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Process Tracing Methods by Derek Beach LAST REVIEWED: 22 April 2020 LAST MODIFIED: 22 April 2020 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199743292-0227

Process tracing is an in-depth within-case study method used in the social sciences for tracing causal mechanisms and how they play out within an actual case. Process tracing can be used to build and test theories of processes that link causes and outcomes in a bounded population of causally similar cases, in combination with comparative methods, or, when used in a more pragmatic fashion, to gain a greater understanding of the causal dynamics that produced the outcome of a particular historical case. The strength of process tracing is that detailed knowledge is gained through the collection of within-case, mechanistic evidence about how causal processes work in real-world cases. Process tracing enables only within-case inferences to be made, making comparative methods necessary to enable inferences to causally similar cases. Comparisons make generalization possible because we can then claim that as a set of other cases are causally similar to the studied one, we should expect similar mechanisms to also be operative in these cases. Process tracing as a method can be broken down into three core components: theorization about causal mechanisms linking causes and outcomes, the development and analysis of the observable empirical manifestations of the operation of parts of theorized mechanisms, and the complementary use of comparative methods to enable generalizations of findings from single case studies to other causally similar cases.

To understand what process tracing is as a distinct case study method, it is important to have a good working knowledge of the underlying realist philosophical foundations of case-based methods. A wonderful and comprehensive introduction to different philosophical foundations of different social science methods can be found in Jackson 2016 . Good introductions to realist philosophy can be found in Maxwell 2012 and Sayer 2000 . It is also important to understand the core methodological debates about what case studies actually are. After the publication of Designing Social Inquiry ( King, et al. 1994 ), considerable debate has arisen about whether small-n methods, including case studies and small-n comparisons, constitute a distinct research approach or whether they can be subsumed under an overarching logic of studying variance. The “case-based” approach is articulated in Brady and Collier 2011 , George and Bennett 2005 , Goertz and Mahoney 2012 , Ragin 1987 , and Ragin 2000 , among others. This approach argues that small-n comparisons and within-case study methods, like process tracing, build on ontological and/or epistemological foundations different from “variance-based” approaches. The “variance-based” approach to case studies—including process tracing—is described in King, et al. 1994 and in Gerring 2017 . Here single cases are disaggregated into multiple “cases” in order to assess the difference that variance in values of a cause (or intervening variables) have for values on the outcome across units of the case.

Beach, Derek, and Rasmus Brun Pedersen. Causal Case Study Methods: Foundations and Guidelines for Comparing, Matching and Tracing . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019.

The book explores the foundational differences between case-based and variance-based approaches and develops a set of guidelines for using case-based comparative methods and process tracing.

Brady, Henry E., and David Collier, eds. Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards . 2d ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.

Influential edited volume that explores different aspects of case-based research, including differences with variance-based approaches, and discussions of what types of evidence within-case analyses can use.

George, Alexander L., and Andrew Bennett. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.

Influential book that developed core ideas about process tracing as a distinct research method, along with structured, focused comparisons and congruence case studies.

Gerring, John. Case Study Research . 2d ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Introduction to case study methods from a variance-based perspective.

Goertz, Gary, and James Mahoney. A Tale of Two Cultures: Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012.

A very useful introduction to the core elements of case-based methods taken as a whole. Less helpful regarding how to use process tracing in practice.

Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus. The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations: Philosophy of Science and Its Implications for the Study of World Politics . 2d ed. London: Routledge, 2016.

DOI: 10.4324/9781315731360

Influential book that explores the foundational philosophical assumptions underlying social science methodologies, including neopositivism, (critical) realism, pragmaticism and analyticism, and reflexive approaches.

Johnson, R. Burke, Federica Russo, and Judith Schoonenboom. “Causation in Mixed Methods Research: The Meeting of Philosophy, Science, and Practice.” Journal of Mixed Methods Research 13.2 (2019): 143–162.

Useful overview article that discusses different understandings of causation, including a mechanistic account that is distinguished from counterfactual and regularity accounts.

King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba. Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994.

DOI: 10.1515/9781400821211

Classic but controversial book that argues that cases should be disaggregated into multiple “cases” in order to investigate the difference that variance in the values of independent and intervening variables makes for the outcome.

Maxwell, Joseph A. A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2012.

Great introduction to realist philosophy that develops an interpretivist epistemological stance while at the same time arguing for process understandings of causation as well as causal complexity.

Ragin, Charles C. The Comparative Method: Moving beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.

Classic book that develops some of the foundations for case-based methods.

Ragin, Charles C. Fuzzy-Set Social Science . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Book that introduces more advanced comparative techniques (qualitative comparative analysis [QCA]) within case-based methods. QCA is a useful tool in combination with within-case studies using process tracing.

Sayer, Andrew. Realism and Social Science . London: SAGE, 2000.

DOI: 10.4135/9781446218730

Concise introduction to critical realism that develops the distinctions between the real-actual-empirical, and that discusses the nature of causal mechanisms.

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  • DOI: 10.1177/0010414006296346
  • Corpus ID: 144630717

Case Study Methods in the International Relations Subfield

  • Andrew Bennett , Colin Elman
  • Published 1 February 2007
  • Political Science
  • Comparative Political Studies

207 Citations

Framing processes and lobbying in eu foreign policy: case study and process-tracing methods, variation in inclusive membership across international organization - a comparative case study, the new comparative-historical method and its contributions to political science and public administration, the comparative method in practice: case selection and the social science of revolution, history, international relations, and integrated approaches: thinking about greater interdisciplinarity, relaciones internacionales y américa latina: avances y desafíos en la disciplina, the role of small states in the construction of the union of south american nations (unasur) : the cases of ecuador and uruguay, the advantages and limitations of single case study analysis, case study research: foundations and methodological orientations, 81 references, qualitative research: recent developments in case study methods, explanatory typologies in qualitative studies of international politics, progress in international relations theory : appraising the field, complex causal relations and case study methods: the example of path dependence, models, numbers, and cases: methods for studying international relations, fuzzy-set social science, two-level theories and fuzzy-set analysis, using case studies to expand economic models of civil war, a tale of two cultures: contrasting quantitative and qualitative research, insights and pitfalls: selection bias in qualitative research, related papers.

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Models, Numbers, and Cases

Methods for studying international relations.

A thorough guide to the complexities of international relations research, and an essential text for upper-level and graduate coursework

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Copyright © 2004, University of Michigan. All rights reserved.


Scholars and students of international relations must contend with increasingly sophisticated methods for studying world politics. Models, Numbers, and Cases is a comprehensive assessment of the three main approaches to international relations: case study, quantitative methods, and formal methods. Clearly written chapters explain the most important methodological and theoretical issues in the field, and demonstrate the practical application of these methods to international political economy, environmental policy, and security. Models, Numbers, and Cases is a concise and valuable guide to the challenging terrain of contemporary international relations study.

Detlef Sprinz is a Senior Fellow at the Department of Global Change and Social Systems of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and teaches on the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Potsdam, Germany.

Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias is Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair in the Department of Political Science at Northwestern University.

" Models, Numbers, and Cases provides a state-of-the-art overview of research methods in international relations for students and scholars alike. The authors collectively demonstrate that there is a unity in the logic of research and a complementarity in the use of methods in international relations. Sprinz and Wolinsky-Nahmias have organized outstanding essays from a group of distinguished scholars into an unusually coherent volume." -David A. Lake, University of California, San Diego


  1. Case Study Methods in International Relations - International ...

    Case studies are perhaps the most widely used research design in international relations (IR). Across the discipline’s subfields of security studies, international political economy, foreign policy analysis, and international political theory, case studies have become ubiquitous.

  2. Case Study Methods in the International Relations Subfield

    This article reviews the key role that case study methods have played in the study of international relations (IR) in the United States. Case studies in the IR subfield are not the unconnected, atheoretical, and idiographic studies that their critics decry.

  3. Case study research and critical IR: the case for the ...

    Discussions on case study methodology in International Relations (IR) have historically been dominated by positivist and neopositivist approaches. However, these are problematic for critical IR research, pointing to the need for a non-positivist case study methodology.

  4. Case Study Methods | The Oxford Handbook of International ...

    We focus on some key innovations in third‐generation qualitative methods over the last decade regarding withincase analysis, comparative case studies, case selection, concepts and measurement, counterfactual analysis, typological theorizing, and Fuzzy Set analysis.


    With reference to specific examples of diverse research practices in IR, this chapter will provide you with the broadest possible introduction to methodology in IR that will also include critical theory and normative theory. Chapter 2 introduces you to crafting research questions and research design.

  6. Process Tracing Methods - International Relations - Oxford ...

    Causal Case Study Methods: Foundations and Guidelines for Comparing, Matching and Tracing. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019. The book explores the foundational differences between case-based and variance-based approaches and develops a set of guidelines for using case-based comparative methods and process tracing.

  7. Case Study Methods in the International Relations Subfield

    This article reviews the key role that case study methods have played in the study of international relations (IR) in the United States. Case studies in the IR subfield are not the unconnected, atheoretical, and idiographic studies that their critics decry.

  8. Case Study Methods in International Political Economy - JSTOR

    Case studies have been used to develop and critique diverse theories ranging from dependency2 to international power3 to market liberalism4 to domestic structures5 to policy ideas6 to two-level games.7 Case studies have illuminated

  9. MODELS, NUMBERS, AND CASES - University of Michigan Press

    Part I. Case Study Methods. 2. Case Study Methods: Design, Use, and Comparative Advantages Andrew Bennett 19. 3. Case Study Methods in International Political Economy.

  10. Models, Numbers, and Cases | University of Michigan Press

    Scholars and students of international relations must contend with increasingly sophisticated methods for studying world politics. Models, Numbers, and Cases is a comprehensive assessment of the three main approaches to international relations: case study, quantitative methods, and formal methods.