a company like Clearco, this is key for getting investors up to speed. Then you can move on to the other facts and figures they’ll surely want to hear.

27. Foursquare Pitch Deck

Foursquare pitch deck example

Key takeaway : Show how the end-product looks in your presentation.

Okay look, I get it. This slide deck from 2009 is certainly behind on times when it comes to design tips in this current day and age…

BUT take it back to more than a decade ago, and you’ll see why Foursquare’s pitch deck won big with investors.

As one of the first businesses to employ gamification, the company lets this selling proposition shine by using an iPhone graphic to show how the app’s points and badges look to the end-user. These visuals communicate the appeal by showcasing exactly how consumers will interact with, and understand, the product.

In essence, it takes the guesswork out of their pitch.

So while the text-heavy aspect of this sample pitch deck isn’t exactly ideal, their use of visuals can teach us a lesson.

28. TalentBase pitch deck

How much did they raise?   $330K to date.

Key takeaway : Let the numbers do the talking.

Rather than take up a ton of slide space in this pitch deck example, TalentBase, an affordable payroll solution , focused their real estate on the real deal-closers: the numbers.

While this won’t work for every business, as you may need to add more slides to truly explain the environment your organization exists in and your processes, TalentBase uses their positioning to drive forward a captivating narrative.

And this narrative utilizes only numbers to connect the dots in the mind of potential investors about the value TalentBase offers, in terms of market capture.

29. Peloton pitch deck

Key takeaway : Discuss both the tangible and intangible benefits your product offers.

In 2018, back before the real pandemic hey-day of this tech unicorn, Peloton dazzled in a funding round and managed to capture in $550M funding.

Part of this can be attributed to Peloton’s emphasis on the benefits it brings customers.

Across multiple slides, the exercise equipment and media company highlights how customers’ lives are improved in various emotional and functional ways. Since this connection lays the groundwork for long-term B2C relationships, investors can immediately identify the value encompassed by this modern fitness tool.

Looking to try something similar? Check out the below Peloton sample pitch deck, reimagined by our Venngage design team.

Peleton sample pitch deck - Venngage

30. Ledgy pitch deck

Ledgy pitch deck example

How much did they raise? $ 10M in September 2021.

Key takeaway : Cut down on space with text and graphics that follow a clear logical narrative.

In just seven slides, the equity management and investor relations platform, Ledgy, was able to convince their audience that their product was worth investing in.

By putting their mission first, and following it up with engaging visuals, the company tells a story despite using minimal text.

Yoko Spirig, CEO and co-founder of Ledgy, echoed this sentiment in an interview : “Starting with the ‘why’ lets you build the business case for the product, and create a logical narrative that investors can follow.”

That’s why, design-wise, this is one of the cleanest pitch deck examples in the bunch. It’s one of the shortest too.

I also appreciate how their brand colors are used in conjunction with white to keep everything consistent (something that Venngage’s automated branding feature My Brand Kit can help you out with).

To summarize, some of my favorite pitch deck design tips include:

  • Adding icon headers to your most important insights
  • Use similar charts and graphs for easy comparisons across slides
  • For longer pitch decks, switch up the slide layouts
  • Pick a consistent theme for your presentation background images
  • Don’t just list your ideal users, create visual personas
  • Use a timeline to show how your company has grown
  • Always do the math for your audience

Now let’s take a look at what’s the difference between a pitch deck and a business plan.

A pitch deck and a business plan serve different purposes in the world of entrepreneurship, each playing a crucial role in showcasing and strategizing a business venture. The main distinction lies in their format, level of detail and intended audience.

Pitch decks typically consists of a series of carefully crafted slides, highlighting key aspects of the business such as the value proposition, target market, revenue model, competitive advantage and team expertise.

The goal is to pique interest, generate excitement and secure further engagement or funding opportunities. A pitch deck emphasizes storytelling, persuasive visuals, and concise messaging to create an impactful impression.

On the other hand, a business plan is a comprehensive and detailed document that provides an in-depth roadmap for the entire business venture. It outlines the company’s mission, vision, goals, market analysis, marketing strategies, operational details, financial projections and risk assessment.

A business plan serves as a strategic blueprint, guiding the entrepreneur and internal stakeholders in executing the business idea effectively. It tends to be more exhaustive, often spanning several pages or even chapters, and is typically presented in a written format.

What should a pitch deck contain?

A well-crafted pitch deck should contain key information that effectively communicates your business concept, value proposition, and growth potential. While the specific content may vary depending on your industry and target audience, here are the essential elements that a pitch deck should typically include:

  • Problem statement
  • Market opportunity
  • Business model
  • Competitive analysis
  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Team members
  • Financial projections
  • Milestones and timeline
  • Investment opportunity

Not a graphic designer? No sweat — creating your own pitch deck is a breeze using Venngage’s Presentation Maker . (We’ll go over the basics here; for a more in-depth look, check out this article .)

Step 1: Sign up on Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account. If you already have an account, log in to access the platform.

Step 2: Browse through our selection of professionally designed pitch deck templates and select one that suits your needs and preferences.

Step 3: Once you’ve selected a template, start customizing it to match your branding and content. Venngage’s drag-and-drop editor allows you to easily modify every aspect of the template, including colors, fonts, images and layout. Replace the placeholder text with your own content, such as your company information, product or service details, market analysis and financial projections.

Note: there are hundreds of templates available that you can design and share for free. If you want to access certain designs, take advantage of in-editor features like My Brand Kit/Team collaboration .

Step 4: Once you’re satisfied with your design, you can download it in various formats such as PDF or PNG. Alternatively, you can use also Venngage’s sharing options to present your pitch deck directly from the platform or share it with others via a generated link.

To leave a lasting impression on your audience, consider transforming your slides into an interactive presentation. Here are 15  interactive presentation ideas  to enhance interactivity and engagement.

Now that you know how to create the best pitch decks to communicate your ideas, present your startup or raise venture capital, take action and start designing your own pitch deck today!

And if you want to learn more, there are a ton of other presentation design resources you can take a look at next:

  • 20+ Business Pitch Deck Templates and Design Best Practices
  • 120+ Best Presentation Ideas, Design Tips & Examples
  • 15 Presentation Design Statistics to Know For 2019
  • 7 Tips for Designing a Persuasive Presentation [Presentation Design Guide + Templates]
  • 20+ Consulting Proposal Templates

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Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

You are a dogged entrepreneur about to seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: presenting your concept to prospective investors. You need the people to believe in your idea to get that funding.

Did you know that 75% of investor presentations bomb in their investment pitch ? Which means, you need the right Investor Presentation Template to be a part of the 25%. SlideTeam is here to help, providing you with the best means to capture your audience. With our Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates that will wow your backers, you will stand out.

Want a short, customizable investor pitch to get your idea funded anyway? Read out blog on investor pitch deck slides

Unleash Your Investor Pitch with SlideTeam's Investor Presentation Templates

Believe us; YOU WILL ROCK IT! Try our templates and increase your chances of getting the money you need. Are you ready? Here we go!

Template 1: Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series C Funding PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Renowned business author and industry expert Brian Tracy once said, " Investment in knowledge pays the best interest ." This sentiment holds true with this Series C funding comprehensive template that covers all the essential elements, starting with an agenda for the company's operational overview, highlighting key metrics such as store count and revenue split.

Present current business statistics, showcasing the market opportunity, and the problem your company solves. Highlight your unique selling points and the vision and values ​​that drive your organization forward. Showcase your achievements with detailed descriptions, and delve into your product categories and features. Convey your value proposition and attract potential investors for Series C funding today.

Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series C Funding


Template 2: Investor Presentation to Raise Private Equity Funds PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Want to grow your company by investing in private equity? This PPT Deck of 47 slides contains everything you need, including a detailed agenda, an in-depth company analysis, convincing figures, and a concise summary of the key issues and core values. Demonstrate why your business idea is the greatest investment opportunity, lay out your team's organizational structure, and emphasize your venture's competitive advantages. Get your message through with a download of this this impressive set of slides.

Investor Presentation to Raise Private Equity Funds

Template 3: Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series A Round PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Is your business prepared to take the next step by participating in a Series A round of funding? We've got you covered! 

This comprehensive deck includes various issues crucial to your success, with captivating backdrop graphics and pertinent material. It includes everything you need to make an impression for capital fundraising , including an agenda that sets the scene, information that grabs attention, pictures of your team in action, discussion of obstacles and triumphs, and an emphasis on your core values.

Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series A Round

Template 4: Multiplayer Gaming System Investor Presentation PPT Template

In the competitive gaming industry, a fascinating investor presentation is essential. This amazing template attracts gamers with a mission statement that encapsulates your brand and highlights the exponential audience growth.

You'll see your gaming platform's potential with data-driven presentations on product development, sales, distribution methods, and revenue. Introduce your leadership team to platform performance metrics using this template. SWOT analysis features may reveal the gaming industry's landscape and top companies' advantages. Ready to jump in? Elevate your investor presentation and dominate the gaming industry!

Multiplayer Gaming System Investor Presentation

Template 5: Sustainable Farming Investor Presentation PPT Template

Do you belong to the agriculture segment and require a presentation to attract capital? This deck simplifies your company's value proposition, enticing investors. It highlights your farm goods, services, plant health monitoring, and preventive measures that can attract investors.

This strong template includes investment prospects, a worldwide capital market platform, a successful company strategy, attractive financial highlights, and a competitive evaluation of industry leaders. Finally, it discusses significant players, the acclaimed board of directors, and future agricultural company stakeholder management efforts. Get this powerful template to have better financing options!

Sustainable Farming Investor Presentation

Template 6: Bio-Processing Firm Investor Presentation Complete Deck

Augment your investor presentations! Use our pitch deck template! It informs investors with convincing data and highlights your firm's value proposition, massive potential market size, and lucrative business strategy.

Showcase industry leaders to compete. Show investors your company's chronology. Present confident financial predictions and capital requirements. Introduce your bio-processing firm's key clients, capable leaders, and renowned board members and advisors. Download the deck to begin your success journey.

Learn more about the same presentation templates Amazon uses to lure investors. Read blog Amazon investment templates .

Bioprocessing Firm Investor Presentation

Template 7: Supply Chain Logistics Investor Presentation Template

Chris Caplice, author and logistics expert, said, "Supply chains compete, not companies." Logistics efficiency can make or break a firm. And this is the presentation template you need to make it.

Show investors how your courier management solution addresses industry challenges using slides. Promote automated shipping tracking and customer services. It comprises logistics industry data, market forecasts, and a sound corporate strategy with significant revenue streams. Present your company's mission, values, target audience, premium services, significant clients, headquarters, and experience.

Supply Chain Logistics Investor Presentation

Template 8: Investor Presentation for Software Development PPT Template

Software development funding requires a good investor presentation. And this template emphasizes application pitch essentials.

Start with your company's history and product value propositions. Lists your app's main concerns. The deck analyzes your software and monetization strategies. This presentation identifies your ideal customer, analyzes the industry landscape, and shows major competitors' market share and application information. It shows your organization's overall fundraising and assets . Use this template to shine as software development success awaits!

Investor Presentation for Software Development

Template 9: B2B SaaS Investor Presentation PowerPoint Complete Deck

This PPT Template lets you explain your solution's concept, business approach, and the huge market potential. Showcase your talented and dedicated workforce and explain why investors should select your B2B SaaS above the competition.

Discover growth-guaranteed client acquisition tactics and show how you're different from the competition. Present your vision and product roadmap . Give your audience the best presentation with this deck and watch their enthusiasm increase.

B2B SaaS Investor Presentation

Template 10: Investor Presentation PowerPoint Template Bundles

A well-designed presentation influences 65% of investors' decisions. Don't take a chance on success.

You may communicate your vision with these 12 slides. This template is ideal for expert talks and gatherings. Explore the company overview, portfolio , investor-specific client composition dashboard, competitive analysis, and 2030 vision. Track profitability and growth with a dashboard and share your strategic objectives to generate confidence. Avoid mediocrity. Improve investor presentations to stand out and boost your pitching with this PPT Template.

Investor Presentation

Get Desired Investments with Us!

Level up your investor pitches with SlideTeam's Investor Presentation Templates . Unleash your creativity, captivate investors, and secure the funding you deserve. Get access to the ultimate toolkit for successful presentations. Revolutionize your pitch today!

You can also try out the beverages presentation template if you own a beverage business. Find out more by reading the blog.

FAQs on Investor Presentations

What is in an investor presentation.

Attracting investors and securing cash may be accomplished with the help of a well-crafted investor presentation. The company's history, goals, and values ​​are all staples of any such document. The presentation emphasizes the issue addressed, the company's USP, and its intended audience. Details on the market, its potential, the company's management, its finances, and its future forecasts are all included. The product or service, expansion plans, and early successes may all be highlighted in a presentation to potential investors.

How do you structure an investor presentation?

To convince investors to back your company, you must give them a well-organized presentation. Get them interested immediately by opening with a strong statement of your value offer. Then, please explain the issue your company is trying to tackle and how it differs from any other. The market study should be included, highlighting the current size, projected growth, and intended audience. Then, present your company plan, income sources, and financial forecasts. Draw attention to your team's expertise and distinguishing features.

How do you conclude an investor presentation?

It's important to make a strong impression on investors when you wrap up your presentation. Summarize your main arguments, stressing the possible ROI and reiterating your value offer. Focus on the market's potential and highlight any progress or accomplishments you've made to bolster your argument. Reaffirming your team's knowledge and competence is important to carry out the company strategy. Give investors a glimpse into your plans and explain what you want to do next, whether that's more conversation or asking for their financial backing. In closing, thank investors for their time and attention and give them a clear call to action.

What are the key highlights of a good investment pitch?

Following are the highlights of the investment pitch:

  • A concise description of the company's offering, including its value proposition and distinguishing features.
  • development potential and market opportunity are already apparent
  • Knowledgeable about and empathic with the intended audience
  • Good financial estimates and a well-defined revenue strategy.
  • Team with a proven track record of achievement, backed by years of expertise
  • in market distinctiveness and competitive advantage, were emphasized
  • Proven success with a combination of measurable objectives and user feedback
  • Excellent preparation, interesting delivery, and stimulating imagery.
  • Direct appeal to the interest of possible backers.

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  • Top 7 Brand Pitch Templates with Samples and Examples
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Investment Business Plan

It seems that you like this template, investment business plan presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Rewards come after a great investment, and this applies especially to companies. You’ll need to attract potential investors and other people to put their trust in your project. With this free presentation template, you can explain your business plan, your market research and everything you need to strike a new deal.

When trying to convince your audience of the viability of your plan and all the steps that are to be taken, first and foremost you need to convey a sense of formality: your project is serious, well-thought, professional. The design of our slides are suitable for this, with a minimalist and elegant look displaying a geometric approach. They include several pictures with buildings from different perspectives: your plan is solid from all points of view. The palette is as sober as it gets, since it’s focused on dark gray and white, so there are no distractions whatsoever. As for the typography, just look at it. For titles, there’s a serif font with a firm look, and is very readable on screens. For body text, we’ve opted for a sans-serif typeface to better differentiate your content. Numeric data is essential and your investors will expect you to present that as clearly as possible, so you’ll have an easy time using the graphs, charts and other resources that we provide. Everything is customizable, which means you can create a captivating presentation totally adapted to your needs.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 30 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics and maps
  • Includes 1000+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Image of two working women collaborating on an idea and an example of an investor pitch deck

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Investor Pitch Deck Template

Captivate the interest of your potential investors and get the funding you need..

Pitch and plan with a single powerful tool. Save 50% on LivePlan today

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Why build a great pitch deck?

raised hand icon indicating engagement

It's engaging

Tell investors the story behind your business in an exciting way.

bulleted list icon indicating concise

It's concise

With a succinct overview of your business strategy, a pitch deck makes it easy for investors to understand and get on board.

smiling face icon indicating persuasiveness

It's persuasive

A well-crafted pitch deck proves the value of your business, enticing investors to ask for more.

trophy icon indicating memorable

It's memorable

An impressive pitch deck differentiates you from competitors.

Money-Back Guarantee

All 100% free. We're here to help you succeed in business, no strings attached.

Pitch for the funding you need

Watch this quick video to understand your funding options so you can write a pitch that meets expectations.

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2 great ways to build your investor pitch deck:

investor presentation template

Our free template

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Create and share your investor-ready plan, pitch, and financial forecasts with LivePlan.

What's included?

A Blank Template + Instructions
Automatic Pitch Export to PowerPoint
AI-Powered Writing Assistant
Automatic Forecast Builder
Expert Human Support
Educational Webinars

Investor Pitch Deck Template FAQ

What is a business or investor pitch?

A business or investor pitch is a brief presentation that provides an overview of your business and typically pulls in information from your business plan. It's your opportunity to convince investors that your business is worth their time and investment.

What is a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is a visual presentation used during meetings with potential investors. It should cover the key points of your business plan, the products and services you provide, high-level financial projections, and funding needs. Your pitch deck should work well on its own as a visual document, but it will primarily be used as a tool to tell the story of your business.

How do you write a business pitch?

To write a business pitch, start by summarizing the sections of your business plan. Identify and highlight your unique selling point, explain your market potential, and outline your business model. Make it compelling, clear, and concise.

Why choose this pitch deck template?

This pitch deck template was was crafted by seasoned planning experts with a combined 40 years of experience writing and reviewing business plans. Throughout this template, you find their expert tips and tricks, along with detailed instructions.

What is included in this pitch deck template?

This template includes definitions, guidance, and examples to complete your pitch deck. After downloading the template, you'll receive instructions for how to fill out each of the following sections:

Identity What does your company do or offer and to whom?

Problem worth solving What challenges does your company solve?

Our solution How does your company solve those challenges?

Target market Who makes up your target audience? Who are your ideal segments, personas, or customers?

Competitive landscape Who are your competitors? What makes them successful in your industry?

Sales channels How will you get your product/service to customers?

Marketing activities How will you get your product/service in front of potential customers?

Revenue What goods/services will drive revenue?

Expenses What items will cost you money?

Funding required Have what funding total you need front and center to clearly display what you are asking from investors.

Milestones What projects or tasks must be completed in order to reach your goals?

Team and roles Who is a critical part of your internal team (name/role)?

Partners and resources Who else is supporting your venture/business?

What are examples of an investor pitch deck?

Check out our investor pitch library. You’ll find dozens of examples of business pitches from all different industries.

What should I avoid when pitching?

When pitching, avoid being overly technical or using complex jargon, providing too much information, lacking clarity or focus, and failing to articulate the problem your business solves or its unique selling proposition. Additionally, if you’re asking for funding, be sure that you know how much you need and are able to describe how you will use it.

Is there a better way to write my pitch than with this template?

While our pitch deck template offers a solid foundation for your presentation, LivePlan takes it several steps further. Here's how:

Comprehensive Business Strategy : LivePlan prompts you to think through every aspect of your business strategy, ensuring no stone is left unturned. It guides you through the process, making sure your business plan and pitch deck are aligned and robust. AI-Powered Writing Assistant : Not sure how to phrase your ideas? LivePlan's AI-powered writing assistant helps you articulate your business concepts clearly and professionally. This ensures your pitch communicates your vision as effectively as possible. Advanced Forecasting Tool : Predicting the future isn't easy, but with LivePlan's forecasting tool, you get as close as you can. This feature lets you generate accurate and compelling forecasts, a crucial part of any pitch to investors. Automatic PowerPoint Export : Once you've crafted your pitch with LivePlan, it automatically converts your work into a sleek, professional PowerPoint presentation. This saves you time and ensures your presentation looks as good as it sounds.

So, while our pitch deck template can kickstart your presentation, using LivePlan brings your pitch to the next level, giving you a clearer, more confident path to presenting your business strategy.

Can someone write my pitch for me?

If you're struggling to write your pitch even when using a template, it’s possible that you may need to spend more time on your business plan. You can look into hiring a professional business plan writer. We even have a free resource to help you ask just the right questions to make sure you find the right plan writer.

�� Pro Tip:

Related Resources

investor presentation template

Write your pitch with confidence

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100+ Investor Pitch Deck Examples + Free Pitch Deck Template

 startup pitch deck examples

A well-crafted pitch deck provides highlights of your business and financial plans.

Below you’ll learn how to create a winning investor pitch deck so you can raise funding for your startup or growing company.

First, we’ll give you a brief overview of what a pitch deck is. Then we’ll walk through each section of your investor pitch deck so you know what to include and where. Next, we’ll show you the best startup pitch deck template that you can use to create your first pitch deck. Finally, we’ll show you over 100 startup pitch deck examples that have raised millions of dollars.

Looking for Help with Your Pitch Deck?

You’ve come to the right place! Since Growthink was founded in 1999, we have created thousands of successful pitch decks for our clients including startups, small business owners, nonprofit organizations and mid to large-sized companies. 

A great pitch deck is often the difference between success and failure in raising the money you need. Let our team expertly create a successful custom pitch deck for you.

 Expert Team of Pitch Deck Developers

 Quality Graphic Designers

 Fully Customized Investor Pitch Decks

 Tailored to the Precise Needs of Investors

Get Started Now!

Call us at (800) 216-3710 or complete the form below and one of our pitch deck developers will reach out to you to schedule a time to speak about your pitch deck needs.

What is an Investor Pitch Deck?

  • 5 Keys to Creating a Winning Pitch Deck
  • How to Create Your Own Investor Pitch Deck

Free Pitch Deck Template

100+ pitch deck examples to inspire you.

A pitch deck is a concise presentation that gives investors a quick overview of your simple business plan template with the goal of getting them to fund you. Such presentations are typically given in person or via online video conference calls. Pitch decks are most often used when pitching to potential investors such as angel investors and venture capital funding.

The terms pitch deck, investor pitch deck and business plan presentation are used synonymously.

Keys to an Effective Pitch Deck

Your pitch deck boils down to the essential elements of your business plan. While your plan is often 15 to 25 pages, your pitch deck will most likely only contain 11 slides that you must be able to deliver in 20 minutes. As a result, being concise is key.

In addition to being brief and concise, a successful pitch deck will:

  • Rely on visuals . Investors don’t want to read slides full of text. Rather, the slides should have minimal amounts of text and include quality graphics. You want the investor to be captivated by the combination of your graphics and the words coming out of your mouth.
  • Include backup slides . Because you need to be able to quickly present your business, your pitch deck can’t answer every question investors might have. So, create backup slides answering the most common questions. Then, if asked those questions, you can quickly pull up a slide with a compelling answer.
  • Cover the key points . Your pitch deck must cover the 11 essential elements discussed below. Utilize bullet points to prevent yourself from using too many words.
  • Talk succinctly . Keep your presentation jargon-free and straightforward.
  • Avoid superlatives and exaggerated claims . If you use terms like “world class” or “market leaders” be sure to back them up with proof. If you can’t, don’t use them.

How To Create Your Own Investor Pitch Deck

Whether you are a new business owner or you’re trying to grow your business, creating a winning pitch deck is essential to secure funding and grow your business. Below, we detail what you should include on each of the 11 key slides in your pitch presentation:

In this slide, present your target customer’s major pain points. Try to summarize the problem in plain language so investors quickly grasp the problem particularly if they’re not a target customer.

For example, in the Problem slide for Uber, the company stated these problems: Poor communications (radio dispatch of cabs, hailing a cab done by hand, no GPS coordination between client/driver) and poor efficiencies (significant fareseeking or “dead time”).

2. Solution

Once you have sold the audience on the problem, it’s time to offer them the solution which is your business’ product or service.

So on this slide, explain how your company intends to solve the problem you highlighted.

Emphasize the scalability of your solution. Scalability refers to your company’s ability to grow with increased customer demand and is key to investors ultimately earning a high return on their investment (ROI). Also, discuss the timing of your solution, ideally pointing to the fact that now is the opportune time to launch or grow your company.

3. Product or Service Demo

In this slide you will explain your product(s) and/or service(s). If you have a working prototype of your solution, you would present it here. If a prototype is not relevant, do your best to convey your product to the investors. For example, offer screenshots or photos of your product/service being used by customers. Ideally you can also provide customer reviews, testimonials and feedback.

In this slide, you will support your claims about the size of the problem and your business’ scalability by describing the actual or predicted size of your target market.

Potential investors will be extremely interested in this part of your presentation. They want to know the market is large enough and that if you obtain significant market share, your company can grow big enough to give them a lucrative return on their investment.

So, describe the size of your market, key trends and show how big your business can become if it captures a significant market share. This slide will be highly data driven and is often scrutinized by investors so ensure your data is from credible verifiable sources and all your estimates are reliable.

Note that investors are always on the lookout for businesses that carry the potential to completely disrupt or change the industry in which it operates. If you are trying to disrupt an industry, mention that here.

5. Business Model

Here, you need to describe how your business generates revenues. For example, Airbnb works on a commission-based business model wherein the company earns a 10% commission on every transaction taking place through its app. YouTube carries an advertising-based business model since they earn the majority of their revenues through advertising on their platform. Similarly, you need to explain to the audience how your business will generate income.

6. Competition

On the Competition slide, you will detail your competitors — those companies or solutions that are currently solving the problems you stated above. Clearly illustrate what other alternatives to your business exist in the market.

The presence of competition is generally a good thing. If there are no competitors, investors often think a market opportunity or problem doesn’t exist.

Compare your business with your competitors and highlight your unique attributes. How does your company differentiate from the competition? How is your product and/or service unique? Describe what gives your business a competitive advantage.

7. Go To Market Strategy

The Go To Market strategy refers to how your business plans to bring its unique value proposition to its target customers.

On this slide, you will illustrate how you intend to acquire customers for your product and/or service. If some marketing initiatives are already underway then highlight those and their results. The aim of this slide of your pitch deck is to prove to investors you have the ability to take your solution to a mass audience and therefore grow your business exponentially.

The Team Slide should mention the people on your management team. List their qualifications and prior achievements to showcase how and why they are the best people to lead your venture.

Investors will be extremely interested to know who will be responsible for executing the business ideas laid out in the pitch deck. A lot of times an amazing business idea never sees the light of the day due to poor execution so it is essential to have the right people in the right positions to really succeed.

9. Traction

Traction refers to evidence or proof that customers want your company’s products and/or services.

As such, the Traction slide should show the periodic growth of your company based on applicable key metrics such as sales, website visitors, users, sign-ups, downloads, etc.

If your revenues are expanding with each passing month then include that graph in the slide. Include the key metrics that most easily prove your business’ success and growth.

10. Financial Projections

Here you will include a three to five-year projected income statement for your business. If you’re a startup, you will not have any historical data so make sure your projections are reasonable.

Your projections show investors the potential future scale of your business and whether it might give them the desired ROI.

Your financial projections show when you expect to break even and start earning profits. Likewise point out where fundraising is needed, which leads to your next slide.

11. Funds Being Raised

The last slide of your pitch deck should discuss the amount of money you need to achieve your goals. Instead of presenting a rigid number, you may want to include a range and show what you can achieve with different levels of funding.

Importantly, point out the core uses of the funding. Is the funding for staffing, for product development, for marketing, etc.? Detail where and how the investor’s funding will be used to grow your business.

Copy the following investor pitch deck template into your favorite slide presentation software such as Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint, and then answer the questions to create your pitch deck:

  • What problem(s) does your company solve?
  • How does your company solve the problem?

Product and/or Service Demo

  • How does your product or service work?
  • How big is your market?
  • What trends are shaping it?
  • How big could your company become?

Business Model

  • How do you generate revenues?


  • Who are your direct competitors?
  • What are your competitive advantages?

Go To Market Strategy

  • What marketing strategies will you employ to penetrate your market and acquire customers?
  • Who is on your management team?
  • What skillsets and experience do they have that bode well for your company’s success?
  • What customer milestones have you reached already?

Financial Projections

  • What do your three to five-year income statement projections show?
  • What are your sales and profit projections?

Funds Being Raised

  • How much funding do you need?
  • What are the core ways in which you will use the funding?

Below we have compiled over 100 of the best pitch deck examples including the result of their pitch and key highlights that make their slide deck great. Using the best pitch deck examples can be extremely helpful in creating your own pitch deck to successfully secure the funding you need for your own startup or growing business.

  • About : Airbnb is an online marketplace that connects people who want to rent out their homes or apartment with people who are looking for lodging in that location.
  • Results : Raised $600K in seed funding in 2009.
  • What Was Done Best : The Airbnb pitch deck concisely explained the problem and how big the company’s market size could be.
  • About : AdPushup vision is an ad revenue optimization tool that can automatically and continuously optimize your website’s ad layout for higher view-ability and number of clicks.
  • Results : Raised $632k in angel funding. They went on to raise an undisclosed Series A in 2016
  • What Was Done Best : This pitch deck example covers all required points and is cleanly formatted. They bolster their pitch with case studies and references.
  • About : Buffer helps users share social media content by scheduling online posts throughout the day. It integrates with Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social media platforms.
  • Results : Raised $400k in 2011 and then went on to raise $3.5M in 2014
  • About : BuzzFeed is a digital media company that leverages data and innovation to deliver news and entertainment to a global audience
  • Results : Raised $3.5m Series A in 2008
  • What Was Done Best : The Buffer pitch deck starts off strong with a CNN testimonial. They make a strong case for potential business through various models.
  • About : Social media platform
  • Results : Raised $104B
  • What Was Done Best : The Facebook pitch deck is backed up with lots of strong financial data.
  • About : Front App is a mobile application that manages and automate team emails and inboxes. Its application brings all of the people’s communication channels into one place so people can triage and assign messages, have internal conversations around them and even sync the work across other services.
  • Results : Raised $20M in 2016
  • About : GoCanvas offers a wide variety of mobile apps that gives individuals and business owners the ability to handle virtually anything that usually requires a form, manual or document, right on their iPhone and iPad, or Android device.
  • Results : Raised $9M
  • What Was Done Best : The deck includes strong testimonials from big, well-establish companies. It also includes excellent financials.
  • About : Taskly is a to-do management webapp powered by natural language processing and semantic analysis.
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly define the problem.
  • About : WeWork provides creative and dynamic co-working space.
  • Results : Raised $355M
  • What Was Done Best : The WeWork pitch deck uses visual charts to show huge projections and big plans.
  • About : Mint.com is a web-based personal financial management service.
  • What Was Done Best : The Mint pitch deck has a strong value proposition and shows great financials.

Four Square

  • About : FourSquare is a location technology platform responsible for the original check-in feature.
  • Results : Raised $155M, investors include Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures.
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly illustrate how the app and all of its features work through strong visuals and explanations.
  • About : Groupon is an e-commerce marketplace connecting subscribers with local merchants by offering activities, travel, goods and services, mostly at discounted prices.
  • Results : Raised $700k
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation is very visual so you know exactly what they are doing. They clearly show the problem and the solution.


  • About : BrandBoards offers an online platform for advertisers to buy live-event advertising services.
  • Results : Raised $750k
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation slides clearly show the problem, solution, milestones and the required investment in a concise format.

Sequoia Capital

  • About : A large venture capital firm
  • Results : This is Sequoia’s recommended pitch deck template
  • About : Pendo is a product cloud creator for digital products and data-driven product teams.
  • About : Kibin is an online proofreading & editing service.
  • Results : Raised $400k
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly show the problem and the solution.

App Virality

  • About : AppVirality is a ‘Plug and Play Growth Hacking Toolkit For Mobile Apps’ that helps app developers in identifying and implementing the right growth techniques, without any coding.
  • Results : Raised a half a million dollars

Standard Treasury

  • About : Standard Treasury offers standard APIs that facilitate businesses in transfers and other transactions with banks.
  • Results : Raised $10M
  • What Was Done Best : The slides presented outline all potential scenarios in an easy-to-digest format.
  • About : A cloud-based dairy herd & farm business management software – allowing producers across the world to become the very best.
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation focuses largely on the market size, which is huge and thus, a big plus.
  • About : Tinder is a dating app that anonymously finds people nearby that like each other and connects them if they are both interested.
  • Results : Tinder has raised $50M in three separate rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : The Tinder pitch deck explains the pain points and problem in a very clear and easily understandable way. They also use lots of visuals, which helps illustrate their product offering.
  • About : Coinbase is a secure platform that makes it easy to exchange digital currency, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.
  • Results : Raised over $547.3 million over 9 funding rounds
  • What Was Done Best : The slide deck presents a strong argument for what is wrong with other solutions, while showcasing why it was the right solution to the problem.
  • About : Uber operates a ride-sharing mobile application that connects drivers with people who need a ride. Its application enables users to arrange and schedule transportation and/or logistics services with third-party providers.
  • Results : Raised $22B total in 18 rounds. Early investors included First Round, Benchmark, and Menlo Ventures.
  • What Was Done Best : The Uber pitch deck shows how their idea can improve the convenience of the consumer and the potential outcome scenarios for the investor.
  • About : YouTube is a video sharing website that enables users to upload, view and share videos.
  • Results : Raised $3.5 million in Series A funding in 2005, followed by $8 million in 2006.
  • About : An online property listing platform that helps you find a home and/or a roommate.; and gives visibility to local businesses.
  • What Was Done Best : Clear communication and personalization.
  • About : Subscrea is a turnkey platform for subscription-based businesses.
  • What Was Done Best : This slide deck does a good job of showing the problem and their proposed solution.
  • About : Castle manages rental homes for landlords using automation and on-demand labor.
  • Results : Raised $270k
  • What Was Done Best : Castle’s pitch deck includes a value proposition that is strong and clear. They utilize humor to engage the audience.
  • About : Vidcaster provides an out-of-the-box solution for implementing and managing video experiences.
  • Results : Raised $2.5M
  • What Was Done Best : They share a compelling case study and strongly illustrate how their product works.
  • About : MoPix is creating the “post DVD” experience by enabling anyone with film or video content to brand, sell and distribute it in a social-enriched digital marketplace.
  • Results : Raised a total of $68K in funding over 2 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly state the problem and then demo how their product is the ideal solution. They also show several additional sources of revenue.
  • About : Feast teaches people how to cook through it’s stress-free lessons.
  • About : Instamojo lets you sell your digital creations directly to your customers by just sharing a link.
  • Results : Raised $8.4 Million
  • About : Alfred is an American technology company that connects consumers with on-demand and local services to complete errands and tasks.
  • Results : Raised $10.5M
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation is short and simply shows their growth.


  • About : Love With Food is a marketing and market research platform for CPG food brands.
  • Results : Raised $2.1M in five rounds
  • What Was Done Best : They show exactly what their product is, the sales process, their website and what the customer receives.
  • About : Sverve is a social media influencer marketing platform.
  • What Was Done Best : Clearly communicates what the company does and visually shows milestones.
  • About : Waypoint was a mobile application that enables individuals to search, book, and pay for boating slips online. The application utilized a technology platform that allows boaters to book empty slips in real time, gain access to books and electronics, and rent out their space to other boaters.
  • What Was Done Best : This pitch deck example has an excellent flow.
  • About : Flowtab is a mobile app that offers bars, nightclubs, and hospitality venues with mobile drink ordering and payment services.
  • What Was Done Best : Concise information with a simple, minimal design.
  • About : Manpacks was a quarterly subscription service offering men’s underwear, socks, toiletries and other basic needs.
  • Results : Raised $500k
  • What Was Done Best : They engage their audience with the use of fun and humor in their presentation.

Zen Payroll

  • About : Zen Payroll (now Gusto) provides a cloud-based payroll, benefits, and human resource management software for businesses
  • Results : Raised $6M
  • What Was Done Best : Clearly shows the pain point and how their business solves the issue.


  • About : SteadyBudget is budget management software that helps PPC analysts manage various budgets across different channels.
  • What Was Done Best : They use strong traction to backup their product.
  • About : Polyflint is an online community and marketplace for 3D designers to find inspiration, showcase works and get feedback.
  • About : Quora is a Q&A platform with a mission to share and grow the world’s knowledge.
  • Results : Quora has raised a total of $226M in funding over 4 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Apr 21, 2017 from a Series D round.
  • About : Binpress helps developers build a profitable business from working on open-source projects.
  • Results : Raised $1M
  • What Was Done Best : They engage their audience with a presentation that is almost entirely visual.


  • About : Wealthsimple is an online investment management service focused on millennials.
  • Results : Raised $2M
  • What Was Done Best : The deck is concise and shows how they can transform an industry.


  • About : Sickweather is an app that analyzes data to predict and forecast population health.
  • Results : Raised $2.6M
  • What Was Done Best : They provide a list of well-known clients and include a stimulating video. They are also able to show impressive month to month growth.
  • About : Swipes Workspace is a digital place for product teams to plan projects, work on goals, exchange notes and talk together. Swipes personal is an app that helps people collect, organize and take action on their important tasks.
  • Results : Raised $270k in 2013.
  • What Was Done Best : A very concise presentation, consisting of only 11 slides with a very good pitch deck design.
  • About : LinkedIn is a professional networking company. In addition to networking, it is also used for employers posting jobs and job seekers posting their CVs and marketing.
  • Results : Raised $10M total 2004.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck relies heavily on financials. They show proven financial success and market potential.
  • About : An online platform that enables its users to create viral “Launching Soon” pages with built in sharing tools and analytics.
  • Results : Raised $800k.
  • What Was Done Best : They show historical customer results in a very visual and engaging format.
  • About : GazeMetrix empowers brands with insight into when and where their brand was photographed across social media in real-time.
  • Results : Raised $100k.
  • About : Vettery is an online, data-driven jobs marketplace that connects top talent with growing companies.
  • Results : Raised $9M in 2016
  • About : Intercom is an American software company that produces a messaging platform which allows businesses to communicate with prospective and existing customers within their app, on their website, through social media, or via email.
  • Results : Raised $600k total 2012.
  • What Was Done Best : The Intercom pitch deck concisely outlines their service and the current competitive landscape.
  • About : Square, Inc. is a financial services, merchant services aggregator, and mobile payment company.
  • Results : Raised $150M
  • What Was Done Best : They included a lot of tables, charts and matrices.
  • About : Idwall develops software to help small and medium-sized businesses in the customer credentialing process. It is focused on providing businesses with document validation, background check, and identity verification solutions and services.
  • Results : Raised $13.8M
  • What Was Done Best : Show strong, but tangible growth
  • About : Pinmypet allows users to track the location and physical activities of their pets.
  • Results : Raised $2.5M.
  • What Was Done Best : Modern and fun presentation with lots of visuals, including screenshots of the app itself.
  • About : TouristEye is a mobile application that enables users to collect destinations and activities to plan their trips and weekend getaways.
  • Results : Raised $1M.
  • What Was Done Best : They have a convincing argument by showing the market potential.
  • About : Waygo is a translation app.
  • Results : Raised an undisclosed round from Golden Gate Ventures in October 2015
  • About : Owlr is a compute software tech company that offers a free mobile viewing app that provides easy-to-manage Motion Alerts, safe and secure Alert Video Storage.
  • Results : Raised £240K
  • What Was Done Best : The deck shows strong proof of concept through customer testimonials and case studies.
  • About : Lastbite was a platform which connects cafe owners with unsold perishable goods with hungry locals looking for a cheap bite to eat.
  • What Was Done Best : Information is presented in a clean, bright design.
  • About : Yaydoo is a procurement automation platform that allows companies to streamline their purchasing process.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck is short and sweet and shows strong historical financials and showcases their clientbook.
  • About : Mixpanel is a business analytics service company that tracks user interactions with web and mobile applications and provides tools for targeted communication with them.
  • Results : Raised $65M and obtained a $865M Valuation.
  • What Was Done Best : They show a substantial amount of KPIs and clearly communicate the current problem they are solving.
  • About : Usetrace develops test automation solutions for web applications.
  • Results : Raised $287k
  • What Was Done Best : They use comedy throughout to bring freshness to their presentation


  • About : Backstartup is an all-in-one platform that allows startups and SMEs to manage their legal, accounting and payroll.
  • Results : Raised $905K over three rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck’s design is visually appealing and it effectively captures the details of the business.

Salusive Health

  • About : Salusive Health helps physicians improve patient outcomes by overcoming the traditional gaps in care between visits and provides a new passive revenue stream.
  • What Was Done Best : Presents essential numbers in a visually stimulating way.
  • About : Moz is a software as a service company based in Seattle that sells inbound marketing and marketing analytics software subscriptions.
  • Results : Raised $18M in 2012.
  • What Was Done Best : They provide excellent financial information. They also provide a strong history of the company, helping to personalize the company.

300 Milligrams

  • About : 300 Milligrams brings all your cloud documents, tasks and conversations from various cloud services together in one place.
  • What Was Done Best : They did a great job of showcasing their product through screenshots and an up-close look of their control panel.
  • About : Contently is a technology company that helps enterprise companies create results-driven content by providing them with smart technology, vetted creative talent, and proven expertise.
  • Results : Raised $19.3M over 7 rounds of funding.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck includes strong data points that showcase the market problem that exists and how they going to meet the customers’ needs.
  • About : Dwolla let’s users send, receive and request funds from other users.
  • Results : Raised $16.5M
  • What Was Done Best : The value proposition is crystal clear and they show examples of real clients


  • About : Blockchain platform for the global tax credit & incentive obligations between corporations & government agencies.
  • Results : Raised $125k
  • What Was Done Best : Strong, consistent design and brand identity.
  • About : Almabase help colleges and universities build a thriving alumni community.
  • Results : Raised $100k
  • What Was Done Best : By showing 1 million users in just 8 months, the deck is immediately interesting.
  • About : Slidebean is an online platform that designs and creates presentations on demand with user provided content.
  • Results : Raised $250k
  • What Was Done Best : They illustrate the problems through strong visuals and then show strong financial results.
  • About : Mapme is a mobile app for Android, iOS and BlackBerry that provides offline maps using OpenStreetMap data.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck is very concise and provides social proof to support their product.

Daily Hundred

  • About : The Daily Hundred is a web app allowing businesses to reward customers by encouraging micro-level brand advocacy and product endorsements.
  • What Was Done Best : Great design with good visuals of their history and growth. They also make good use of testimonials.
  • About : Shopify is a cloud-based, multi-channel commerce platform designed for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Results : Raised $122.3M
  • What Was Done Best : They know their market well and communicate this.
  • About : Etherparty is about simple tools for the next generation of Blockchain-connected economies powered by Smart Contract automation.
  • Results : They crowdfunded $34 million of their $65 million goal by selling FUEL tokens through a process called an initial coin offering (ICO).
  • What Was Done Best : Amazing visuals and excellent narrative about the problem and their solution.
  • About : Voxeet enables WebRTC with crystal clear 3D surround-sound, audio and video experience and is particularly optimized for a mobile user
  • Results : Raised $3M
  • What Was Done Best : Amazing video that immediately captures your attention.
  • About : Home61 is an online real estate company that helps find rentals and homes for sale in the Greater Miami Area.
  • Results : Raised $5.1M
  • What Was Done Best : Showcases their investor history and their depth of knowledge in the market.
  • About : Crew is an app that lets individuals find freelance graphic designers, illustrators and software developers.
  • Results : Raised $2M in 2012
  • What Was Done Best : They show the current market size, which is very large. They show proven financial success and show a specific client case study.
  • About : Reflect is a mental health startup reimagining in-person therapy to be more accessible and effective by using data-driven matching to increase engagement and outcomes.
  • Results : Pre-seed round with 500 Startups; amount unknown.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck has minimal, yet effective information. They used data and facts to drive their pitch.
  • About : Kickfolio provides a marketing tool that allows users to run mobile operating applications directly inside the browsers
  • Results : Raised $1.06M
  • What Was Done Best : Concise, excellently designed presentation.
  • About : Melodics is an educational service for learning how to finger drum, using adaptive learning and other data-driven approaches.
  • What Was Done Best : They use relatable examples and celebrities to get their points across.
  • About : Fittr is a platform that designs custom workouts tailored to equipment, access, time management, and goals.
  • What Was Done Best : Nice investment goals and illustration of what they will do with funds raised.
  • About : Purple Go provides in-store mobile technology to enable traditional retailers to modernize, connect online, and compete in verticals like eyewear.
  • Results : Raised an undisclosed amount in 2018
  • What Was Done Best : Strong, consistent branding.

Finova Financial

  • About : Finova Financial offers fast, affordable online loans based on the equity in your car.
  • Results : Raised $155M
  • What Was Done Best : Builds brand credibility by showing media coverage.
  • About : Rock Health is a seed fund investing in digital health startups.
  • About : Lexyom is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to provide users with smart, automated legal services.
  • Results : Lexyom has raised a total of €50K in funding over 3 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : Very informative presentation in just nine slides.
  • About : MatterMark is a data analytics company that helps companies research, prospect, track, qualify and benchmark signals of growth and news coverage for more than 1,000,000 private and public technology companies.
  • Results : Raised $6.5 million in Series A funding.
  • What Was Done Best: The MatterMark pitch deck provides several visuals that help demonstrate their need for funding.

Copper Cow Coffee

  • About : Copper Cow Coffee brings specialty Vietnamese coffee with 100% biodegradable pour over technology.
  • Results : Raised $3M in five rounds
  • What Was Done Best : Very short and succinct
  • About : EventXtra is a One Stop Event Management Software Company (Event SaaS).
  • Results : Raised $1.7M
  • What Was Done Best : Short and succinct, but impactful
  • About : Harmonica is a mobile dating application for conservative cultures, like Egypt. It helps users find the right life partner in a safe environment, by using a scientific approach.
  • Results : Harmonica has raised a total of $180K in funding over 2 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : Clearly shows their solution and how their are different.
  • About : Lexop has developed a Certified Email solution that allows legal and real estate professionals to deliver notices via email instead of paper, using real-time tracking and instant legal proof-of-delivery.
  • Results : Lexop has raised a total of $2.3M in funding over 3 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : It captures all of the essential information and shows a strong managing team and advisors, which offers authority.
  • About : BabyList is a baby registry that helps new moms discover, share and buy the things they need for their baby.
  • Results : Raised $650k
  • About : Kompyte is a competitor tracking software that enables businesses to collect, analyze, and act on competitive changes in their market.
  • Results : Raised $4.1M
  • What Was Done Best : Excellent illustration of how the product worked.
  • About : Pop Survey is an easy to use SaaS survey and questionnaire site.
  • What Was Done Best : True to their name, this presentation really pops.
  • About : Crema is a online retailer of specialty coffees.
  • Results : Raised $325k
  • What Was Done Best : Cohesive deck with strong design elements.
  • About : Podozi is an online e-commerce platform based in Nigeria.
  • Results : Raised $120k
  • What Was Done Best : They showed the working partnership with large brands that this platform already has.
  • About : Yalochat is an AI platform that manages and improves relationships with your clients over whatsapp.
  • Results : Raised $8M
  • What Was Done Best : They paired data with visuals to make a strong, engaging presentation.
  • About : Biogrify offers brands the opportunity to record and share their story, which will be displayed through compelling social infographics, or what we call creative communication.
  • What Was Done Best : Lots of captivating visuals.
  • About : ChangeJar designs mobile payment solutions.
  • What Was Done Best : Clear and very strong value proposition
  • About : Mwabu is an educational technology company focused on Africa that sells products to teachers, schools, parents, NGOs, donors and governments.
  • Results : Raised a significant, undisclosed Series B investment round
  • What Was Done Best : Lots of research presented in a crisp, digestible format.
  • About : Datatron provides a single model governance (management) platform for all of your ML, AI, and Data Science models in production.
  • Results : Raised $6.4M
  • What Was Done Best : Gives an excellent overview of how the company is going to be an industry game changer.
  • About : Cadee helps the golfer understand and improve their game by taking a photo of their scorecard and then digitizing their data and help them track their stats over time.
  • What Was Done Best : A visually-appealing pitch deck that captures your attention.
  • About : Volta is an elegant task manager for outbound phone calls.
  • About : Bidzuku is a free resource that helps car buyers avert the painful process of buying their next car.


  • About : Contentools develops a content marketing software for businesses that look for website traffic, leads and clients conversion.
  • Results : Raised to $300k
  • What Was Done Best : Concise deck that gets straight to the point- it presents the problem and how they are going to solve it. It also shows a convincing company growth strategy.
  • About : Codec provides Next-generation audience intelligence for brands to engage with target audiences.
  • Results : Raised to £4.7M
  • What Was Done Best : Strong visual deck with minimal text
  • About : Trym provides micro business insurance.
  • Results : Raised to $125k
  • What Was Done Best : They use an easy to understand, step-by-step process to showcase their complex product.
  • About : Chewse is a virtual meal manager for enterprise customers.
  • Results : Raised to $14.6M in 6 Rounds from 19 Investors.
  • What Was Done Best : A visually-appealing pitch deck with good data.
  • About : Orchard leverages smartphone warranty to help enterprises improve security in personal smartphones used for work.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck clearly presents the problem and solution, and then illustrates the potential opportunity.

We are Onyx

  • About : We Are Onyx Beauty Box is a women’s beauty subscription box that offers products for complete beauty regimen.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck shows a huge month over month growth and an enormous market potential.


  • About : BuildingLayer is a crowdsourcing platform that helps users create indoor maps of buildings.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck addresses the audience directly, making the deck very engaging.
  • About : iControl is a cloud-based application for construction management and collaboration.
  • Results : Raised $150k
  • What Was Done Best : The deck has a great example of the alternative to iControl, which is clearly less efficient.

Park Evergreen

  • About : Park Evergreen is a parking management software that runs entire parking facilities without relying on humans or hardware.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck relies heavily on their experienced team.
  • About : OpenDoor creates modern, collaborative living spaces targeted at urban creatives and millennials. Their homes are curated social environments that facilitate sharing, connections, and meaningful relationships.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck clearly illustrates the old, traditional way of doing things vs. the new, OpenDoor way of doing things.
  • About : StreamLoan is a SaaS/mobile collaboration and workflow platform, simplifying residential home purchases.
  • Results : Raised $2.1M
  • What Was Done Best : Excellent, comprehensive presentation

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

How to Find Angel Investors for Your Business

Investment Pitch Deck Template

Download our professional investor pitch deck template

CFI’s free investment pitch deck template can be used to create your own pitch for raising capital or present to investors to tell your story.

Investment Pitch Deck Template - Free Download

How To Structure Your Pitch Deck

Let’s look at how to structure the pitch from start to finish.  The whole deck should ideally be about 20-30 slides, and more importantly, take only 15 minutes to present. The bullet points below correspond to specific slides in the free template I provided above.

Introduce yourself and the big idea (slides 1-8)

  • What is your claim to fame?  It’s better to focus on just one/two really positive things, so stop there (everything else you list is dilutive).
  • What massive problem are you trying to solve? For who? Why now? What motivates you?
  • How are you unique? Why will your product or service resonate with people?
  • What are the key customer or financial metrics that indicate your business is really taking off?

Explain your secret sauce (slides 9-18)

  • Business Model – How does your business work?
  • Customers – Who are they? What do they have in common? Where do you find them? How much does it cost to acquire them? Why do customers keep coming back?
  • The Growth Plan – Why are you raising money? How will you grow the business? What are your products? Why are you better than the competition?

Offer the deal (slides 19-22)

  • Unit Economics – What is the profitability or contribution margin per customer or per unit?
  • Budget – What is your burn rate and what are you spending money on?
  • Cash Flow Forecast – What are your targets for the next few years?
  • What Investors Get – Describe what investors get from doing business with you
  • Use of Proceeds – What will you use the proceeds for? How will you invest the money?

Close (slide 23)

  • Leave your audience feeling inspired – refer back to your mission/vision or use a powerful customer quote. You want to leave investors with enough information to feel excited and intrigued, but still wanting more.

How To Connect With Your Audience

Here are some important themes to keep in mind when building and delivering your pitch:

  • Simple  – make it easy to follow with minimal jargon. Imagine you’re explaining the idea to a small child.
  • Clear  – ensure it follows a logical progression (generally starting with the big picture and then zooming in)
  • Intriguing  – give the audience enough information to get them interested but leaves them wanting more
  • Novel  – the last thing you want is the reader to say to themselves “I already know about this”, as that will cause them to disengage. Even if it’s not new, try to put a new spin on it.
  • Concrete – use facts and figures that build your argument in a solid way (irrefutable evidence)
  • Emotional  – use quotes from customers or employees that illustrate how your business is directly impacting people’s lives
  • Visual – most people are better at processing information visually so include as many infographics, charts, images, and visual content as you can. Consider using a graphic designer, as I have done with this template deck.

How to Generate the Financial Information

It’s important to have a financial model supporting the information in your pitch.  If you don’t have a solid operating model in place, be sure to check out resources on the  fundamentals of financial modeling  or how to build a  startup financial model .

The focus of your outputs in the presentation should be on things like unit economics, contribution margin, and customer metrics as opposed to income statement items like revenue or EBITDA.  If you’re an early-stage or startup business, you should focus on your budget and burn rate .  It’s more important to show you understand your cost structure than posting a big revenue forecast that everybody knows is made up.

Ultimately, a financial model is only as good as the assumptions that are used to build it, so be sure to clearly state all the drivers and assumptions in your model and how they change over time.

Additional Resources

Thank you for downloading CFI’s free pitch deck template. To keep learning and advancing your career these resources will be helpful:

  • Investment Banking Pitch Book
  • Investment Teaser
  • Confidential Infomation Memo (CIM)
  • Investment Banking Analyst Interview
  • See all valuation resources
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How to Write an Investment Proposal [Template + Examples]

Stephanie Trovato

Published: June 28, 2024

As a writer, I’m extremely familiar with the concept of proposals. We write these sorts of proposals to convert clients, persuade buyers, and grow our business in the short term. However, investment proposals are a bit different — these proposals are written with a unique purpose for a specific audience and with some high stakes attached.

Men agreeing on investment proposal

An investment proposal is the key to long-term business growth for many businesses, so it’s important to get it right.

→ Download Now: Free Business Plan Template

In this article, I’ll define investment proposals, compare them to the business proposal, and then break down the components. I’ll provide a template, look at investment proposal examples, and even hear some tips for writing from a professional.

Table of Contents

What is an Investment Proposal?

Investment proposal vs. business proposal, 10 components of an investment proposal, how to write an investment proposal [+template], investment proposal examples [+tips].

An investment proposal is a document outlining the plan for a business. You use it to attract or convert investors to fund your organization. It covers the strategy of your business, the market, and financial projections, making it an essential document for conversion — empowering them to invest.

Chart showing investment versus business proposal features

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Press release details, carlisle companies to announce second quarter 2024 results on july 24, 2024.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL) will release second quarter 2024 results on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, after the market close. A conference call to discuss these results has been scheduled for 5pm ET on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. The call can be accessed via webcast, along with related materials, at www.carlisle.com/investors/events-and-presentations and via telephone as follows:

Domestic toll free: 800-549-8228 International: 646-564-2877 Conference ID: 87244

Please dial in or access the webcast at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the call. An audio replay will be available on the Company’s website shortly after the completion of the call.

About Carlisle Companies Incorporated

Carlisle Companies Incorporated is a leading supplier of innovative building envelope products and solutions for more energy efficient buildings. Through its building products businesses – Carlisle Construction Materials (“CCM”) and Carlisle Weatherproofing Technologies (“CWT”) – and family of leading brands, Carlisle delivers innovative, labor reducing and environmentally responsible products and solutions to customers through the Carlisle Experience. Carlisle is committed to generating superior shareholder returns and maintaining a balanced capital deployment approach, including investments in our businesses, strategic acquisitions, share repurchases and continued dividend increases. Leveraging its culture of continuous improvement as embodied in the Carlisle Operating System (“COS”), Carlisle has committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

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Mehul Patel Vice President, Investor Relations Carlisle Companies Incorporated (310) 592 - 9668 [email protected]

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Costco wholesale corporation reports june sales results and announces quarterly cash dividend and plans for membership fee increase.

ISSAQUAH, Wash., July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Costco Wholesale Corporation (“Costco” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: COST) today reported net sales of $24.48 billion for the retail month of June, the five weeks ended July 7, 2024, an increase of 7.4 percent from $22.78 billion last year.

Net sales for the first 44 weeks were $210.55 billion, an increase of 6.9 percent from $196.93 billion last year.

Comparable sales were as follows:

 5 Weeks 44 Weeks
U.S.5.6% 4.4%
Canada5.2% 7.3%
Other International4.3% 8.5%
Total Company5.3% 5.4%
E-commerce18.4% 15.2%

Comparable sales excluding the impacts from changes in gasoline prices and foreign exchange were as follows:

 5 Weeks 44 Weeks
U.S.6.3% 4.8%
Canada8.4% 8.1%
Other International8.7% 8.1%
Total Company6.9% 5.6%
E-commerce19.1% 15.2%

Additional discussion of these results is available in a pre-recorded message. It can be accessed by visiting investor.costco.com (click on “Events & Presentations”). This message will be available through 4:00 p.m. (PT) on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

The Company also announced today that its Board of Directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend on Costco common stock of $1.16 per share. The quarterly dividend is payable August 9, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on July 26, 2024.

The Company also announced that, effective September 1, 2024, it will increase annual membership fees by $5 for U.S. and Canada Gold Star (individual), Business, and Business add-on members. With this increase, all U.S. and Canada Gold Star, Business and Business add-on members will pay an annual fee of $65. Also effective September 1, annual fees for Executive Memberships in the U.S. and Canada will increase from $120 to $130 (Primary membership of $65, plus the Executive upgrade of $65), and the maximum annual 2% Reward associated with the Executive Membership will increase from $1,000 to $1,250. The fee increases will impact around 52 million memberships, a little over half of which are Executive. Costco currently operates 882 warehouses, including 609 in the United States and Puerto Rico, 108 in Canada, 40 in Mexico, 33 in Japan, 29 in the United Kingdom, 18 in Korea, 15 in Australia, 14 in Taiwan, seven in China, four in Spain, two in France, and one each in Iceland, New Zealand and Sweden. Costco also operates e-commerce sites in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Mexico, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Australia.

Certain statements contained in this document and the pre-recorded message constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For these purposes, forward-looking statements are statements that address activities, events, conditions or developments that the Company expects or anticipates may occur in the future. In some cases forward-looking statements can be identified because they contain words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “likely,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” or similar expressions and the negatives of those terms. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events, results or performance to differ materially from those indicated by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, domestic and international economic conditions, including exchange rates, inflation or deflation, the effects of competition and regulation, uncertainties in the financial markets, consumer and small business spending patterns and debt levels, breaches of security or privacy of member or business information, conditions affecting the acquisition, development, ownership or use of real estate, capital spending, actions of vendors, rising costs associated with employees (generally including health-care costs and wages), energy and certain commodities, geopolitical conditions (including tariffs), the ability to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting, regulatory and other impacts related to climate change, public-health related factors, and other risks identified from time to time in the Company’s public statements and reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the Company does not undertake to update these statements, except as required by law. Comparable sales and comparable sales excluding impacts from changes in gasoline prices and foreign exchange are intended as supplemental information and are not a substitute for net sales presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Costco Wholesale Corporation
David Sherwood, 425/313-8239
Josh Dahmen, 425/313-8254
Andrew Yoon, 425/313-6305

COST-Sales COST-Comp

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How to Create a Pitch Deck for Investors [Templates + Design Tips]

How to Create a Pitch Deck for Investors [Templates + Design Tips]

Written by: Masooma Memon

investor presentation template

A pitch deck is a presentation that entrepreneurs and startups founders use to highlight their business, intrigue investors and potentially raise funding to grow their company.

Because it plays a useful role in telling effective visual stories, you can’t undermine the role a solid pitch deck plays in convincing investors.

But the question is: how do you create a pitch deck that actually wins investors?

Let’s answer that for you in this piece. We’ll look at:

  • What a pitch deck is and why you need one
  • What slides to include in your pitch deck and what documents to bundle it with
  • The secrets to creating a winning investor presentation including design tips to follow

Let’s jump in.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit investor pitch deck slides you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

investor presentation template

If you're ready to create your pitch deck, head over to our presentation software and put together a powerful investor deck in minutes. Use ready-to-go templates inspired from real-life startups, add your branding and more.

Table of Contents

What is a pitch deck, slides your pitch deck should include, important documents to include with your pitch, pitch deck best practices & design tips.

First, a quick recap: a pitch deck — aka an investor or startup pitch deck — is a presentation that you create to give investors a quick overview of your business and its growth potential.

Think of it as the vehicle that transports your business idea’s value proposition and potential from your mind to your audience’s minds.

The aim? To make it to the next meeting, secure funding, get someone to join your team or anything else depending on who you’re presenting to.

You can create a pitch deck using any presentation software. But if you want your pitch deck to stand out, you need to make sure it doesn't look like any other PowerPoint presentation.

investor presentation template

When Do You Need a Pitch Deck?

You need a pitch deck whenever you need to pitch your business to anyone.

This could be anyone from a venture capitalist to someone you think will make a great co-founder. It could also be the astute-looking panel of judges in a startup pitching competition.

Whoever you’re presenting to, you need a pitch deck to succinctly and powerfully convey your ideas and request.

Sure, you can also explain your idea verbally. But that’s an ineffective way of presenting your business idea considering you could either underdeliver or overdeliver the needed information.

A pitch deck lets you use visuals like images, graphics, screenshots and videos that help convey your message better and leave a lasting impact in the minds of your audience.

For example, you can share your financial projections and showcase your mobile app more effectively with a pitch deck presentation than verbally or without visual aids.

With that, let's look at what to include in an effective pitch deck.

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The key to a successful pitch deck is to make sure you cover your basics and include all the slides your investors want to see.

Typically, good pitch decks include anywhere around 10 slides. This isn’t a set-in-stone rule though, and you can go above or below this number depending on the slides you need.

Or, you can experiment with an infographic-style pitch deck — similar to Piccsy’s infographic pitch deck .

But, a general rule of thumb is to keep your presentation deck short.

The reason? When you're fighting for your audience’s attention, a 30-slide long presentation never helps. In contrast, a short and powerful presentation is always a winner.

That said, here’s a brief pitch deck outline of the important slides you need.

The title is the first slide that shows in your pitch deck. So, you can call it your impression-building slide that sets the scene for your business ideas.

investor presentation template

Pay attention to the visual elements (colors, fonts and any images) since they set the overall mood — more on this in a bit.

Also, it’s best to be minimal here. Meaning: your name and your business’s name are enough. You can also add a short and snappy tagline if you have one.

2. Introduction

The introduction slide is where you introduce yourself to build credibility. The shorter the intro, the better since you want to focus on the business idea, not yourself.

investor presentation template

You can also use this slide to communicate your unique selling point (USP) or value proposition, like in the example above. Or, describe what your business is and what it does quickly.

Up till now, the title and intro slides were a mere formality. The problem slide, however, is where you start building your story.

Use whatever visual cues you need to showcase your problem in the best possible way. You can start with a story that puts your investors in your customers' shoes, like in the example below:

investor presentation template

You’ll want to make sure you communicate your target buyer’s problem effectively. Fail here and it’s likely you won’t be able to convince your audience of your product’s need.

Also, you can always start your presentation with the problem and skip the introduction. There are no hard and fast rules — use whatever works to get investors’ attention and make your case.

4. Solution

Once you've presented the problem, it's time to follow up with a viable solution — your service or product.

You can introduce the solution in any number of ways — share your product MVP or a list of the features you offer; whatever makes a convincing case.

investor presentation template

If it makes sense, throw in another slide here that shares product features.

But, in your presentation, focus more on the benefits each feature offers instead of the feature itself. Approach this slide in a way that it relates to the problem stated and shows how your business idea can solve it instead of just promoting your product.

That said, it’s best you don’t present a laundry list of features. Keep them to the top 3-4 features of your product or service.

The human brain can only hold seven — give or take two — things in their working memory at a time.

So focusing on a handful of features is your best bet to ensure your audience doesn’t forget your business idea.

Put simply, remember: less is more.

You can also combine your problem and solution slides and present all the information in one slide — this can help your audience connect the dots and see how your solution fits into context.

investor presentation template

5. Market Size, Opportunity and Trends

Sure, there’s an itch that your product can scratch. But is it an itch worth scratching?

Put another way: is there a market for those interested in scratching the itch? Answer that in this slide.

You can show the market size with the help of numbers, or use data visualization like a pie chart or bar graph to make your point.

investor presentation template

Another way to go about this slide is to focus on the market trends and why it's the right time for your business to come into the picture. You can show this with the help of a timeline that visualizes the evolution of consumer behavior, for example.

investor presentation template

The point is, showcase the need for your product. But instead of plainly sharing your findings or numbers, use visual aids like graphs, bar charts, surveys and more to make your point.

Visuals present data in a visually appealing format, therefore, making it easy to understand and digest.

6. Product Comparison

If your product has competitors, you’ll want to pull up a product comparison slide to make a visually engaging case for how your product compares to others.

investor presentation template

This way, you won’t lose your audience’s attention while effectively positioning your product as the hero the market needs.

SaaS businesses find product comparison slides especially useful for comparing features and pricing. But you can also use product comparisons for other businesses, such as real estate.

7. Testimonials

Adding customer testimonials brings social proof to the table — a great way to impress your audience, increase trust and further build on the need for your product or service.

investor presentation template

Don’t have anyone saying nice words about your product (yet)? No problem.

You can still use this slide to feature complaining customer reviews on your competitors. Make sure the reviews you curate all point out to the same problem that your product will help solve.

If you already have more than one person involved in your company at this point, you’ll also need a slide that introduces your team.

investor presentation template

Your team slide can also show potential investors, or folks you’re convincing to join you and the brilliant minds who are working with you on your idea as advisors.

9. Traction

In this slide, show investors what you have achieved till now. If you already have a growing user base, you can visually show it with the help of a line graph.

investor presentation template

If you don't have any traction at this point, don't worry about this slide. Focus on highlighting your business idea and its potential as much as you can.

10. Financials

This slide features your business idea’s financial projections. You can present this in the form of a table, or use data visualization to make the information easier to digest.

investor presentation template

In this slide, include data on how you’ll charge people, how you concluded that’d pay the amount and how the plan will help you hit your financial milestones.

11. Sales & Marketing Strategy

Interested investors will also want to know the plan you have to reach the goals and financial projections you’ve highlighted — this is where your sales and marketing strategy comes in.

investor presentation template

To this end, use a flowchart, a graphic list of steps, timeline or any other visual to summarize your sales and marketing plan. You can also use bullets with icons to showcase key tactics.

12. Call-to-Action

Finally, you’ll need a slide that makes the ask.

investor presentation template

You don’t need anything fancy here. If you’ve told a compelling story, your audience will be happy to get in touch, splash out money or take whatever step you want them to.

Don’t forget to add your contact details to this slide.

With what to add to your presentation deck out of the way, let’s look at the documents you need with it to make a strong and compelling case:

1. Cover Letter

Your cover letter shares a 1-2-page long persuasive story that sets the stage for your business idea.

Think of it as an icebreaker that convinces investors or anyone else who is your target audience to view your business idea.

Here's a cover letter template you can use for your own investor pitch:

sales associate cover letter template

If you're looking for cover letter designs, head over to our template library and check out our full collection of cover letter templates to find one you like.

2. Elevator Pitch Statement

All of us know the always-wanted-but-much-dreaded one-page pitch that summarizes a business idea.

Essentially, an elevator statement shouldn’t read longer than 20-30 seconds — the time it takes to ride an elevator.

And, to ensure you win your audience’s attention, be sure to make this pitch memorable, to the point and interesting.

3. Business Plan

A business plan includes the A to Z of how you plan to put your business on its feet.

Meaning: you need a detailed marketing plan, sales strategy, competitors analysis, financial plan, risk analysis — just about anything you’ll do when you win funds.

Here's a business plan template you can use to get a head start:

A startup business plan template available in Visme.

Looking for more templates and design options? Check out our complete collection of business plan templates — fully designed and ready-to-go.

4. Financial Report

If the finances blueprint in your business plan isn’t in-depth enough, you’ll need a separate model.

The plan? Thoroughly explain how you’ll use the investment. And, how you plan to generate profits while factoring in market trends, customer pocket and economic drivers among other things.

Here's a financial report template you can use:

dark blue yellow and white annual report template for businesses with a modern theme, icons and a map

If you’re in a later stage of your startup, provide an up-to-date look at your metrics including an outline of how you’ve used up finances so far.

Providing a data-driven model like this shows you’re well-positioned to responsibly use investors’ money and drive profits.

The slides above are a must-have for a successful pitch deck. But to take your presentation to the next level, there are some best practices and design tips you should keep in mind.

Let's get into the meat and potatoes of how to create a pitch deck so that you have a winner at your hands:

1. Leverage storytelling techniques

Good stories stick.

They’re persuasive.

And, they tug at your audience’s emotions to encourage them to decide in your favor — yes, we make decisions mostly based on emotions with some logic backing it.

Try any of these storytelling formulas for your presentation:

The before-after-bridge formula.

Start with describing a world with a specific problem (before). Go on to share a world without the problem (after). Now, introduce your business idea (the bridge).

The PAS formula.

This stands for Problem, Agitate and Solution.

And it goes like this: describe a problem (read: your target buyer’s problem), develop the problem and offer a solution to it (your product or service).

TED talk presenter Nancy Duarte’s formula for great talks.

It involves zooming back and forth between what is (the status quo) and what could be (the future that could be). Then, pack in the climax with your business idea (the bliss).

Whichever storytelling framework you work with, make sure you structure your presentation well for a smooth flow.

Here's a video to help you learn more about presentation structures:

investor presentation template

2. Focus on Benefits, Not Features

The more you emphasize the benefits of your business idea, the more effective your pitch will be.

Back in 2007, Dropbox succeeded at raising $1.7 billion in funding . It also got backing from investors like JP Morgan.

And how did they do it? By focusing on the benefits of their idea. To this end, they talked about revolutionizing how people store and share data.

So you know what to do, right? Delve into the benefits; how your product will make its customers’ life easy.

3. Show, Don’t Tell

Whenever possible, give people reasons to invest in your idea by showing how it works.

Take a look at Tinder's pitch deck example :

Tinder earned $50 million + in funding in just three rounds with this deck.

How? By showing what their business idea will do.

They start with a relatable story. Then they ‘show’ the solution by featuring their app in their presentation.

You can steal this idea too. Use wireframes, a minimum viable product, even mockup screenshots — anything that helps people visualize the solution you’re offering.

And in case you’re wondering why this works, know that by showing, you’re tapping into your audience’s imagination to get them to say yes. This is the same reason why storytelling is so effective in persuading people .

4. Make Your Pitch Deck Look Professional

Using a DIY design tool like Visme can help with this even if your designing chops aren't all that polished. It will make your pitch deck look different from other presentations that look more or less the same when designed in PowerPoint.

investor presentation template

Business Software Pitch Deck

investor presentation template

Business Pitch Deck

investor presentation template

App Pitch Deck

investor presentation template

Retail Store Pitch Deck

investor presentation template

Product Pitch Deck

investor presentation template

Adventure Pitch Deck

Create your pitch deck View more templates

To top that, you can use presentation templates to save your time. Because, realistically speaking, you only need to customize the template to your needs. With our Dynamic Fields feature , you can automatically capture key information like personal and company information across your slides.

Even as you use an amazing tool to create your presentation, keep the following presentation design tips in mind:

Don’t clutter your slides.

We’ve already said this before: use as few slides as you can.

But while you’re at it, make sure each slide is minimally designed to leave a lasting impression.

investor presentation template

Because, here’s the thing: clutter fails to grasp your audience’s attention. And, the last thing you want is an investor scratching their head, trying to breathe sense into the mess that your slides are.

To create breathable, clutter-free slides: use only visuals that you need — no unnecessary icons or graphics.

Make sure every design element earns its keep by serving a purpose.

Use legible fonts.

Steer clear of a font that demands your audience to squint to read your message.

Instead, work with easily readable presentation fonts like Verdana, Georgia, Montserrat and more.

Presentation do's and don'ts for using fonts and colors.

Make sure the font size is no less than 24 points.

Lastly, stick with 2-3 fonts at most. More fonts will only create distractions and undermine your design’s cleanliness.

Work with good color contrasts.

It’s best to work on your business’s brand identity as early as you can.

The reason? It helps you leave a memorable impression on your audience.

If you’re in the very early stages of pitching your idea though, you might not be focused on it until you get investment rolling. In which case, we recommend you take the time to carefully choose colors for your presentation.

Presentation do's and don'ts for consistent design.

Essentially, colors leave a psychological impact on your viewers. For instance, red communicates passion. Blue inspires trust. Yellow stands for optimism and so on.

This means you can’t randomly play with any color for your presentation slides.

To increase your odds of leaving a lasting impression, study color psychology before finalizing your deck’s color scheme.

Also, make sure you work with a color contrast that’s legible. This ensures the deck is easy to understand.

5. Craft Compelling Pitch Deck Copy

With your design nailed, work on your copy.

The aim is simple: keep your copy simple, succinct and to the point.

A presentation deck is no place to be wordy. Instead, limit to 6-8 lines per slide — roughly 30 words per slide.

You can also try the 5 x 5 x 5 rule of writing presentation copy:

  • 5 lines of text per slide with
  • 5 words per line and placing only
  • 5 lines of text-heavy slides in a row

Or, you can experiment with the 2/4/8 rule that says:

  • Change to a new slide after every 2 minutes with
  • 4 bullet points per slide and no more than
  • 8 words per bullet point

No matter which method you choose to write your presentation copy, the core is the same: limit your text.

To do so, start with writing your copy without worrying about word count. Then go on to edit ruthlessly. Prune words that are too technical or contribute fluff.

Get rid of jargon too — use simple words instead so your audience doesn’t have to stress to keep up with your message.

Plus, avoid abbreviations and rewrite sentences to shorten them.

6. Practice Your Presentation Delivery

Lastly, it’s important you present with confidence. This is key to hitting your funding goals.

Make sure you practice everything — what you’ll say, how you’ll say it (your tone) and how you’ll time your speech and the slides.

You’ll also want to practice speaking at a steady pace. If you go too slow, you risk boring your audience.

On the flip side, going too fast, a common presentation mistake , often means you won’t be able to drive home your message.

And, as you practice: get rid of the ‘umms’ and ‘ahs.’ Keep your presentation delivery natural, even conversational. But never read off from your presentation — it’s a huge audience turn-off .

Not to mention, try to maintain eye contact (despite the fact that it can be overwhelming). Having a hard time doing that? Look at your crowd’s foreheads.

Create a Pitch Deck That Wins Over Investors

And that’s all folks. We’re hopeful you’re feeling confident about how to create a pitch deck.

Remember: it’s all about your target buyers and how your business can help them.

So, focus on the benefits and the problem your product will solve. Tell a relatable story around it. And finally, present it with confidence.

Don’t forget to create a visually convincing presentation deck. If you want a head start, sign up for Visme and start creating an attention-grabbing investor pitch deck now.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Masooma Memon is a pizza-loving freelance writer by day and a novel nerd by night. She crafts research-backed, actionable blog posts for SaaS and marketing brands who aim to employ quality content to educate and engage with their audience.

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