1. Counter Fraud Report 2023 to 2024

    gov report fraud

  2. FTC Announces New Fraud Reporting Platform for Consumers:

    gov report fraud

  3. Maryland Defense Contractor Convicted for Procurement Fraud after Nine-Day Trial

    gov report fraud

  4. Courter Fraud Awareness

    gov report fraud

  5. Report Fraud

    gov report fraud

  6. Reporting Fraud

    gov report fraud


  1. State Auditor Discusses Reported Mishandling Of $29 Million In COVID Relief Funds

  2. Money request from the FTC? That's a Scam!

  3. Watch out for common scams and fraud affecting Veterans

  4. Mexican man uses American woman for the Green Card

  5. Fake Kidnapping Fraud / Scam Calls in Pakistan : How to Avoid and Report Scammers

  6. Got Scammed? Here's How Can Help!